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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-22 10:03:18  41楼
明天还有养育配套,敬请期待生, 养, 育, 缺一不可

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作者:-_-|| (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:3173) 发表:2013-01-22 11:26:42  42楼
Facebook上看到这个人,大家快去支援下吧 (more...)
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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20535) 发表:2013-01-22 20:17:18  43楼
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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20535) 发表:2013-01-22 20:18:36  44楼
立竿见影的方法小新政府不敢用 :p比如说北欧那边的,给放一年的产假 再比如说给照顾宝宝的全职妈妈补贴一半的幼儿园津贴 小新这里啊,还是希望女性出来做工。只要工作还是这么压力大,生育率就上不去。 既要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草,怎么办。
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作者:-_-|| (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:3173) 发表:2013-01-22 21:01:29  45楼
这是 C.J. Kelvin 是他老板。
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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20535) 发表:2013-01-22 23:48:52  46楼
这是 C.J. Kelvin 是他老板。
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作者:-_-|| (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:3173) 发表:2013-01-22 23:51:31  47楼
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作者:凡人 (等级:15 - 最接近神,发帖:20535) 发表:2013-01-22 23:55:09  48楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-23 09:54:20  49楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-23 09:56:08  50楼
Press Release

1. The Government is raising subsidies to make child and infant care services more affordable for lower and middle income families. Acting Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing announced details of the new subsidy framework today. It complements other measures to defray the costs of child-raising under the Marriage and Parenthood Package announced on Monday.

2. Under the new subsidy framework, all parents will continue to receive a Basic Subsidy at the current rates for child care and infant care programmes. On top of the Basic Subsidy, families with a gross monthly income of $7,500 and below will receive more support in the form of an Additional Subsidy. Eligible families using full-day programmes will see an increase in their current child and infant care subsidies of at least $100 and $200 respectively, with lower income families receiving more.

3. The Additional Subsidy will replace the Centre-Based Financial Assistance Scheme for Child Care (CFAC) which provides child care related financial assistance for families earning $3,500 and below. With this initiative, up to two-thirds of households can now benefit from higher subsidies on top of the Basic Subsidy.

4. Some lower income families may require further assistance on top of the Basic and Additional Subsidy. The Government will continue to provide other forms of assistance to those who need more financial support, such as a one-time start-up grant of up to $1,000 per child to help with the initial cost of placing a child in a centre. The grant covers items such as the deposit, uniforms, registration fee and insurance charges.

5. The new subsidy framework will take effect from 1st April 2013 and will increase Government’s investment in child and infant care by $105 million. This brings the total budget for Government spending in this area to about $360 million for FY13. Details of the enhancements are in Annex A.

6. Apart from increasing subsidies for parents, the Government will also expand the number of good quality, affordable child care and infant care places for lower and middle income families through enhancements to the Anchor Operator Scheme. The scheme will be extended to more operators, and receive enhanced levels of support. Details of the enhanced Scheme, including requirements for operators interested to apply, will be released by the 2nd quarter of 2013.

7. These enhancements are part of the Government’s efforts to improve the accessibility, quality and affordability of early childhood development programmes. The Implementation Committee on Enhancing Pre-school Education is reviewing measures to improve the pre-school sector, and will announce the details when ready.
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-23 09:58:03  51楼


Table 1: Full Day Child Care Programme

Monthly Household Income

Basic Subsidy

 Additional Subsidy

Max Total Subsidy^

$2,500 and below




$2,501 - $3,000



$3,001 - $3,500



$3,501 - $4,000



$4,001 - $4,500



$4,501 - $7,500



Above $7500




Table 2: Full Day Infant Care Programme


Monthly Household Income

Basic Subsidy

Additional Subsidy

Max Total Subsidy^

$2,500 and below




$2,501 - $3,000



$3,001 - $3,500



$3,501 - $4,000



$4,001 - $4,500



$4,501 - $7,500



Above $7500




^Subject to minimum co-payment by parents (see FAQs for more details)

