这个是个选择问题梦想是必须要实现的,要么带上家人一起; 要么自己一个人出发。
可以参考下 https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20161117-third-culture-kids-citizens-of-everywhere-and-nowhere
“If an individual has had a difficult experience in childhood and hasn’t been able to make sense of that, that can be carried into adult life,” cautions Kate Berger, a New Yorker who moved to The Netherlands to study and now runs the Expat Kids Club, working with schools and families handling international transitions. Still, she’s keen to emphasise that most TCKs benefit enormously from their childhood experiences.
旅行见世面的积极影响 vs 不断失去朋友的消极影响对每个孩子的impact不同,希望你的孩子性格开放适应力强,这样积极影响可能大一些。
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 bingo5555 的帖子 “首先抛开MOE政策问题不谈”
“If an individual has had a difficult experience in childhood and hasn’t been able to make sense of that, that can be carried into adult life,” cautions Kate Berger, a New Yorker who moved to The Netherlands to study and now runs the Expat Kids Club, working with schools and families handling international transitions. Still, she’s keen to emphasise that most TCKs benefit enormously from their childhood experiences.
旅行见世面的积极影响 vs 不断失去朋友的消极影响对每个孩子的impact不同,希望你的孩子性格开放适应力强,这样积极影响可能大一些。
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 bingo5555 的帖子 “首先抛开MOE政策问题不谈”