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作者:xiaohu (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1904) 发表:2007-05-03 20:19:36  楼主  关注此帖
准备买入BerlianLaju 准备买入BerlianLaju 这是一只次新股, 上市后还没有好好表现, 主力一直处于吸货阶段, 但是从换手率计算, 主力已经吃得半饱了, 最近十日的两笔大单成交表明主力已经有伸展筋骨的意图. 先看看基本面, 这是一家船运公司, 主要经营化学品,石油, 天然气的运输, 随着全球贸易的急速成长, 船运业务大增, 公司也取得了骄人的成绩, 过去数年, 赢利和营业额都以翻番的速度上涨, 净资产稳步上扬, 毛利率和股本回报率越来越好, 很大程度上得益于人们对环保和海运安全的重视, 比如国际海事组织今年就规定, 运载化学品和食油必须采用双体船, 这使得符合规定的船只数量减小, 运费大增, 可以说公司具有巨大的竞争优势. 由于06 年业绩的快速上涨, 现在市赢率已经下降到6.6 倍, 这对于一家前景看好的优秀企业来说, 显然是不合理的. 不合理的东西, 市场自然会纠正它. 虽然最近主力故意用巨大卖单在上方压制它的涨势, 但是它仍然在稳步向上推高, 一旦主力放开压制, 反手拉升, 则前景不可限量. 对长线投资者来说, 是进场的时候了.

The Company was established on 12 March 1981 for an unlimited duration. PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk ("BLT") is an international liquid cargo shipping company, with a flexible and diversified servicing the chemical, oil and gas sectors, primarily in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. BLT is the largest provider of seaborne transportation of liquid cargoes in Indonesia and one of the largest in the intra-Asian chemical tanker segment, both by tonnage and by number of ships.

As of October 2006, the Company's fleet comprised 58 vessels, carrying organic and inorganic liquid chemicals, edible or vegetable oils (primarily palm oil), crude oil and refined petroleum products, and liquefied gases (liquid petroleum gas and other petrochemical gases) and propylene, ethylene, propane and other petrochemical gases.

The Company has a marketing presence in Bangkok, Beijing, Dubai, Glasgow, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Shanghai, Singapore and Taiwan
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作者:xiaohu (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1904) 发表:2007-05-17 00:06:17  2楼
请谨慎这支股票由于在新加坡和印尼两地同时上市, 因为两国汇率换算比较大,一些机构利用这支股票经常作institutional arbitrage. 建议操作此股之前最好参考一下印尼的价格。。
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