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作者:雨茜 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1223) 发表:2012-07-03 11:15:59  21楼
想要小孩的进来学习,然后默默被吓退... ...
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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20598) 发表:2012-07-03 11:16:02  22楼




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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20598) 发表:2012-07-03 12:06:29  23楼
很冒昧的问一下凡姐怀孕的时候是不是情绪激动过呢? 我同事一直在旁边努力劝戒:一定要保持心情好啊,一定要好脾气阿 不然生出来的小孩也会脾气大得不得了的。。。 我性子急,不冷静,孕期发过几次脾气。。。

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作者:watercooler (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:12846) 发表:2012-07-03 12:26:17  24楼
昨晚又来了。。。整个晚上都很乖,吃饭,出去玩,回家喝牛奶等等。然后妞爸要喂妞吃药就开始闹了:坚决的不肯吃,大发脾气,握着拳头咬牙切齿声嘶力竭的喊叫,魔音穿脑,还打她爸爸,结果她爸也回打了一两下。我没打她,带进小黑屋关起来,我就一声不吭的蹲在旁边等她冷静下来告知:生病了就要吃药,不吃药不要想出去!每说一次都要引来她新一轮的发火,直到真的“绝望”了或者说闹累了,终于把药吃了。这个半个多小时闹过去了。 然后又来了,药也吃了,也从小黑屋放出来了,追着我到冰箱前大闹:“我还要吃药!”我没有办法,又弄了一点点药水给喝下去,结果不依不饶:“我还要吃药!还要吃很多很多药!!”然后睡在冰箱前面打滚,跟之前一样声嘶力竭的嘶喊哭闹。。。 我不知道她是故意气我呢还是怎么滴,小朋友的世界大人真的无法理解啊:之前费劲千辛万苦求她吃药不吃,现在吃了又没完没了的要多吃。。。你真当这是糖水么?!况且那个消炎抗生素是悬浊液,虽然也有甜味,但口感很涩,她一直都不太肯吃,没有咳嗽药水或者退烧药吃的那么痛快。 结果又是半个多钟头。。。我都不知道她哪里来的那么多精力可以闹。晚上居然还又磨蹭到11点多才睡!睡觉前又跟我磨要讲故事,我说今晚她闹的太过分了,作 (more...)
就是看我放了太多菜在他的盘子里,然后就。。。开始给我要玩具。。。搞了半天我才明白他要什么,然后就一个劲的哭啊哭啊哭,好像岔气了一样挺不下来,开始我还不知道原因是什么,就哄阿,教育啊,都没用。。。哭得我觉得他都快吐出来了。好像是条件反射似的停不下来。。。终于最后抱着他走,然后受不了了,不理他自己闷头吃饭,然后想象好像是放太多菜了,他还怕吃不了,就把他盘子里的菜弄出来一些, 他就蹭过来了吃饭了。折腾了半个多小时。
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作者:走走 (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:12170) 发表:2012-07-03 12:41:06  25楼
昨晚又来了。。。整个晚上都很乖,吃饭,出去玩,回家喝牛奶等等。然后妞爸要喂妞吃药就开始闹了:坚决的不肯吃,大发脾气,握着拳头咬牙切齿声嘶力竭的喊叫,魔音穿脑,还打她爸爸,结果她爸也回打了一两下。我没打她,带进小黑屋关起来,我就一声不吭的蹲在旁边等她冷静下来告知:生病了就要吃药,不吃药不要想出去!每说一次都要引来她新一轮的发火,直到真的“绝望”了或者说闹累了,终于把药吃了。这个半个多小时闹过去了。 然后又来了,药也吃了,也从小黑屋放出来了,追着我到冰箱前大闹:“我还要吃药!”我没有办法,又弄了一点点药水给喝下去,结果不依不饶:“我还要吃药!还要吃很多很多药!!”然后睡在冰箱前面打滚,跟之前一样声嘶力竭的嘶喊哭闹。。。 我不知道她是故意气我呢还是怎么滴,小朋友的世界大人真的无法理解啊:之前费劲千辛万苦求她吃药不吃,现在吃了又没完没了的要多吃。。。你真当这是糖水么?!况且那个消炎抗生素是悬浊液,虽然也有甜味,但口感很涩,她一直都不太肯吃,没有咳嗽药水或者退烧药吃的那么痛快。 结果又是半个多钟头。。。我都不知道她哪里来的那么多精力可以闹。晚上居然还又磨蹭到11点多才睡!睡觉前又跟我磨要讲故事,我说今晚她闹的太过分了,作 (more...)

