Sales Position at MNC Media Company available - OET: S$100K
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-01 16:47:05  楼主  关注此帖评分:
Sales Position at MNC Media Company available - OET: S$100K
Terrapinn是国际领先的Business Media品牌,是目前Conference business里面最有人性化的公司。

Sponsorship Manager是个很challenging的工作,目前本公司的Life Science部门正在招人(需要有在life science industry的工作经验,academic research 经验也可以。最好有sales的experience, 没有sales经验但是个性开朗,英语流利,能跟各国CEO,senior management level人士打交道不怕的,也欢迎申请。

薪酬优厚,sales target 1 million a year, 很多sales manager一年10万年薪很平常,当然看个人表现,也有卖不出去两个月走人的。所以是个比较stressful,performance based的工作。底薪2500-6000看经历。



喜欢跟人打交道,不怕被人拒绝,喜欢挑战,work long hours (sometimes have to stay up midnight to call US)

Daring and Resourcful, 有团队精神,有热情,responsible, cusomter oriented

Very good english/Mandarin/third language speaking, able to make friends and socialize with cusomters from across the world easily

如果你有兴趣,如果你觉得自己适合,write to me at:


bioLOGIC Asia
Asia Generic Medicines Congress
Passion for life!
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-12-03 10:04:24  2楼
1 million is difficult
terrapinn conference is about 3000S$ per head, to get 1 million target means
you need to get about 330 people, or every one person... in regional, terrapinn is not that active, from what i know, there is about only 10 large
conferences a year with people more than 300 (include sponsorship), there are
some small training la, but size is typically 20-30 i think
to get 1 million a year should be very difficult.
rather doing housing agent in singapore as the market is really good, met with
one guy said he had a colleague with about S$400k commission a month... even better than most of bankers......
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-05 17:45:06  3楼
1 million is difficultterrapinn conference is about 3000S$ per head, to get 1 million target means you need to get about 330 people, or every one person... in regional, terrapinn is not that active, from what i know, there is about only 10 large conferences a year with people more than 300 (include sponsorship), there are some small training la, but size is typically 20-30 i think to get 1 million a year should be very difficult. rather doing housing agent in singapore as the market is really good, met with one guy said he had a colleague with about S$400k commission a month... even better than most of bankers......
sponsorship看人看event,有些做得不好一个也卖不出去,有些一个event光sponsorship,1-10万美金的package都有,就可以买半个到一个million.我们公司一年有好几个million project,就是一个project就1million的,当然需要多年的积累和高超的sales技巧。

housing agent是不错,现在房价贵吗,不过工作又不只是为了钱。conference算是唯一可以自己制作产品自己卖自己做市场推销的工作,而且可以认识很多业内的decision makers,而且建立好了关系网,第二年你的client都会回来找你了。特别对于想对整个社会工业企业大环境有个了解的,conference是个很好的入口。

如果大家都去做housing agent,想来也不是长久之计。
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-05 17:52:08  4楼
1 million is difficultterrapinn conference is about 3000S$ per head, to get 1 million target means you need to get about 330 people, or every one person... in regional, terrapinn is not that active, from what i know, there is about only 10 large conferences a year with people more than 300 (include sponsorship), there are some small training la, but size is typically 20-30 i think to get 1 million a year should be very difficult. rather doing housing agent in singapore as the market is really good, met with one guy said he had a colleague with about S$400k commission a month... even better than most of bankers......
咱们华新应该组织多一些有sponsorship的conference,咱们有很多很好的speaker. :D
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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-12-05 22:03:51  5楼
不会啦,我第一个event就有30几万了,一年6-7个eventsponsorship看人看event,有些做得不好一个也卖不出去,有些一个event光sponsorship,1-10万美金的package都有,就可以买半个到一个million.我们公司一年有好几个million project,就是一个project就1million的,当然需要多年的积累和高超的sales技巧。 housing agent是不错,现在房价贵吗,不过工作又不只是为了钱。conference算是唯一可以自己制作产品自己卖自己做市场推销的工作,而且可以认识很多业内的decision makers,而且建立好了关系网,第二年你的client都会回来找你了。特别对于想对整个社会工业企业大环境有个了解的,conference是个很好的入口。 如果大家都去做housing agent,想来也不是长久之计。
sponsorship is good,
one of your colleague market to me a gold package for a recent conference, but unless you had really good relationship with those bankers, otherwise, still not easy...
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-07 17:45:47  6楼
sponsorship is good,one of your colleague market to me a gold package for a recent conference, but unless you had really good relationship with those bankers, otherwise, still not easy...
看来华新的大大小小都跟我们公司有点联系了。。。。 :P

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作者:frpapaya (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1098) 发表:2006-12-08 10:18:12  7楼
哈哈,苹果被我们公司抓去做speaker,现在又有人抓你来赞助看来华新的大大小小都跟我们公司有点联系了。。。。 :P 不如Sponsor我的event吧,咱俩关系还不错吧?:D
what's the event ya
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-13 11:24:20  8楼
Asia Generic Medicines Congress :D
a lot of investment opportunity in this area oh...

