已经没有20%了,但有两个很不错的Avent Bundle
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-02-28 14:10:08  楼主  关注此帖
有去这个BHG Baby fair的童鞋,如果发现啥好的东东,记得要分享一下啦 :)
已经没有20%了,但有两个很不错的Avent Bundle
1) 1个 260ml BPA free bottle, 1个 125ml BPA free bottle, 和一对4号奶嘴,$29.90

相当于30% off,正好都是我需要的,就买了一包,考虑再回去买。

2) 1个奶瓶消毒器,1个温奶器,和1个 125ml 非BPA-free bottle,$168

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-02-28 14:53:14  2楼
20% OFF只到27号为止。niumum, 请问第二个bundle的信息。。。谢谢~~第二个bundle, 1个奶瓶消毒器,1个温奶器,和1个 125ml 非BPA-free bottle,$168 这个奶瓶消毒器,温奶器是什么型号的呢? 这两样东东都打算买,听了你推荐,不知道是要现在入手,还是等多一个星期以后的taka baby fair呢。。。
我自己用的都是基础型号的,够用了。我两年前买的warmer $60多,sterilizer bundle (包含一些安抚奶嘴等杂物)$150多,所以这个挺值。
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-02-28 14:58:21  3楼
20% OFF只到27号为止。niumum, 请问第二个bundle的信息。。。谢谢~~第二个bundle, 1个奶瓶消毒器,1个温奶器,和1个 125ml 非BPA-free bottle,$168 这个奶瓶消毒器,温奶器是什么型号的呢? 这两样东东都打算买,听了你推荐,不知道是要现在入手,还是等多一个星期以后的taka baby fair呢。。。
不过我记得Taka Baby Fair的Avent Bundle也很不错
我记得我买了Avent UNO两星期后,看到Taka的bundle东西更适合我价格也更低,真是气啊。。。

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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-03-02 11:23:23  4楼
Avent manual pump挺好用的,就是月子里费点手劲pigeon电动的没用过,是bpa free的吗? 我一开始不知道自己有没有奶,所以就买了个avent manual,吸得挺干净的,每次pump半个小时吧,一天4,5次,就是2,3个小时,如果只是母乳2,3个月,都在产假内,在家里确实用个manual的就够了。月子里可能辛苦一点,会有一点手酸,不过对我而言完全在可以接受的程度内。 电动的我觉得还是买口碑好点的,不然如果吸不出来,或者吸不干净,感觉也是浪费钱。确定有奶后我跟风上了medela的free style,pump 10分钟就够了,比manual的确实轻松很多。就是装起来比手动的麻烦一点点。 mm去baby fair看到卖玩具的了吗?如果有看到fisher price的玩具打折,来分享一下吧,谢谢:)
Mothercare Avent Manual Pump 卖$39,只限5件
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-03-09 22:40:06  5楼
有, sterilizer and warmer + some milk bottles and lotions $188
比BhG合算,奶瓶如果没看错是2 x 260ml + 2x 125ml, 并且是一种新的透明BPA free奶瓶,不知道和泛黄那种有啥不同。one is PP and one is PES.

Sterilizer and warmer are not the iQ types.
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-03-09 22:48:26  6楼
有, sterilizer and warmer + some milk bottles and lotions $188比BhG合算,奶瓶如果没看错是2 x 260ml + 2x 125ml, 并且是一种新的透明BPA free奶瓶,不知道和泛黄那种有啥不同。one is PP and one is PES. Sterilizer and warmer are not the iQ types.
PP vs PES bottles

Polypropylene (PP) is a softer plastic and has a slightly milky color. PP has the advantage of being easily recycled at most recycling locations.

PES is a higher end plastic. It is clear with a slight honey color. PES can withstand super high heat. It is rigid plastic. PES can be recycled by sending bottles to a recycling plant that works with PES or back to the manufacturer.

Alternatives to Polycarbonate:
There are currently two types of substitutes for polycarbonate plastics, namely Polypropylene or Polypropene (PP) and Polyethersulfone (PES). PP has a melting point of 121 degrees Celcius.

PP milk bottles will loose their transparency over time, lessening their active useful life. When put into boiling water or sterilize cycles, PP bottles have a limited shelf-life.

PES plastic will retain their tensile strength and form with continuous use at temperatures as high as 180 degree Celsius (356 degrees Fahrenheit). PES is ideal for the construction of baby bottles because it can be safely and easily sterilized.

However, it’s worth mentioning that PES is one of those plastics that ended up in the #7 recycling category because it didn’t fit well into the other categories. This recycling category is also where Polycarbonate falls into. Therefore, do be mindful when you see #7 recycling category.
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-03-10 12:31:26  7楼
多谢牛妈啦~~不是IQ Type的话,应该用起来也没问题吧?
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2011-03-11 11:26:20  8楼
BHG到3月3号有baby fair; 到2月27号,rugular-price items 20% OFFhttp://www.bhgsingapore.com.sg/promotion/index.asp Poster上面说 Medela regular items是15% OFF 美眉有兴趣的话可以去看看吧. :)
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