Boo Hanting
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2009-01-11 12:39

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
He is one of the strongest unranked players around. Yesterday I spoke to him, he is keen to take part also.

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象总举办“新秀宿将友谊赛”!!! 棋一生   (217 bytes , 1133reads )
棋友们,明天12.30pm象总见!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 228reads )
likely 30分钟加10秒, to be confirmed by SIXGA official(s) .... 碧山   (0 bytes , 201reads )
31 Jan 2009, Saturday, Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club opens ...... 碧山   (113 bytes , 253reads )
14台火爆比赛将在星期六打响。虽然并不知新秀的名单,但仍然可以有奖精彩比分! 卷心菜   (182 bytes , 272reads )
只有十二位宿将出战,每人下两局!!! 棋一生   (54 bytes , 252reads )
我祈祷加秒。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 172reads )
我带偷猜,我猜新秀7:7战平宿将。 卷心菜   (89 bytes , 292reads )
"偷猜"二字颇为暧昧 杀着大全   (20 bytes , 204reads )
could be : ........... :) 碧山   (72 bytes , 201reads )
个人以为宿将会落败!!! 棋一生   (226 bytes , 238reads )
If only 12 boards as heard, 新秀5:7宿将. 碧山   (0 bytes , 237reads )
我猜大分6:6。 卷心菜   (36 bytes , 264reads )
新4.5:7.5 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 204reads )
同泼冷水 杀着大全   (12 bytes , 238reads )
太悲观了。新加坡在向前发展,很多年轻人都特别努力!特别是那些十几岁的娃娃们。 卷心菜   (12 bytes , 227reads )
并非惨败 几度   (328 bytes , 262reads )
So far,5 different predictions, i.e. 5 gradings of 悲观 or 乐观, right ? :-) 碧山   (289 bytes , 266reads )
局 分 -太悲观。 大分 -- 太太悲观。........ 碧山   (178 bytes , 208reads )
泼点冷水 几度   (14 bytes , 422reads )
不幸言中,嘿嘿。 几度   (714 bytes , 241reads )
正所谓“老树开花花愈盛 冷水浇桃桃更红” 一刀n断   (14 bytes , 228reads )
一共不是24局么? 杀着大全   (39 bytes , 201reads )
新秀宿将两局分先,不改对手 。先看大分。 加秒。 碧山   (0 bytes , 199reads )
确定么?我觉得新秀人选很多。。本以为是24个新秀跟12个宿将下呢 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 198reads )
如果是这样 几度   (54 bytes , 192reads )
This could be the main reason for not releasing the list, ..... I heard same ... 碧山   (113 bytes , 295reads )
怎么算分? 几度   (28 bytes , 205reads )
估计跟九队十队两轮友谊赛一样吧。先看大分,再比小分。 卷心菜   (8 bytes , 214reads )
星期六中午的新秀宿将友谊赛的最终名单有否出炉? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 198reads )
宿将莫文耀不能出席,改由关福潮出战!!! 棋一生   (86 bytes , 258reads )
新秀的名单已经落定 ......... 碧山   (769 bytes , 268reads )
那如何知道谁可以参加呢? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 198reads )
年初六下午十二点半到象总观赛!!! 棋一生   (34 bytes , 223reads )
几点开赛? 几度   (28 bytes , 258reads )
哇,有糕点啊,一定要去啦 张辽   (56 bytes , 205reads )
heard that token of appreciation will be given to all 24 players ...... 碧山   (169 bytes , 305reads )
我目前初选的新秀名单,还需要各位推荐,避免漏网之鱼!!! 棋一生   (579 bytes , 430reads )
A suggestion, since it is SIXGA CNY Gathering ......... 碧山   (301 bytes , 291reads )
宿将们要努力了 几度   (23 bytes , 275reads )
几度 -- 漏网之鱼(=新秀) and 棋一生 -- 漏网大鱼(=宿将) 碧山   (1 bytes , 202reads )
我是镜子 几度   (40 bytes , 218reads )
是有一条漏网大鱼!!! 棋一生   (45 bytes , 270reads )
目前新秀的名单!!! 棋一生   (2178 bytes , 307reads )
愧不敢当啊~ 一刀n断   (60 bytes , 263reads )
差点遗珠之憾!!! 棋一生   (46 bytes , 230reads )
再修改一下!!! 棋一生   (2559 bytes , 303reads )
to check and verify on some players ..... 碧山   (838 bytes , 280reads )
梅丁捷 is free but 洪福阳 not sure ..... 碧山   (86 bytes , 236reads )
Sorry, 梅丁捷 needs to attend Make-up Class due to CNY. 碧山   (0 bytes , 254reads )
This is not the right way to gather official information ...... 碧山   (810 bytes , 298reads )
请不要诸多挑剔!!! 棋一生   (418 bytes , 267reads )
Please note below ..... 碧山   (474 bytes , 362reads )
梁至顺,黄培森,曾庆丰:乙级 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 330reads )
还有t-minus和王印 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 255reads )
Boo Hanting 风云剑   (108 bytes , 464reads )
我推荐.... 火云邪神   (53 bytes , 288reads )
4 young players for your consideration, sure under 25 yrs old ... 碧山   (55 bytes , 279reads )
可以打中文吗?英文名我不知道他们是谁??? 棋一生   (0 bytes , 247reads )
..... if less than 30 yrs old is a must, you ..... 碧山   (143 bytes , 297reads )
另外友情提示“漏网之鱼”一词应慎用。。。“遗珠之憾”较好~ 杀着大全   (745 bytes , 342reads )
谢谢!又学了一句新成语!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 336reads )
我也是又学了一句,杀着大全墨水好多。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 217reads )
14号没有30岁么。。。那真是看上去少年老成啊。。。 杀着大全   (20 bytes , 269reads )
不要紧,到时候检查IC就可以了。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 196reads )
not nice to check on the spot and reject the person, right ? 碧山   (0 bytes , 214reads )
各领队打电话通知队员时就应当问好了,然后向象总汇报我的队员XXX符合条件。 卷心菜   (54 bytes , 230reads )
not all 领队 are informed, I know about the list here today at 悟入棋途 ..... 碧山   (0 bytes , 220reads )
名单已有代表的棋队没通知!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 196reads )
It is courtesy to inform 棋队 about their members so that 领队 can help .... 碧山   (115 bytes , 267reads )
新秀名单尚未获理事会批准!!! 棋一生   (64 bytes , 234reads )
In this case, your approved list needs to be in order so that .... 碧山   (88 bytes , 326reads )
这点我和理事会会加以注意,谢谢提醒!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 191reads )
我以为他年龄少过三十,有必要向飞鹰领队查证!!! 棋一生   (0 bytes , 213reads )
can plan better next year as ...... 碧山   (56 bytes , 234reads )
Can invite me please? =) 风云剑   (0 bytes , 205reads )
已经答应出赛的甲级宿将!!! 棋一生   (170 bytes , 318reads )
到目前为止的甲级宿将名单!!! 棋一生   (179 bytes , 287reads )
宿将阵容整齐。新秀阵容将如何选拔? 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 288reads )
由我推荐,理事会筛选!!! 棋一生   (249 bytes , 314reads )
我推荐文礼三少+张玥 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 306reads )
忽然想起来 几度   (34 bytes , 280reads )
几度都不算宿将,哈哈哈哈 杀着大全   (139 bytes , 301reads )
不算不算 几度   (66 bytes , 351reads )
甚好甚好,看来新秀的人数要远远多过宿将。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 207reads )