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(ÒýÓà qingni2:¸Ð¾õ¾ÍÊÇIG AsiaµÄËã·¨ÓÐÎÊÌ⣬±»ÈË·¢ÏÖÁË©¶´£¬½á¹ûÊä²»ÆðÏÆ×À×ÓÁË¡£)ÒÔÇ°¹¤ÐеÄÖ½»Æ½ðÓ¡ÏóÖÐÒ²³öÏÖ¹ý©¶´£¬»áµÍÓÚÊм۳ɽ»£¬½á¹û±»ÈË·¢ÏÖ²¢ÀûÓã¬Õâ¸öÈË׬ÁËһǧ¶àÍò¡£ºóÀ´Ò²ÊÇÏÆ×À×Ó×¥ÈË¡£[qingni2 (11-3 19:16, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]6Â¥

(ÒýÓà yhtxc:100µ½200¹É¾ÍÄÜÔì³É¹É¼Û²¨¶¯£¿ÕâÄѵÀ²»ÊÇÊг¡±¾ÉíµÄÎÊÌâÂð)ËùÒÔÊÇϵͳ©¶´£¬¶ÔÓÚÀäÃŹÉƱ£¬¸ù±¾¾Í²»¸Ã¿ªCFD¶øÇÒ×öÊÐÉÌÓ¦¸ÃÓжԳåÊֶαÜÏÕ
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [ÏôÎä´ï (11-3 22:32, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]7Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÏôÎä´ï:ËùÒÔÊÇϵͳ©¶´£¬¶ÔÓÚÀäÃŹÉƱ£¬¸ù±¾¾Í²»¸Ã¿ªCFD¶øÇÒ×öÊÐÉÌÓ¦¸ÃÓжԳåÊֶαÜÏÕ ¿´Ó¢Îı¨µÀ£¬ËûÓ¦¸ÃÊÇÔÚ¹ÉÊÐС¶î³É½»£¬ÒýÆð¹É¼Û±ä¶¯ ÔÚCFD...)CFD rules require price "flipping",meaning a CFD customer always has to hit the bid or ask price (or scarifies the spread) and being last in the queue for a limit order. A real trade at the SGX exchange isn't required for a CFD order to be executed. As long as the bid-ask spread is wide enough, a low sell price and high buy price within the illiquid stock's bid-ask spread can trigger CFD buy and sell actions.

This practice is illegal, as it involves the trader effectively "self-dealing" or hitting his own orders without being seen on the exchange, but taking place on the OTC side. This lack of transparency is one reason that U.S. has banned CFDs, as brokers often end up betting against customers, similar to old time bucket shops. To prevent this, brokers like IG could simply remove illiquid stocks from their CFD offerings or set filters to ensure only small trades trigger automated orders, while manually checking or hedging out big quantity trades .

However, since the vast majority of retail CFD customers (over 95% or even more I think) lose money¡ªand these losses typically go to the counterparty's pocket, which is IG in this case¡ªthere's little incentive for IG to hedge against these small retail customers.

whether he is a professional trader or not, it doesn't matter. an intentional, manipulative hitting-oneself trade is always breaching rules (even laws)
[pymess (11-4 10:41, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]8Â¥

(ÒýÓà pymess:CFD rules require price "flipping",meaning a CFD customer always has to hit the bid or ask price (or scarifies the spread) and b...)Ê×ÏÈ£¬ÕâÈËÊǽðÈÚ+ITר¼ÒFrom 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore) and Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities where he honed his stock market trading skills.

He was also a web developer and had been unemployed since 2018.


The police said on Oct 29 that Oh¡¯s conviction was the result of a joint investigation carried out by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), following a referral from the Singapore Exchange Regulation.

In March 2017, former DBS Vickers trader Dennis Tey Thean Yang was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison for spoofing the securities market and making a profit of $30,239 from his illicit trades.

