FRS满了,应该是自己来决定提取剩余部分了55岁,OA+SA 转成 RA, 最多也只能topup 到 ERS来参加 CPF life, 多了也没法再top up. 如果还有剩余的话, 你可以自由决定是否支取了。 问题是 ,届时RA的剩余部分如何提现,毕竟4%的利息,还是复利,不可能像活期存款那样随时提取。
How is the retirement sum set aside?
When you reach 55 years old, your Special and/or Ordinary Accounts savings will be transferred to your Retirement Account (RA), up to the Full Retirement Sum (FRS).
You can choose to set aside a larger retirement sum, up to the Enhanced Retirement Sum, by topping up your RA using cash or transferring your remaining CPF savings in the Special and/or Ordinary Accounts via the Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme (RSTU).
After setting aside the FRS fully with cash, or with cash (i.e. at least the Basic Retirement Sum) and property, you can choose to withdraw the remaining cash balances in your Ordinary and Special Accounts, or continue to keep your savings in CPF to earn attractive interest.
RA 的利息还是留在 RA 吧?
SA 多余的,包括利息,都可以提出来。。。因为已经满足 FRS 了。
设计 CPF 的人一定是故意的!
SA 多余的,包括利息,都可以提出来。。。因为已经满足 FRS 了。
设计 CPF 的人一定是故意的!