Sales Position at MNC Media Company available - OET: S$100KTerrapinn是国际领先的Business Media品牌,是目前Conference business里面最有人性化的公司。
Sponsorship Manager是个很challenging的工作,目前本公司的Life Science部门正在招人(需要有在life science industry的工作经验,academic research 经验也可以。最好有sales的experience, 没有sales经验但是个性开朗,英语流利,能跟各国CEO,senior management level人士打交道不怕的,也欢迎申请。
薪酬优厚,sales target 1 million a year, 很多sales manager一年10万年薪很平常,当然看个人表现,也有卖不出去两个月走人的。所以是个比较stressful,performance based的工作。底薪2500-6000看经历。
喜欢跟人打交道,不怕被人拒绝,喜欢挑战,work long hours (sometimes have to stay up midnight to call US)
Daring and Resourcful, 有团队精神,有热情,responsible, cusomter oriented
Very good english/Mandarin/third language speaking, able to make friends and socialize with cusomters from across the world easily
如果你有兴趣,如果你觉得自己适合, (more...)
wat does OET stands for ah?
i guess is the annual package lor... but dunno wat the full name...