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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-26 21:44:33  楼主  关注此帖评分:

我看到另外一个关于荷兰村大便妇女的帖子,里面很多华新朋友在回复的时候,跟新加坡本地人学,用PRC来指代大陆人,我觉得有点刺眼。所以就回了一个长贴子,引证说明,新加坡人独创这个词语所写指代中国大陆人,是有贬义的。大家不要用来指代自己了。(注意了,我不是说新加坡人独创PRC这个简称本身,我是说他们把PRC 的原意(中华人民共和国)转换成了中国大陆,这是他们的独创)。



新加坡人自创用PRC贬义地指代中国人。我们自己就不要犯傻也自称是PRCs! (这就好比是那些台湾、香港人恶毒地称呼我们是zhina ren,然后我们自己也用zhina ren来指代自己,却不知道其中的贬意,太可笑了)。

应该说自己是 Chinese citizen, Chinese national 或者是来自 China。这两个词都是中立词语。

英文里面把词语缩小(也不仅仅是字母数目缩小,也可以是在读音感受上缩小),很多情况下就是有贬义的。比如说,日本人在英语里中立的词是 Japanese, 那贬义的就是Japs;共产主义者英语里中立的词语是Communist,贬义的就是 Commie;穆斯林教徒英语里中立的词语是Muslim, 贬义的就是 Muzzie; 那还有Chinese(中国人)- Chink(中国佬)等等。当然也有不是这样的,比如说,澳大利亚人(白人)自己称自己是 Aussie(这个有亲昵的意思,想想看,亲昵和鄙视有一个共同点,就是不当真)。

我2011年在海峡时报上看到一篇读者来信 (Racism a thing of the past? Think again '种族歧视是昨日黄花吗?非也'),很明确指出,新加坡人用PRC作为名词指代中国大陆人的时候,就是带有嘲讽口吻(derisively)的。我看到那个信后,就收藏起来。现在贴在最下面,供大家参考(注意看红色部分)。文章在最下面,现在把关键的句子复制在这里: It (racism) involves all of us, and it is present whenever we derisively use the term 'PRCs'; whenever we treat a Caucasian with more respect or accord him more attention than we would an Asian; or whenever we dismissively refer to any group of dark-skinned men as 'Banglas' regardless of their ethnic origins.

永远不要再用PRC来指代自己了(中国人)。当然PRC用来指代中华人民共和国,是中立词语,是可以的。或者用作形容词比如PRC Citizen是可以的。但是作为名词,直接指代中国人,是绝对有贬义的。也就是说,可以讲 He is a PRC Citizen(就是这样,在欧美国家他们还是不会这么说,他们只会说He is a Chinese citizen) 但是绝对不可以接受 He is a PRC/They are PRCs。大家可能觉得奇怪为什么同一个词语,形容词和名词用法会有贬褒之分。是有的,解释如下:

英文里面,形容词和名词在一些情况下表达的微妙意思是不一样的。John is gay/John is a gay man 和 John is a gay. 表面上是一个意思,可是英文是母语的人知道,后者有贬义。同样,说一个人是黑人,你说 He is black/He is a black man,是中立描述,但是如果你说 He is a black, 别人的眉毛就会扬起来。这不是我在胡诌的,大家可以自己搜索,也可以参考这个帖子的回复:http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1289509

新加坡人不但独创了这个PRC的用法,而且还把国际英文里面非常有贬义的Chinaman/China woman之类的词语用来指代中国人。我08年的时候看到海峡时报上一个报道就是用China Woman来指代来自中国的妇女,当时感到很生气,就写了封信给海峡时报,当然他们没有发,现在我也把自己的信贴在下面:



Dear Editor,

I refer to the article titled "Drinking binge killed China woman", written by journalist Elena Chong and published in the Courts and Crime section of the Straits Times on March 25, 2008.

Both the title and the report itself bear the term "China woman", apparently to designate a female citizen from China. I am appalled by the use of this highly offensive term in Straits Times and am writing to request that an apology be made on the inappropriate use of language.

"China woman" is apparently a term derived from its counterpart "Chinaman", which is regarded as an offensive term in English to refer to a male person from China. It carries racist connotations. For instance, the online Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term "Chinaman" as "often offensive: a native of China". Other authoritative dictionaries likewise also point out the pejorative connotations of this term.

The parallel usage for females, "China woman" naturally also acquires the racist connotations attached to the original term. As a national and international publication, Straits Times should not endorse or condone the use of racist language that targets persons from a particular background.

