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作者:ikiwiberry (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1389) 发表:2019-06-22 08:48:49  楼主  关注此帖
A surprise from MindChamps Preschool — $480 graduation package A surprise from MindChamps Preschool — $480 graduation package On 14 Jun, our son brought back a form to ask us to sign. It is a form regarding the year end graduation concert. At the first glance, I understand this is a grand event to bring all MindChamps K2 kids to attend a mega graduation concert. What is that? This seems something new. The management team had never communicated with us at beginning of the year, during the curriculum talk. With a further read, I found it is difficult to understand the intention of this event — what is the benefit for the island wide K2 kids to attend this grand event? How about the past school based graduation concert? We had so much fun to see our kids standing on the stage in the past years and have been looking forward to it since beginning of the year! We are K2 now!! With a worried heart, I immediately called the centre director and principal to understand the detail arrangement. To our surprise, (more...)
首先 必须买一个带相框的照片 价格不菲
然后 你才有权利可以买电子版 价格也不便宜

如果不买相框就不可以买电子版 意味着我什么都不能有


虽然只有六七十块 但是也让我们感觉很不舒服 这和强买强卖有啥区别
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