Another Suggest:: Minimum Points SystemIn Group A competitions, B-graded players must attain a minimum of 2 pts and A-graded players must achieved 4 points out of a total match of 9 matches. So to said, players when decided to participate in the annual match will have to try his or her best to achieve the min. points to continue carrying his 'Grade'.
If a B-graded player fails to gain 2pts in the last 2 years of participation, it will be wiser or more compatible for him to play in Group B games when chances are better and skills are more comparable. For A-graded players, failure to achieve the points will be demoted to Grade B. If next 2 years continue to achieve 2 pts, he will play in the Group B.
This can perhaps keep the chess standard of Sg, making matches more competitive and title-holders more current.
Just expressing my personal opinion. No offence to anyone or organisation!
yeah I reckon it's feasible
I think It doesn't really matter whether Sixga degrade players or not. What's most important is there are measures to control the quality of the games so it does not drop due to the increasing number of B division players (max 8 a year) in future national competitions.