It was the ¡°first conviction of market misconduct under the joint investigation arrangement with the CAD¡±, MAS said in a statement then after Tey¡¯s sentencing.

The second case occurred in July 2021 when former account manager Ee Cho Lian was sentenced to six weeks¡¯ jail and fined $30,000 for 107 false orders and 60 spoof trades where he made a profit of $24,196.

Oh¡¯s conviction and sentencing is the third such reported case, and his illegal $255,385 profit is the largest amount so far.

He has since made full restitution to IG Asia.
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [´óºÃÈË (11-4 10:55, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]9Â¥

(ÒýÓà ´óºÃÈË:Ê×ÏÈ£¬ÕâÈËÊǽðÈÚ+ITר¼ÒFrom 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore)...)½»Ò×Ô±ÖÆÔì¹ÉƱ¼Ùµ¥×¬²î¼Û3Íò±»¿Ø½»Ò×´ú±íÀûÓñðÈ˵Ļ§Í·½øÐн»Ò×£¬ÖÆÔì¼ÙÊÐÌá½»¼Ùµ¥£¬ÒÔ̧¸ß»ò½µµÍ¹É¼Û£¬ÔÚËĸöÔÂÄÚ´Ó²î¼ÛºÏÔ¼µÄ½»Ò×ÖÐ׬ȡ3ÍòÁã239ÔªÀûÈó¡£


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2012Äê10ÔÂ24ÈÕÖÁ2013Äê1ÔÂ8ÈÕ£¬±»¸æÂòÂô¹úºÆÖõأ¨GuocoLand£©¡¢Öйúº½ÓÍ£¨China Aviation Oil£©¡¢ÖйúÄÜÔ´£¨China Energy£©ºÍÑÇÖÞµçÁ¦£¨Asia Power£©µÈ17Ö»¹ÉƱµÄ²î¼ÛºÏԼʱ£¬ÔÚĸ¹ÉÖÆÔì¼ÙÊг¡£¬È»ºóÔÙÂòÂôÓйزî¼ÛºÏÔ¼¡£±»¸æ¹²Ìá½»ÖÁÉÙ100Õżٵ¥£¬´Ó50¸ö²î¼ÛºÏÔ¼½»Ò×ÖлñÀû¡£
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [´óºÃÈË (11-4 10:57, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]10Â¥

