Imagine there are 2 几度.
One everyday spar chess with Hong Quan Fa. The other one everyday spar chess with Wu Zong Han. At the end of one year. Which 几度 has done more brain exercise? Which 几度 had to play harder?
Which 几度 will eventually gain more chess knowledge?
If one wish to see an additional thousand miles of view, one will have to climb 1 level higher.
If one wish to become master, one ought to train with masters, not by playing a 9lost 'champ'.
Do you think just by playing football with Singapore S-league players will make you become as good as Ronaldo or Beckham?
中国的大师都到网络对局上找灵感, yes the masters only go online to find inspiration, not for training.
Which 几度 will eventually gain more chess knowledge?
If one wish to see an additional thousand miles of view, one will have to climb 1 level higher.
If one wish to become master, one ought to train with masters, not by playing a 9lost 'champ'.
Do you think just by playing football with Singapore S-league players will make you become as good as Ronaldo or Beckham?
中国的大师都到网络对局上找灵感, yes the masters only go online to find inspiration, not for training.