As to my knowledge about this job, seems that the team we are supporting is not trading team yet a bunch of accountants. Seems that they will be interacting with various banks for various insurance and funding plans. (具体的我不太懂,可能表达的不准确) In that case, does it make any difference compared to supporting a trading team? (As in the kind of exposure I can get.)
I have the feeling that this job will be routine work. Have to say that the pay is not very good, comparing to an Engineer or IT job. But I will probably have more time to learn. Any particular certification that you recommend? Since I will be supporting accountants, maybe I will do an ACCA?
For trading, I am not that ambitious as I am the one who values a happy life more than the $$ I make. (sigh,好像有点没志气)But still curious, what kind of characteristics and personality do you usually see in a trader?