热烈庆祝悟入棋途十周年!(2003 - 2013)- 贵在坚持贵在坚持
-- 写在华新网悟入棋途论坛创版十周年之际
2003年3月10日,悟入棋途论坛在华新网内成功创版,为新加坡棋友讨论棋艺提供了绝佳的平台。创版之初,在卷心菜,一刀n断,张辽,香陵居士,将五进九,圣手狂龙等一批象棋网友的带动下,内容有声有色,讨论积极活跃,多名网友也曾自发组队冠名“华新队”或“悟入棋途队”参加了多次“曾士生杯”和“罗明士杯”象棋团体赛。在之后的岁月中,随着棋一生(已故新加坡象棋总会名誉会长王英再先生),棋儒,新加坡碧山,几度,圣手狂龙,魔刀转世,xiaobeidou,火影,ZJS,SG-Reporter,棋谱痴等许许多多本地著名棋手的加入,悟入棋途论坛得到了空前的发展和壮大 (more...)
Cabbage has Vitamin 3P
It takes 3P (Patience, Passion and Persistent) to organise such events annually without fail. Like the character of a good chess player such as GM Xu Yin Chuan, such attributes are crucial for a competition to succeed. In this aspect, you have made it!
I am hoping more Singaporeans (really appreciate Cabbage who is not a local born) can come forward to contribute to the Singapore Chess Arena, and also appreciate the people around who are doing it right now.
Chinese chess is a healthy game and train one's mind in strategic planning for one career and day-to-day affairs. When old, it is also good past time for older folks to battle over the table of game (better than gambling, ain't it?). From these few plus points, it is self-explanatory why Chinese Chess can't be one's life hobby!? ^_^
I am hoping more Singaporeans (really appreciate Cabbage who is not a local born) can come forward to contribute to the Singapore Chess Arena, and also appreciate the people around who are doing it right now.
Chinese chess is a healthy game and train one's mind in strategic planning for one career and day-to-day affairs. When old, it is also good past time for older folks to battle over the table of game (better than gambling, ain't it?). From these few plus points, it is self-explanatory why Chinese Chess can't be one's life hobby!? ^_^