2011年 “精彩一百” 新加坡全国赛(A组第7到9轮,B组第8到10轮)
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作者:Einstein (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:56) 发表:2011-07-07 17:55:16  162楼 
谢谢大家的支持!谢谢朋友们的鼓励和支持! 谢谢一刀n断的现场支持! 谢谢火影兄的鼓励! 谢谢爱因斯坦的激将法! 谢谢每轮的对手们赛后复盘给我的指导! 太多的感谢!
Haha....Cabbage.....u good!
But you got me wrong, i did to spike you or anything. There is really nothing personal but sometimes i just dont like people to pretend to be humble or try to boast. I m just being straight.

In anyway, congratulation on your promotion and hope you will do well in future competitions. Actions are always louder than words! (As for me, i am just a minority who play normal chess for hobby so wont get to play you ^_^)
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