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作者:daodao (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:2257) 发表:2012-07-03 13:34:57  26楼
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作者:武汉伢 (等级:10 - 炉火纯青,发帖:8131) 发表:2012-07-03 13:35:04  27楼
有的事情好像是每个孩子都会有的阶段比如什么事情都要自己做,一旦大人帮忙做的就嚎哭非要重来一次:比如关灯开灯,按电梯按钮,自己穿鞋穿裤,大人稍微搭一把手就又跳又叫;有时候看她自己穿不起来发脾气把衣服扔掉嚎哭又不给大人碰一下,像个刺猬,我只能努力安抚甚至卑微的请求:“妈妈可以要求帮你一下吗?可以吗?”还要看她心情好不好,好才可能恩准我帮一下,否则就慢慢等她嚎哭够了再试图尝试穿衣服才可能出门。甚至爬楼梯,我着急把妞抱起来往上送了几级,结果她又跳又叫的非要自己爬下去重头再爬一次。。。 还有完美主义:鞋子上面的魔术贴一定要贴的非常完美,不可以歪掉一点,可以在那边反复的贴上十分钟,自己贴不好会发脾气,实在不行才会要求大人帮忙贴到完美。吸管扎维他精或者其他盒装饮料不可以把洞扎变形了;包子面包等要完整的拿到手上自己掰,大人帮忙掰了就“不完美”了,嚎哭,有时候不得不换一个新的给她自己掰,甚至有时候换了新的还是不满意,因为之前那个“不完美”了,无法补救了。。。 据说这种时候的孩子大人不可以硬性的去干涉帮忙,否则会伤害到孩子的成长和独立。但是大多时候真的很折磨人啊,尤其你急着出门,那边可能花十五分钟还在跟一只鞋子或者一条小短裤斗争
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作者:watercooler (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:12846) 发表:2012-07-03 14:38:40  28楼
有的事情好像是每个孩子都会有的阶段比如什么事情都要自己做,一旦大人帮忙做的就嚎哭非要重来一次:比如关灯开灯,按电梯按钮,自己穿鞋穿裤,大人稍微搭一把手就又跳又叫;有时候看她自己穿不起来发脾气把衣服扔掉嚎哭又不给大人碰一下,像个刺猬,我只能努力安抚甚至卑微的请求:“妈妈可以要求帮你一下吗?可以吗?”还要看她心情好不好,好才可能恩准我帮一下,否则就慢慢等她嚎哭够了再试图尝试穿衣服才可能出门。甚至爬楼梯,我着急把妞抱起来往上送了几级,结果她又跳又叫的非要自己爬下去重头再爬一次。。。 还有完美主义:鞋子上面的魔术贴一定要贴的非常完美,不可以歪掉一点,可以在那边反复的贴上十分钟,自己贴不好会发脾气,实在不行才会要求大人帮忙贴到完美。吸管扎维他精或者其他盒装饮料不可以把洞扎变形了;包子面包等要完整的拿到手上自己掰,大人帮忙掰了就“不完美”了,嚎哭,有时候不得不换一个新的给她自己掰,甚至有时候换了新的还是不满意,因为之前那个“不完美”了,无法补救了。。。 据说这种时候的孩子大人不可以硬性的去干涉帮忙,否则会伤害到孩子的成长和独立。但是大多时候真的很折磨人啊,尤其你急着出门,那边可能花十五分钟还在跟一只鞋子或者一条小短裤斗争
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作者:miny (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:382) 发表:2012-07-03 15:43:53  29楼
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作者:ursualr (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:4227) 发表:2012-07-03 17:53:19  30楼
很冒昧的问一下凡姐怀孕的时候是不是情绪激动过呢? 我同事一直在旁边努力劝戒:一定要保持心情好啊,一定要好脾气阿 不然生出来的小孩也会脾气大得不得了的。。。 我性子急,不冷静,孕期发过几次脾气。。。
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作者:wendywang (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:487) 发表:2012-07-03 18:10:40  31楼
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作者:塑料玫瑰 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:10163) 发表:2012-07-03 23:03:00  32楼
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作者:Irene (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:2713) 发表:2012-07-04 08:06:47  33楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2012-07-04 12:08:16  34楼

