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作者:Pokka (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1038) 发表:2012-06-11 10:47:17  31楼 
那这样看来我家的一分也没有啦。。。ANYWAY,都是浮云关键是以后每个月学费要少缴一半,还有入学优先一点了。 昨天跟一朋友聊天,她说我家附近的社区小学排名上升了不少,去查了一下居然排进前三十了啊!!非常意外,这边已经快成小中国了,估计以后排名肯定会被中国孩子给拉上去。可以跟他爹商量考虑过几年不需要买房搬家了。
What is the amount of benefits a child will receive if he/she obtains Singapore Citizenship some time after birth?

If either you or your spouse is a citizen at the time of your child's birth, your child will be eligible for the full amount of Baby Bonus benefits. If you and your spouse are not citizens at the time of your child's birth, the benefits will be pro-rated according to the date of your child's citizenship. Please see Tables 2a to 2b for the amount of benefits.

Child born on or after 17 August 2008

Table 2a: Amount of Pro-rated Cash Gift for Child born on or after 17 August 2008

Age of child who becomes a Singapore Citizen
Amount of Cash Gift for 1st or 2nd Child
Amount of Cash Gift for 3rd or 4th Child

Before 6 months of age



6 or more months of age but before 12 months of age



12 or more months of age but
before 18 months of age



18 or more months of age but before 24 months of age



Beyond 24 months of age


Test sForum
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