Pfizer's stock drop is basically because of competition from Generic sector
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-13 11:39:35  9楼
1 million is difficultterrapinn conference is about 3000S$ per head, to get 1 million target means you need to get about 330 people, or every one person... in regional, terrapinn is not that active, from what i know, there is about only 10 large conferences a year with people more than 300 (include sponsorship), there are some small training la, but size is typically 20-30 i think to get 1 million a year should be very difficult. rather doing housing agent in singapore as the market is really good, met with one guy said he had a colleague with about S$400k commission a month... even better than most of bankers......
Nothing is easy, but if everything is easy, life has no meaning :D
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作者:卷心菜 (等级:17 - 华新水桶,发帖:11914) 发表:2006-12-13 12:40:59  10楼
问题是都不懂life science
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2006-12-18 17:34:57  11楼
谢谢大家关注,公司21号就圣诞节shut down了,还有其他申请的DD,MM。。。


明年我们对好的人才还是敞开大门的,特别有cadetship,management trainee programme,一年半之中在全世界各地每个office做4个月。如果你觉得自己不错,最好寄给我你全部的CV,我们如果有兴趣会联系你。否则不好意思,工作实在太忙,没法回复每封邮件。
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2007-01-10 15:55:51  12楼
Attention applicants!!! 申请注意事项
首先感谢大家的关注,目前第一轮面试已经结束,受到50+申请,面试了5-6个,可惜目前最后的新加坡候选人写作能力比较欠缺,还是没有找到合适的人选,虽然我们只招一个。现在您可以继续申请,不过因为我们要找的是sales manager,所以英文口语要求很高(高于新加坡大学生的普通水平),虽然不一定需要life science background (but will be very preferred),但是商务英文书写能力和国际销售经验(不只是面对中国客户)非常重要(因为我们的客户遍及全球)。

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作者:柠檬绿茶2代 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:204) 发表:2007-01-11 18:28:33  13楼
wat does OET stands for ah?
i guess is the annual package lor... but dunno wat the full name...
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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2007-01-11 19:38:40  14楼
wat does OET stands for ah?i guess is the annual package lor... but dunno wat the full name...
should be OTE which stand for On-Target Earnings
When you reach your target it should be around this figure.
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作者:Winsome (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:22) 发表:2007-01-17 22:40:08  15楼
Is the position still available now?
Hi,prince..I'm new here, just see your post of recruitment. I am pretty interested in this position. Is it still available?

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作者:Winsome (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:22) 发表:2007-01-17 23:02:15  16楼
Is the position still available now?Hi,prince..I'm new here, just see your post of recruitment. I am pretty interested in this position. Is it still available?
Is the position still available now?
Hi,Princess..I'm new here, just see your post of recruitment. I am pretty interested in this position. Is it still available?

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作者:格格 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:2009) 发表:2007-01-22 00:31:29  17楼
Is the position still available now?Hi,Princess..I'm new here, just see your post of recruitment. I am pretty interested in this position. Is it still available?
Still available but...
Although interviewed 20+, all failed before 2nd screening. Either doesn't speak well, not confident enough, not mature enough, or have no related sales background (not account management or customer service), or write well....

Recently put up a lot of ads in straitstime but still hard to find the right one.

Now we are very cautious coz really no time to entertain non-suitable candidates.

If you are really keen you should have already written to me. To be honest, first impression is not good.
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作者:飞黄腾达 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:142) 发表:2007-01-22 16:04:36  18楼
Still available but...Although interviewed 20+, all failed before 2nd screening. Either doesn't speak well, not confident enough, not mature enough, or have no related sales background (not account management or customer service), or write well.... Recently put up a lot of ads in straitstime but still hard to find the right one. Now we are very cautious coz really no time to entertain non-suitable candidates. If you are really keen you should have already written to me. To be honest, first impression is not good.
To be honest, first impression is not good.
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作者:Winsome (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:22) 发表:2007-01-23 18:38:07  19楼
Still available but...Although interviewed 20+, all failed before 2nd screening. Either doesn't speak well, not confident enough, not mature enough, or have no related sales background (not account management or customer service), or write well.... Recently put up a lot of ads in straitstime but still hard to find the right one. Now we are very cautious coz really no time to entertain non-suitable candidates. If you are really keen you should have already written to me. To be honest, first impression is not good.
princess, you are so honest..I like your candor..and I truly understand what you had written..

I am interested in this position because I found that my personalities and qualifications match it very well. and most importantly, I have biological background.
Yet I am still an undergraduate student, going to graduate in May,2007, major in bioengineering, minor in business. I haven't written to you because I'm afraid that I'm not that experienced yet..
But I believe that I would be an especially suitable candidate for this position in the near future..
shall we keep in touch?

P.S. I hope that second impression is better than the Einstein's second little wooden chair..I would email you my resume if you want..
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作者:夜色温柔 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:428) 发表:2007-01-24 11:39:31  20楼
haha..princess, you are so honest..I like your candor..and I truly understand what you had written.. I am interested in this position because I found that my personalities and qualifications match it very well. and most importantly, I have biological background. Yet I am still an undergraduate student, going to graduate in May,2007, major in bioengineering, minor in business. I haven't written to you because I'm afraid that I'm not that experienced yet.. But I believe that I would be an especially suitable candidate for this position in the near future.. shall we keep in touch? P.S. I hope that second impression is better than the Einstein's second little wooden chair..I would email you my resume if you want..
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