Guidelines for Parents

From a number of research studies plus Tavris, the following guidelines are suggested for building child self-control and self-esteem.

1. Learn to deal with your own and others' anger.

When parents discipline out of anger or with expectations that are inappropriate for the age of their child, they often make mistakes in the way they react. The place to begin is with ourselves. When we feel calm, we can model effective anger and conflict management. Example: "I'm so angry at you right now for dumping your cereal all over the clean floor, I feel like hitting you. But I don't hit, so I'm going to leave and come back when I've calmed down."

2. Distract or redirect the child.

When a child is misbehaving, a calm parent can sometimes re-direct the child's behavior. Example: "Here's a bowl of warm water. Let's put it outside where you can splash all you want."

3. Be prompt and brief with discipline.

One technique you can use is to pick up and remove your small child from the room immediately and isolate him or her for two to five minutes. This also gives you time to get in control of your emotions. Two to five minutes are enough; lecturing is unnecessary. In rare circumstances, it may be helpful to physically hold the child. Be consistent in enforcing rules, especially with older, school-age children. Example: "I'm putting you in your room for 'time out' until you calm down and are ready to talk again." "I want you to go to your room now and stay there until you are ready to come out and use words to ask for what you want rather than spitting on people."

4. Try to discover the reason for your child's anger or temper tantrum.

What does he or she want and is not getting? The reasons children have temper tantrums vary: to get attention, get someone to listen, protest not getting their way, get out of doing something they do not want to do, punish a parent for going away, for power, for revenge, from fear of abandonment, etc. Let the child know the behavior is unacceptable. Talk calmly. Example: "Now that we're out of the store and we've both had a chance to calm down, let's talk. I think you were mad at me that I said no to buying the candy you wanted. Is that right?" ... "It is OK for you to be angry at me, but kicking, screaming and yelling that you want candy won’t work. It won’t get me to buy you the candy.”

5. Avoid shaming your child about being angry.

Children in healthy families are allowed to express all their feelings, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.They are not criticized or punished for having and expressing feelings appropriately, including anger. Some research studies have found that parents' shaming their child's anger can negatively affect their child's willingness to relieve distress in others (10). Example: "You look and sound angry right now. I'd feel angry too if someone messed up my coloring like she messed up yours."

6. Teach children about intensity levels of anger.

By using different words to describe the intensity of angry feelings (e.g., annoyed, aggravated, irritated, frustrated, angry, furious, enraged), children as young as 2 1/2 can learn to understand that anger is a complex emotion with different levels of energy (10). Example: "I was annoyed when I had a hot meal ready and all of you were late for dinner." "That man was so angry -- I think he was enraged after someone spray painted his business with graffiti."

7. Set clear limits and high expectations for anger management, appropriate for your child's age, abilities, and temperament.

As parents, we will be angry all the time if we expect our 1-year-old to be toilet trained, our 2-year-old to use 5-year-old words rather than have a temper tantrum, our shy 8-year-old to be a life-of-the-party magician, and our low self-esteem 15-year-old to snap out of her depressed "funk" and run for Student Council President. Example: "While I want you to know it's OK to feel angry, it's not OK to hit others!" "I expect you to help with chores, control your anger without hitting, biting or spitting. I expect you to be honest and thoughtful of others, do your best in school, ask for what you want, and treat others as you would like to be treated."