In light of the above facts, I am writing to seek an apology from Straits Times on behalf of all people who were offended by the use of this term in your newspaper.






Racism a thing of the past? Think again

ST Forum

08 June 2011

Straits Times

I BEG to differ from the views put forth by Professor Lee Wei Ling in her letter last Saturday ('Singaporeans are mostly not racist').

Prof Lee posits that racism is a phenomenon limited by and large to the elderly and the less educated, and cites the substantial Indian population in her working environment and in her social circle as evidence of that claim. Yes, this does illustrate Singapore's racial diversity, but it tells us nothing about the supposed absence of racism.

The writer seems to be suggesting that most Singaporeans are 'colour-blind', which is to say that we disregard racial characteristics when taking a person into account.It seems apparent to me, however, that this is far from the truth.

I believe the conclusion that Singaporeans are mostly a colour-blind people is an assumption that members of the dominant racial group here, such as Prof Lee and myself, are privileged with, since we do not bear the brunt of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Racism is not just about Indians and the Chinese from the People's Republic of China, and it is not just about migrant workers, though it plays out most explicitly in the majority's relations with the minorities.

It involves all of us, and it is present whenever we derisively use the term 'PRCs'; whenever we treat a Caucasian with more respect or accord him more attention than we would an Asian; or whenever we dismissively refer to any group of dark-skinned men as 'Banglas' regardless of their ethnic origins.

It is present in our media, in our television commercials, advertisements for new condominiums and fashion spreads that make out our country to be full of successful, happy and wholesome Chinese, pan-Asian and Caucasian professionals and families.

Prof Lee tries to distinguish between racism and xenophobia. But where do we draw the line between wariness of foreigners and those of a different race and culture from us? And why doesn't our xenophobia seem to extend to the lighter-skinned expatriates?

Singapore is for the most part a racially harmonious melting pot, and that is something to be happy about. But don't let the privileged majority fall into the easy trap of believing that racism is a thing of the past, or being complacent with racial diversity and forgetting the pursuit of social justice.

Tan Yee Hui(Miss)



该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2014-08-27 22:00:03。
该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2014-08-28 22:00:05。
该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2014-08-29 22:00:04。
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 18:45:10  2楼
= = 楼主你想多了PRC本来就是一个中立的词语 10年前来的时候一群奖学金得主都是PRC scholar 新加坡人可以是Singaporean 日本人是Japanese 但是大陆人不能叫做Chinese 因为Chinese实在是到处都是泛指华人,在这种华人特别多的社会为了具体细分就需要说是PRC taiwanese hongkie malaysian chinese这些本来都是些中立的代称,如果你接受不了 你下次可以说的繁琐一点 称自己是Chinese from PRC.
没有想太多,政府大多数情况下,以及商业环境中 Chinese 就直接是中国人的意思

首先我们可以看看手上的新加坡发的证件(NRIC, Passport, EP, SP, WP, Student Pass, LTVP, etc),看看上面国籍(Nationality/Citizenship)一栏(如果有国籍一栏)是写的什么。一看就知道了,只有一个: Chinese (不是PRC, 不是PRC Chinese, 不是PR Chinese, etc)。再看看 Country of Birth那一栏(如果有这一栏)写的什么? 一看就知道了,只有一个: China (都不是PRC, PR China, etc)。




我读或者听李显龙的英语演讲或者报告,提到中国,好像他都是直接用China, 提到中国人应该都是 the Chinese/Chinese people/Chinese friends, etc (不会用China people; PRCs之类的)。


(当然,在政府某些文件上面,是用PRC作为形容词用法的,比如你说的PRC Scholar,还有MOM上也写 PRC Work Permit Holder等等。首先,这个用法我已经在原帖里解释过。虽然用缩写词本身就不怎么好,但是至少作为形容词的用法(如以上的例子)没有太强烈的负面意味。这有区别于直接用作名词 (比如说那个新加坡读者指出的PRCs - 这是名词用法;她明确说了,新加坡人这么用是有蔑视意味的))。


我昨天读 Yahoo (Singapore)上面碰巧看到一篇关于中国来新加坡游客减少的文章,里面引用了Singapore Tourism Board (新加坡旅游局)的官方press release,不管是雅虎的表述,还是新加坡旅游局的表述,中国游客一律用Chinese tourists/tourists from China,没有PRC tourists的说法,更不要说PRCs的说法了。文章链接在这里: https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/news/number-chinese-tourists-plunges-30-044700480.html。 我也把新加坡旅游局的那部分拷贝到最后,大家可以看看。


这就说明了,在政治或者在需要赚钱的场合,他们都是避免使用PRCs这个说法的。如果PRC(作为名词指代中国人)是和Chinese citizen/national是一回事,为什么他们没有交替随意使用呢?





