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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-05-18 14:30:25  楼主  关注此帖
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-07 11:56:01  2楼
I propose.Those ranked last 3 for more then 2 times to be demote to unranked player. In this way, the lousy players will either need to buck up their standard or they refrain from joining national to become Santa Clause.
This is quite a good suggestion and it's new to singapore.
Given the number of B div competitions we have yearly. I reckon A division will be swarmed with lots of B div players in the years to come. It's important tht sixga do some quality control. Probably not bottom 2. Maybe bottom 5 in 2 consecutive years.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-07 14:34:25  3楼
I think i understand what 卷心菜 is saying
But having enough players and degrading players is a different issue. Moreover we have more than one B division open each year. This is a recent issue and would surely increase the number of participants in the next 5 years.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-08 14:02:43  4楼
Another Suggest:: Minimum Points SystemIn Group A competitions, B-graded players must attain a minimum of 2 pts and A-graded players must achieved 4 points out of a total match of 9 matches. So to said, players when decided to participate in the annual match will have to try his or her best to achieve the min. points to continue carrying his 'Grade'. If a B-graded player fails to gain 2pts in the last 2 years of participation, it will be wiser or more compatible for him to play in Group B games when chances are better and skills are more comparable. For A-graded players, failure to achieve the points will be demoted to Grade B. If next 2 years continue to achieve 2 pts, he will play in the Group B. This can perhaps keep the chess standard of Sg, making matches more competitive and title-holders more current. Just expressing my personal opinion. No offence to anyone or organisation!
yeah I reckon it's feasible
I think It doesn't really matter whether Sixga degrade players or not. What's most important is there are measures to control the quality of the games so it does not drop due to the increasing number of B division players (max 8 a year) in future national competitions.
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-17 14:22:27  5楼
This round Lu Guo Long anyhow play.Even Hong Quan Fa is a better player than him this round.
好像双方下的棋都有点疑问。张那步马2+4不好卢开局那步炮2平1不好被黑车1平2就反先了。。 应走炮8+5就优势了。如车3+1,炮8退2,车3平2,红可以兵7+1或炮8平6感觉黑左翼子里很呆容易受攻应该是红优势。后面有机会和棋的。估计卢太想赢张友彬了。
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-18 12:22:01  6楼
KO already. How could he miss that?
if black 车2退6,red 车4+6,你将5进1,黑马3+2你没那么容易KO你如再车2+4红可以炮6+1还没输呢。。想得真美呵呵
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-18 14:22:40  7楼
How about black continue this move?After black 车2退6,red 车4+6,你将5进1,黑马3+2你没那么容易KO你如再车2+4红可以炮6+1 炮5平2 continue can? My thinking line is if black 炮5平2 red 马2+1 black 车2平4, 车4退1 将5-1, 马1+3 士4+5, 车4平5 将5平4,马3-5 车4-4
还有多一个变化是可以考虑就是你车2+4他可能还有将4+1 instead of 炮6+1。但这棋比较复杂还很难讲

炮5平2 red 马2+1 black 车2平4, 车4退1 将5-1, 马1+3 士4+5,
车4平5 将5平4,马3-5 车4-4
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-18 16:49:04  8楼
Thanks for the pointers. I think no KO except for..some exciting endgame possibilities.
no problem。。2 brains is better than one。 感觉雄这盘应该输的。侯走漏了。
当黑车平中抓中兵。81着那步炮6平8不走可以考虑走车7平4。黑棋没攻势。红优 (将来有车2+2过中兵)如车5+3红可以对车。那也是红棋胜势的多子残局。
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-19 17:36:52  9楼
红总是有车九平八牵制的炮2进1则红仕五进六。黑2路车过不了左翼就难成有效攻势。 黑较好的走法是车7退1,这一路我下午时间不多没有细看,接走帅四退一,车7平8赶马,以下红如马二进三,炮2进2,车九平八,车8进1,帅四进一,车2进3,黑有一定攻势;如马二进一,车8退5,车九平八,车8平9,红破双仕且多兵较优,但要取胜有不少麻烦。 看来之前红马三进二就不如马三进四,可以减少这些麻烦。黑总要顾忌红车九平八的对杀。黑弃士对攻,自己很有顾忌,应该是不如实战的。
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-21 09:32:03  10楼
炮2+1?Base on red's reply black can consider 车7平8 chase red horse.
erm... I mean
黑炮2+1,红士5+6,黑车2平3,红(在这有几种但一个选择是可以考虑马2+1),黑车3+2,红士6退5,黑车7-1,红将4-1,黑车3平5(弃车砍士)。。。 但是自己也没摆出来看看心理计算感觉有这种骚扰。
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作者:xiaobeidou (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:321) 发表:2010-06-21 10:50:37  11楼
erm... I mean黑炮2+1,红士5+6,黑车2平3,红(在这有几种但一个选择是可以考虑马2+1),黑车3+2,红士6退5,黑车7-1,红将4-1,黑车3平5(弃车砍士)。。。 但是自己也没摆出来看看心理计算感觉有这种骚扰。
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