8. Notice, compliment and reward appropriate behavior.

Teaching your child to do the right things is better (and easier) than constantly punishing bad behavior. Children who get a steady diet of attention only for bad behavior tend to repeat those behaviors because they learn that is the best way to get our attention, especially if we tend to be overly authoritarian. Example: "I really liked the way you asked Uncle Charlie to play ball with you." "Thanks, Ebony, for calling me beforehand and asking if you could change your plans and go over to your friend's house after school."

9. Maintain open communication with your child.

Consistently and firmly enforce rules and explain the reasons for the rules in words your child can understand. Still, you can listen well to your child's protests about having to take a national test or measles shot. Example: "Sounds like you are angry at the school rule that says you can't wear shorts, sandals and tank tops to school."

10. Teach understanding and empathy by calling your child's attention to the effects of his or her actions on others.

Invite the child to see the situation from the other person's point of view. Healthy children feel remorse when they do something that hurts another. Authoritative discipline helps them develop an internal sense of right and wrong. Remember, a little guilt goes a long way, especially with a child. Example: "Let's see if we can figure out what happened. First she did her 'nah, nah, nah routine.' Next, I saw you take her doll. Then she came and hit you, and you hit her back."

Beyond the Tantrum Stage

Most tantrums and angry outbursts come and go as children and youth grow in their ability to use language and learn to solve problems using words. But occasionally, fits of temper and violence persist into elementary school and may signal serious problems. Sometimes there are biological sources of anger that require diagnosis by a physician or psychologist.

If someone is getting hurt or if you use the suggestions listed in this fact sheet and nothing seems to work, it is time to get professional help. Ask your physician, school guidance counselor or psychologist for names of those skilled in working with children on anger issues. Or, check the yellow pages under counselors, for psychologists and marriage and family therapists who specialize in child behavioral problems.
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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20598) 发表:2012-07-04 17:34:11  35楼
供参考http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/consumer/10248.html Guidelines for Parents From a number of research studies plus Tavris, the following guidelines are suggested for building child self-control and self-esteem. 1. Learn to deal with your own and others' anger. When parents discipline out of anger or with expectations that are inappropriate for the age of their child, they often make mistakes in the way they react. The place to begin is with ourselves. When we feel calm, we can model effective anger and conflict management. Example: "I'm so angry at you right now for dumping your cereal all over the clean floor, I feel like hitting you. But I don't hit, so I'm going to leave and come back when I've calmed down." 2. Distract or redirect the child. When a child is misbehaving, a calm parent can sometimes re-direct the child's behavior. Example: "Here's a bowl of warm water. Let's put it outside where you can splash all you want." 3. Be prompt and brief with discipline. One technique you can use is (more...)
妞一早醒了又嚎哭:还要睡觉,没有睡好,把灯关掉!! 并且拼命翻滚不给我碰。


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作者:小妖 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:8499) 发表:2012-07-04 21:33:07  36楼
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作者:watercooler (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:12846) 发表:2012-07-05 09:59:20  37楼
今天早上试了围脖上看来的方法,还挺有效,希望不是一次性的。。。妞一早醒了又嚎哭:还要睡觉,没有睡好,把灯关掉!! 并且拼命翻滚不给我碰。 我先给她哭了5分钟没理会,等她哭的差不多清醒了,然后就反复的尝试这几句话:“妈妈知道你没睡好心情不好是吧?我很理解你。。。没关系一会就好了,妈妈爱你!” 说了两三遍妞就扁着嘴让我抱了,然后坐在腿上靠在我怀里又扁着嘴哼唧了两分钟就镇定下来了,接下来顺风顺水的冲凉换衣服刷牙吃饭。。。新记录啊!!
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作者:taiyangyue (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:190) 发表:2012-07-14 21:14:05  38楼
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