感觉lee metal 产品很单一小弟潜水多时。出来冒个泡
lee metal好像做螺纹钢和线材多。hg metal是什么都做。。。哪个股票好我也不大清楚。不过中国对新加坡钢铁影响会很大。。
加征出口关税突袭钢铁业 钢价将受重创
根据财政部的公告,钢铁业正是本次加征出口关税的调整重点。80多种钢铁产品将加征5%~10% (more...)
Thanks for your input
Focusing on a few products or spread into different products is not too much a concern to me.
Product differenciation strategy can explain.
But relating to your article, I need to find out, how powerful, it is , to pass this raising price to next chain.
(provided it has a lot of import from China, currently)
A very big concern to me so far to Lee Metal is its leverage.
4x to 5x leverage is very ... unacceptable to me, but is it a norm in this industry?
Can someone help with this question...
Product differenciation strategy can explain.
But relating to your article, I need to find out, how powerful, it is , to pass this raising price to next chain.
(provided it has a lot of import from China, currently)
A very big concern to me so far to Lee Metal is its leverage.
4x to 5x leverage is very ... unacceptable to me, but is it a norm in this industry?
Can someone help with this question...