(ÒýÓà ´óºÃÈË:Ê×ÏÈ£¬ÕâÈËÊǽðÈÚ+ITר¼ÒFrom 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore)...)EE CHO LIAN
A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative that allows
investors to speculate on the future price movements of the
underlying asset, without having to own them. CFDs are
available for a wide range of assets ranging from shares to
commodities, and they are traded on margin i.e. investors only
pay a small percentage of the value of the underlying shares.
While the risks are higher if the underlying counter were to move
against the investor¡¯s position, the rewards are also higher if
the counter were to move in favour of the investor. CFDs are
generally traded over-the-counter with a CFD provider, as
the counterparty to the trades. When trading in CFDs, the
investor first enters into an opening trade with a CFD provider.
The investor subsequently enters into a trade to close his CFD
position and the profits or losses are determined based on the
price difference.
Ee Cho Lian (Ee) traded in CFDs offered by City Index Pte Ltd
(City Index), which priced these contracts by referencing the
live best bid-ask prices of the underlying securities listed on the
Singapore Exchange (SGX).
Ee saw an opportunity to exploit City Index¡¯s pricing mechanism
to reap unlawful profits. His first attempt to capitalise on this
opportunity took place in April 2018. He placed an order to buy
10,000 Mandarin Oriental International Limited (MANO) CFDs at
US$2.30 via his City Index CFD trading account. At that time,
the best ask price of the underlying MANO shares on the SGX,
and accordingly the price of MANO CFDs offered by City Index,
was US$2.37. Ee¡¯s buy order price was obviously too low for
the order to be executed. Ee used his shares trading account to
place a sell order on SGX for MANO shares at US$2.30. This selorder triggered City Index¡¯s pricing mechanism to reduce its ask
price for MANO CFD, and enabled Ee to purchase the MANO
CFDs from City Index at US$2.30. Once he had purchased his
CFDs, Ee quickly cancelled his sell order for the shares. Ee then
took similar steps to close his CFD position and reap a profit.
He placed a sell order for CFDs at a price higher than City
Index¡¯s offer, and then used his shares trading account to place
a buy order to push up City Index¡¯s offer to match his CFD
sell order price. As a result, Ee successfully closed off his CFD
position at US$2.36, significantly higher than the previously
offered price of US$2.29.
All this took place within three minutes and netted Ee profits of
US$600. This conduct of placing orders on the stock exchange
for a brief moment before deleting the order, without a genuine
intention to trade, is better known as spoofing and it is illegal.
Investigations revealed that Ee carried out several more rounds
of such CFD trades from 5 April 2018 to 14 December 2018.
He even used CFD trading accounts belonging to his friends,
without authorisation, to further his scheme. In total, Ee
conducted 60 fraudulent CFD trades and made profits of more
than S$24,000 at the expense of City Index.
On 19 May 2021, Ee was sentenced to six weeks¡¯ imprisonment
and a fine of S$30,000 on 20 counts of employing a scheme to
defraud under Section 201(a) punishable under Section 204 of
the Securities & Futures Act (SFA) and one count of unauthorised
trading under Section 201(b) punishable under Section 204 of
the SFA. 42 similar charges were taken into consideration for the
purpose of sentencing. Ee has made full restitution to City Index.
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [´óºÃÈË (11-4 11:12, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]11Â¥

Èç¹û»¹ÊÇ´òËãÀàËƵģ¬zhishaobushi25 ÍòÕâ¸öÊý×ÖÁË¡£¡£
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[СÍÁ (11-4 11:16, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]12Â¥

(ÒýÓà ´óºÃÈË:Ê×ÏÈ£¬ÕâÈËÊǽðÈÚ+ITר¼ÒFrom 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore)...)ÎÒ²¹³äÒ»µã¡£ÔÚÕâ¼þÆÛÕ©°¸ÀËäȻֱ½ÓËßËÏÕß²»ÊÇIG, µ«IGÓ¦¸ÃÊÇÊ×ÏÈ·¢ÏÖ²¢½Ò¶¸øMAS²¢ºÍSGXºÏ×÷½øÐе÷²éµÄ¡£ÒòΪÕæÕýµÄ½»Ò×SGXÊÇ¿´²»¼ûµÄ£¬Ö»ÓÐIG×Ô¼ºÄÜ¿´¼û£¬½»Ò×´ó¶àÖ»·¢ÉúÔÚÁËCFDÀûÓз¢ÉúÔÚexchangeÀï¡£Õâ¼þ°¸¼þµÄÉæ°¸ÈËÊÇIGµÄcustomer, ËûͬʱÔÚSGXµÄcash marketÀïÃæÖÆÔìÐé¼ÙÂòÂô¹Òµ¥£¬Ö®ºóÔÚCFDÕË»§ÀïÍê³É¶Ô×Ô¼ºµÄÐé¼Ù¹Òµ¥µÄ½»Ò׺ó£¬ÔÙ°ÑSGXÉÏÃæµÄÐé¼Ùµ¥³·Ïú£¬ËùÒÔIGÒ»¿ªÊ¼²»¿ÉÄÜÖªµÀSGXÉϵÄÐé¼Ù¹Òµ¥¾ÍÊÇcustomer×Ô¼ºµÄ£¬SGXÒ²²»ÖªµÀÕâЩÐé¼Ùµ¥»áºÍIGµÄijһ¸öCFD½»Ò×ÓйØÁª¡£IGÔÚ·¢ÏÖÎÊÌâºóÖ»Äܱíʾ»³Òɲ¢ÇëÇóºÍSGXÒ»ÆðºÏ×÷À´¹Û²ìÕâЩÕË»§µ½µ×ÓÐûÓйØÁª¡£IGÏë·¢ÏÖijЩÕË»§ÓÐûÓÐÎÊÌâÆäʵºÜÈÝÒ×·¢ÏÖ£¬Ö»ÊÇ¿´ËûÃÇÈÕ³£¼ì²éÑϲ»Ñϸñ¶øÒÑ¡£

