重要通知!!!!We just wanted to let you know that from the 1st November prices have changed for our online customers that live outside of the EU. We believe in equal prices for everyone which is why all our customers that shop with us at www.lush.co.uk will pay the same price regardless of where they live. The price you see in your basket is the price you will pay.
sorry 这团被迫取消
加好单子之后没法付款。。。email联系了lush,邮件见下面。改了item到10以下,还是不能proceed。只好放弃了。估计小额的比如up to2kg 35磅这样还是可以团,可是又不退税就不确定划算不划算了。。。团长只需要买个染发块,费了好多时间还是搞不定,真想冲进店里买一块就好了。要是还是团的划算的话,要不大家自行凑小团好了?金额控制在200以下,免7%这边的
Thank you for your email.
I can see that you are attempting to order 25 Godiva and 25 New shampoo bars, these quantities will be blocked from proceeding with an order as our bulk buying policy does not allow for more than ten of each item to be sold in one transaction.
I do apologise for any disappointment caused.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care Advisor
Thank you for your email.
I can see that you are attempting to order 25 Godiva and 25 New shampoo bars, these quantities will be blocked from proceeding with an order as our bulk buying policy does not allow for more than ten of each item to be sold in one transaction.
I do apologise for any disappointment caused.
Kind Regards,
Customer Care Advisor