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作者:king (等级:13 - 举世无双,发帖:8340) 发表:2013-01-23 10:00:04  52楼
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-23 10:01:25  53楼

3. Is there additional help for larger families with many elderly or young dependents?

Yes, larger families with many dependents can choose to have their Additional Subsidy allotment computed on a per capita income (PCI) basis. This will ensure that such families receive additional help. More details on the Additional Subsidy allotments by PCI are available on our website.
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2449) 发表:2013-01-23 10:27:53  54楼
貌似没戏了啊 ENHANCED INFANT & CHILD CARE SUBSIDIES Table 1: Full Day Child Care Programme Monthly Household Income Basic Subsidy  Additional Subsidy Max Total Subsidy^ $2,500 and below $300 $440 $740 $2,501 - $3,000 $400 $700 $3,001 - $3,500 $370 $670 $3,501 - $4,000 $310 $610 $4,001 - $4,500 $220 $520 $4,501 - $7,500 $100 $400 Above $7500 $0 $300   Table 2: Full Day Infant Care Programme   Monthly Household Income Basic Subsidy Additional Subsidy Max Total Subsidy^ $2,500 and below $600 $540 $1140 $2,501 - $3,000 $500 $1100 $3,001 - $3,500 $470 $1070 $3,501 - $4,000 $410 $1010 $4,001 - $4,500 (more...)
这个table里面的Additional Subsidy是不是给working mother的那个?
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作者:niumum (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:5271) 发表:2013-01-23 10:32:00  55楼
这个table里面的Additional Subsidy是不是给working mother的那个?
所有subsidy的前提当然是要working mother.....
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2449) 发表:2013-01-23 10:36:03  56楼
貌似没戏了啊 ENHANCED INFANT & CHILD CARE SUBSIDIES Table 1: Full Day Child Care Programme Monthly Household Income Basic Subsidy  Additional Subsidy Max Total Subsidy^ $2,500 and below $300 $440 $740 $2,501 - $3,000 $400 $700 $3,001 - $3,500 $370 $670 $3,501 - $4,000 $310 $610 $4,001 - $4,500 $220 $520 $4,501 - $7,500 $100 $400 Above $7500 $0 $300   Table 2: Full Day Infant Care Programme   Monthly Household Income Basic Subsidy Additional Subsidy Max Total Subsidy^ $2,500 and below $600 $540 $1140 $2,501 - $3,000 $500 $1100 $3,001 - $3,500 $470 $1070 $3,501 - $4,000 $410 $1010 $4,001 - $4,500 (more...)
这个新的programme没有提到现在working mother有的那个300块subsidy。不是太清楚给working mother的是不是额外的。
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2449) 发表:2013-01-23 10:38:18  57楼
Table贴出来排版错了,第二列第二排($400)开始应在在第三列所有subsidy的前提当然是要working mother.....
press release里面没有提到working mother 的字眼呢。难道这个是额外的?呵呵
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作者:liveinsg (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:129) 发表:2013-01-23 10:43:14  58楼
press release里面没有提到working mother 的字眼呢。难道这个是额外的?呵呵
Who is eligible to apply for the Additional Subsidy? ==>mother working 56 hours
1. Who is eligible to apply for the Additional Subsidy?

To apply for the Additional Subsidy you should be a mother working 56 hours or more per month, have a Singapore citizen child enrolled in a licensed child/infant care centre in Singapore, and your monthly household income should not exceed $7500.
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作者:开始了 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:2449) 发表:2013-01-23 10:45:30  59楼
Who is eligible to apply for the Additional Subsidy? ==>mother working 56 hours1. Who is eligible to apply for the Additional Subsidy? To apply for the Additional Subsidy you should be a mother working 56 hours or more per month, have a Singapore citizen child enrolled in a licensed child/infant care centre in Singapore, and your monthly household income should not exceed $7500.
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作者:fkcc (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:1620) 发表:2013-01-23 11:04:37  60楼 评分:
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