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作者:nomadic (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:1616) 发表:2009-04-13 12:08:47  77楼 
from straitstimesWhen The Sunday Times visited the restaurant last night (Saturday night), it was business as usual and it was half-full. ------- The supervisor, Mr He Min, 27, said the NEA had sent about four or five officers there in the afternoon and had taken food samples. -------- 'They told me some customers had complained about stomach trouble so they checked the premises and reminded me to be more careful about cleanliness,' he said. ------- 'We had about 300 customers between Friday and now, and only 12 have complained. Ma la steamboat can sometimes cause diarrhoea so that may have been the problem,' he added. ------ Ma la steamboat uses very spicy soup stock. Mr He said the officers later put up a B grade certificate at the restaurant entrance. Customers last night did not seem bothered by the incident. ------- Said software engineer Ma Liu Chuan, 24: 'My friends and I come every week because the food is good. People may get sick from steamboat as they don't cook the food properly.' ----- (more...)
谁都知道那种不适是怎样一个状况和程度,和食物中毒根本是俩码事,我相信很多中招的人是第一次体会到拉肚子会这么严重。在你家吃了很多次,总体算不错,但是不能否认周五的问题,铁的事实,更不能以这种态度回避狡辩,而不去调查问题的根源,问题不能不清不楚, 这是对食客的极端不负责和对他人生命的藐视, 难保类似事件的再次发生。
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