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作者:box (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1469) 发表:2012-08-17 21:21:59  楼主  关注此帖
每年看到这个工资列表就觉得人生太没有意义了http://www.salary.sg/2012/top-100-jobs-in-singapore-2012/ 30过了才刚到5000 工作又累又没有希望 IT类 活着还有意义么
很明显,这个数字是每个职业的平均或者中位数。看看原文中mom的link, 然后再点下去看看。


Attesting to the value of knowledge and skills, the median monthly gross wage was the highest for managers at $6,630 in June 2011. This was followed by professionals at $4,632 and associate professionals & technicians who drew a median pay of $3,070. Clerical support workers ($2,097) and service & sales workers ($2,000) were paid less. Among blue-collar occupations, craftsmen & related trades workers ($2,377) and plant & machine operators ($2,015) were paid more than cleaners, labourers & related workers ($1,020).
Wages tend to rise with age as workers gain experience. In June 2011, the pace of wage increase with age was more pronounced among managers and professionals. The link between age and wages was less obvious for lower-skilled workers whose wages generally rose more gradually and peaked earlier. In fact, wages of plant & machine operators and cleaners, labourers & related workers were largely flat for younger workers before declining for those in their mid forties onwards. Advancing age typically works against workers in physically demanding manual occupations.
Higher value-added industries generally
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作者:box (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1469) 发表:2012-08-17 21:29:36  2楼

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