indeed life is unequal
and you have to fight for your rights. no one owe you anything, the schools do not owe you a vacancy. if you find travelling time consuming, you can settle for a "lousier" school, no one forces you to squeeze your head into top schools.
the schools have their own interest to protect, for the very top schools, alumni parents are more likely to be supportive of the school and provide family environment condusive for producing good students. top schools are not black boxes that any input will givw you a good output, they ensure they have good output by taking in good input.
you are right about old money having more resources, and the government wants to counter that, that meritocracy cannot be jeopardized by eliticism, but would that be easily done? before that is achieved, you have to live with the fact that kids from privileged families have better resource and better chance of success, not because they are genetically superior.
as for my obvious reasons, i have explained in my oher posts, the government wont be so foolish to drive the property market crazy this way.
want to get into a certain school? marry an alumni/ staff, by all means.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 爱游泳的鼠 的帖子 “I have not figured out your obvious reason for your argument.”
the schools have their own interest to protect, for the very top schools, alumni parents are more likely to be supportive of the school and provide family environment condusive for producing good students. top schools are not black boxes that any input will givw you a good output, they ensure they have good output by taking in good input.
you are right about old money having more resources, and the government wants to counter that, that meritocracy cannot be jeopardized by eliticism, but would that be easily done? before that is achieved, you have to live with the fact that kids from privileged families have better resource and better chance of success, not because they are genetically superior.
as for my obvious reasons, i have explained in my oher posts, the government wont be so foolish to drive the property market crazy this way.
want to get into a certain school? marry an alumni/ staff, by all means.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 爱游泳的鼠 的帖子 “I have not figured out your obvious reason for your argument.”
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