CFDÕâÖÖÌØÊâµÄһֽЭÒéºÍcustomer¶Ô¶Ä£¬ºÁÎÞ¼à¹ÜÔ¼ÊøµÄÌØÐÔ£¬ÈÃÕâ¸öȾ¸×ºÜºÚ¡£ÎÒÖ»ÄÜ˵Éϱ¨Ö½µÄcase¶¼²»Ëãcase¡£ÒòΪÍⲿÈËÔ±ÆÛÕ©ÔÙÔõôթҲ²»¿ÉÄÜÕ©Ì«¶àµÄÇ®¡£ CFDµÄÊÕÈëÀ´Ô´ÓÐÈýÖÖ£¬1£©ËµºÃÌýµãhedging (ÄÑÌýµã¾ÍÊÇtrade against customer) 2) over night finance charge 3) commission. ÆäÖеÚÒ»Öֺ͵ڶþÖÖÊÕÈëÒªÔ¶Ô¶Ô¶Ô¶´óÓÚµÚÈýÖÖ¡£¡£¡£

[pymess (11-4 11:29, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]13Â¥

(ÒýÓà ´óºÃÈË:EE CHO LIAN A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative that allows investors to speculate on the future price movements of...)ÈË˵·¢ºá²ÆµÄ·½·¨¶¼Ð´ÔÚÐÌ·¨ÀïÃæмÓÆÂÒ²²»ÀýÍ⣬°¸Àý»¹Í¸Â¶ÁËÏêϸµÄÊֶΡ£¡£¡£ ¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [´óºÃÈË (11-4 11:32, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]14Â¥

(ÒýÓà pymess:ÎÒ²¹³äÒ»µã¡£ÔÚÕâ¼þÆÛÕ©°¸ÀËäȻֱ½ÓËßËÏÕß²»ÊÇIG, µ«IGÓ¦¸ÃÊÇÊ×ÏÈ·¢ÏÖ²¢½Ò¶¸øMAS²¢ºÍSGXºÏ×÷½øÐе÷²éµÄ¡£ÒòΪÕæÕýµÄ½»Ò×SGXÊÇ¿´²»¼ûµ...)Æäʵ²»¼ûµÃºÃÏñÄã˵µÄ£¬IGÕæµÄ²»ÔÚºõÕâµãÇ®£¬SGXÓ¦¸ÃÊÇͨ¹ýij¸öÕÊ»§Æµ·±¹Òµ¥³·µ¥·¢ÏÖ£¬È»ºó¿ªÊ¼µ÷²éµÄ¡£µ«ÊÇË®ÖÁÇåÔòÎÞÓã¡£SGXÀäÃŹɽ»Ò×Á¿ÉÙÒ²°ÝÕâËù´Í°É¡£ ¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [´óºÃÈË (11-4 11:40, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]15Â¥

»¹ÊDz»Ã÷°×ͨ¹ý½»Ò×ϵͳ¹ÒµÄµ¥£¬Ôõô¾Í³ÉÁ˼ٵ¥£¿ÎÒ¾ÍÊÇÏë¹Ò¸öºÍÏÖ¼Û²î¾à½Ï´óµÄµ¥×ÓµÈ×Ų»ÐУ¿²»ÄÜ˵û³É½»µÄµ¥×Ó¶¼ÊǼٵ¥°É£¿[yhtxc (11-4 11:42, 4 months ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]16Â¥

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