im not a "firm believer"
i was just trying to rebutt that point that alumni make no more contribution than the other kids.
the examples you have quoted are from your personal circle of elites, and it is not representative of the general public. the systems may not have benefitted "many of you", it definitely has benefitted the schools, as they manage to stay at the top with the support of the alumni.
As i have reiterated many times, alumni kids are from more well off families, higher percentage of lawyers and doctors for sure, and you did not deny the fact that better resourced kids have higher chance of success. as for statistics, the fact that half NYPS pupils score more than 240 in PSLE prove my point, you cant say all of them are from GEP?
as for your lawyer friend's case. that is the general trend of the society as it becomes matured and stratified. it does not prove any point.
the fourth point comes back to the argument of old money VS new money. with abundant affluence money is not a problem, and the new rich (who may be despised by the old rich) can join the ranks of the social elites merely by putting in more money, that is certainly not the wish of the old rich.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 爱游泳的鼠 的帖子 “to the firm believer of legacy system”
the examples you have quoted are from your personal circle of elites, and it is not representative of the general public. the systems may not have benefitted "many of you", it definitely has benefitted the schools, as they manage to stay at the top with the support of the alumni.
As i have reiterated many times, alumni kids are from more well off families, higher percentage of lawyers and doctors for sure, and you did not deny the fact that better resourced kids have higher chance of success. as for statistics, the fact that half NYPS pupils score more than 240 in PSLE prove my point, you cant say all of them are from GEP?
as for your lawyer friend's case. that is the general trend of the society as it becomes matured and stratified. it does not prove any point.
the fourth point comes back to the argument of old money VS new money. with abundant affluence money is not a problem, and the new rich (who may be despised by the old rich) can join the ranks of the social elites merely by putting in more money, that is certainly not the wish of the old rich.
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 爱游泳的鼠 的帖子 “to the firm believer of legacy system”
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