lakeside MRT (parc vista) 目测如狼学区,, 但是抽签结果, 全看 RP 你 懂得...
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73598) 发表:2016-02-29 12:18:33  楼主  关注此帖
大家给我参谋个CONDO的地点现打算买个DONDO,离学校和地铁近,不想开车了,堵车还不如坐地铁快。 我在RAFFLES上班,对地点没有大的要求。 我干部在BONAVISTA上班,希望地点靠近那里,或者方便去那里。 我们希望房子能够兼顾小孩到就学,不指望去非常牛的学校,比较好就可以了。 另外,希望靠近地铁站。 但是,我们感觉BONAVISTA附近的CONDO不多,另外学校好少,有两个好的,但是排队太多人了,不能指望一定可以上。 我干部居然认为马林百列也远,不方便上班。西海岸不靠地铁站。 去很好的地方买CONDO吧,我们没有那个能力。我干部甚至认为在REDHILL买个EA算了,我感觉那还是个HDB,没劲(虽然那样的话我们一定可以买个面积大的地点好的房子)。 华新的高人多,问问大家有什么好主意,有什么合适的地点推荐。谢谢。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2016-02-29 22:00:02。
lakeside MRT (parc vista) 目测如狼学区,, 但是抽签结果, 全看 RP 你 懂得...

Project Name
Street Name
Type of Sale
No. of
Nett Price
Type of
Floor Level
Unit Price
Date of Sale4
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,050,000-1,259Strata06 to 10834Feb-16
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,050,088-1,270Strata06 to 10827Jan-16
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,500,000-2,034Strata06 to 10737Dec-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,025,000-1,281Strata01 to 05800Oct-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,302,500-1,518Strata16 to 20858Sep-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,068,000-1,270Strata06 to 10841Sep-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,095,000-1,259Strata06 to 10869Jul-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,060,168-1,302Strata06 to 10814Jun-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,020,000-1,259Strata11 to 15810May-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,001,000-1,249Strata06 to 10802May-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,072,800-1,281Strata11 to 15838Apr-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,055,000-1,302Strata06 to 10810Apr-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,013,000-1,270Strata01 to 05798Apr-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale1935,000-1,055Strata11 to 15886Mar-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale11,000,000-1,249Strata06 to 10801Mar-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale1982,888-1,055Strata06 to 10932Feb-15
PARC VISTACORPORATION ROADCondominium22OCR99 yrs lease commencing from 1995Resale1860,000-1,076Strata01 to 05799Jan-15


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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73598) 发表:2016-02-29 12:19:47  2楼
lakeside MRT (parc vista) 目测如狼学区,, 但是抽签结果, 全看 RP 你 懂得... Project Name Street Name Type Postal District Market Segment Tenure Type of Sale No. of Units Price ($) Nett Price ($) Area (Sqft)1 Type of Area2 Floor Level Unit Price ($psf)3 Date of Sale4 PARC VISTA CORPORATION ROAD Condominium 22 OCR 99 yrs lease commencing from 1995 Resale 1 1,050,000 - 1,259 Strata 06 to 10 834 Feb-16 PARC VISTA CORPORATION ROAD Condominium 22 OCR 99 yrs lease commencing from 1995 Resale 1 1,050,088 - 1,270 Strata 06 to 10 827 Jan-16 PARC VISTA CORPORATION ROAD Condominium 22 OCR 99 yrs lease commencing from 1995 Resale 1 1,500,000 - 2,034 Strata 06 to 10 737 Dec-15 PARC VISTA CORPORATION ROAD Condominium 22 OCR 99 yrs lease commencing from 1995 Resale 1 1,025,000 - 1,281 Strata 01 to 05 800 Oct-15 PARC VISTA CORPORATION ROAD Condominium 22 OCR 99 yrs lease commencing from 1995 Resale 1 1,302,500 - 1,518 Strata 16 to 20 85 (more...)
亲测..小区门口 -> 地铁站站台 大约2-3分钟, 走天桥没红灯, 目测家门口到站台
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作者:功夫熊猫 (等级:?? - 无法无天,发帖:73598) 发表:2016-02-29 14:14:54  3楼
这个也太旧了,而且rulang是抽签比率最低的学校了吧有一年抽签是6:1,去年4:1,义工160收16。。。别以为住在附近就能进去。而且那公寓老旧,印度人还多,1/4的面向地铁,吵得不得了,真没觉得lz需要这样的房子,推荐对面的caspian lakefront才是对的吧,连lakeshore都好旧了,低层蚊子还多
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