1 million is difficultterrapinn conference is about 3000S$ per head, to get 1 million target means
you need to get about 330 people, or every one person... in regional, terrapinn is not that active, from what i know, there is about only 10 large
conferences a year with people more than 300 (include sponsorship), there are
some small training la, but size is typically 20-30 people...so i think
to get 1 million a year should be very difficult.
rather doing housing agent in singapore as the market is really good, met with
one guy said he had a colleague with about S$400k commission a month... even better than most of bankers......
sponsorship看人看event,有些做得不好一个也卖不出去,有些一个event光sponsorship,1-10万美金的package都有,就可以买半个到一个million.我们公司一年有好几个million project,就是一个project就1million的,当然需要多年的积累和高超的sales技巧。
housing agent是不错,现在房价贵吗,不过工作又不只是为了钱。conference算是唯一可以自己制作产品自己卖自己做市场推销的工作,而且可以认识很多业内的decision makers,而且建立好了关系网,第二年你的client都会回来找你了。特别对于想对整个社会工业企业大环境有个了解的,conference是个很好的入口。
如果大家都去做housing agent,想来也不是长久之计。
housing agent是不错,现在房价贵吗,不过工作又不只是为了钱。conference算是唯一可以自己制作产品自己卖自己做市场推销的工作,而且可以认识很多业内的decision makers,而且建立好了关系网,第二年你的client都会回来找你了。特别对于想对整个社会工业企业大环境有个了解的,conference是个很好的入口。
如果大家都去做housing agent,想来也不是长久之计。