笑眯眯: 报税 easy guide
所在版块:创业求职 发贴时间:2005-10-05 21:40

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last minute post - 报税 easy guide
by: 笑眯眯

一、B1, Section A

1(A), Employment Salary: 按照 IR8A form 填写

1(B), Employment Bonus: 按照 IR8A form 填写

3,Other income:即B1 appendix 1 的总数

4,Total income less expenses : 即sub total of section A (income - expenses)

二、B1, Section B

5,Donitions: 按照 IR8A form 填写(这里好像每家公司都有$1/month)

6(g), Reliefs - CPF/provident Fund: 按照 IR8A form 填写

7,Total Doniations and Reliefs: 即sub total of section B

三、B1, Appendix 1 and 2

Details of Other income and deductions (Differs for different situations)

以上是一些基本上每个人都要填写的项目,也是最重要的项目。除了calculation, 基本都可以按照IR8A form 填写,有点standard

hope it helps:)

log in your portal at www.iras.gov.sg using your singpass

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