早报 - 政府推出更多房市降温措施
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作者:housewife (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:958) 发表:2010-08-31 12:27:01  53楼 
一个在国内被问烂的问题,怎么定义第二套房贷?看房还是看贷?看人还是看户?有没有官方定义? 我家第一套房子是一个人贷的,而且是婚前。婚后买第二套房子用另一个人贷款,算第二套房贷吗? PS:我说的都是私宅。
Financial institutions are required to conduct checks with HDB and with one or more credit bureaus on whether the buyer has an outstanding housing loan at the time of applying for a housing loan for the new property purchase. For joint buyers, if either buyer has an outstanding housing loan, the joint buyers will be considered as having an outstanding housing loan.

Issued by the Ministry of National Development, Ministry of Finance and Monetary Authority of Singapore
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