It is true that these could be the a few of the factors that cause the dip in the visiting tourist number. But, did STB do another perspective of research studying into the costs of living/spending that cause the drop in the number?

China has a lot of rich people, but not all Chinese are rich. With such expensive accommodation rate, transportation price, expensive attraction entrance fee, food price... these could be other factors that drive visitors away as well.

Not to forget as well, does Singapore have something that can lure visitor to come back and re-visit?



但是呢,看那些负面的品论(比如说,少来了好啊,最好不要来),呵呵,就很多左一个PRC,右一个china people的。比如说:


That good news. Would to see lesser china people in Singapore each year. We don't need them in Singapore. They make Singapore no longer a true home for true Singaporean.


Norman (新加坡读者在雅虎留言):

Treat this dip as a good sign for us. I rather PRC come in lesser, but we attracts other region tourist to come here. Alot of PRC tourist come here on a budget, they stay budget hotel, dont really spent alot. Only the very rich come here is to do biz or go casino. They will buy many branded products and also dirty our place thats all. Dip somemore...!


大家还会认为PRC(特别是作为名词直接指代中国人的用法)是中立的吗?和 Chinese citizen/national或者 I am from China,在语气上是完全对等的吗?





(从昨天新加坡雅虎文章里拷贝的,引用新加坡旅游局官方press release的整段。看看里面是用的什么词语来指代中国游客的,有无PRC的说法?)


The decline in Chinese visitor arrivals was mostly from those who stayed in Singapore for a day or less. The number of Chinese visitors that stayed for at least two days jumped by 21 per cent year-on-year to hit 406,000 visitors in the first half of 2014.

This resulted in the average length of stay by Chinese visitors increasing by 56 per cent year-on-year, from an average of 2.7 days in the first half of last year to 4.2 days this year. This puts it above the overall average length of stay across all markets that came in at 3.7 days for the first half of the year.

"We are heartened to see an increase in Chinese visitors who visit Singapore as a single destination and stay for at least two days. This shows that we have been reaching out to the right target audience and providing them with an experience that they value and enjoy," says Mr Yap Chin Siang, Assistant Chief Executive, Policy & Planning Group of the Singapore Tourism Board.

Another bright note is in tourism receipts, a more accurate barometer of tourism economic health. Based on STB's tourism performance report for the first quarter of this year, tourism receipts continued to grow at 5 per cent year-on-year to hit S$6 billion, while visitor arrivals held steady over the same period.

For Chinese visitors in particular, their spending dipped only marginally (-1%) in Q1 2014 though visitor arrivals dropped by 14 per cent. This effect is similarly observed for other countries such as Australia, Malaysia, Japan and the United Kingdom.


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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 18:51:01  3楼
I'm from China and I'm PRC 我是中国来的 我就是大陆人我完全就没有被歧视的感觉 过的比多数坡人都好 我为什么要有被歧视的感觉。。。
更好的例子是比较 I'm from China 和 I am a PRC。


再想想,其他网友已经指出了,新加坡人或者其他人,没有一个使用USA来直接指代美国人 (He is a USA/They are USAs), 也不会用HKSAR来直接指代香港人 (He is a HKSAR/They are HKSARs)的。等等。
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 18:55:08  4楼
make a mountain out of a molehillavoid this.
It's called "raising consciousness"
In the same way that feminists have been telling us to avoid sexist language (e.g., chairperson instead of chairman; spokesperson instead of spokesman, human race instead of mankind, etc).

Language use is not trivial, my friend! It has a powerful effect on how we perceive ourselves and the world.
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 18:57:39  5楼
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 19:00:35  6楼
我真是PRC中国大陆人居然是一个歧视性的词语呢 我确确实实是中国大陆人。歧视就歧视贝,他们觉得自己这样叫很爽,赚到了,是他们的事情,我真心无所谓。
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 22:38:03  7楼
啊真正心理强大的人不需要抠这种字眼。自称老外 阿毛的老外们也没什么。。。我反倒觉着把中国人的包容体现出来,戏谑应对才是。自称屌丝的一般都不是屌丝,自称高富帅的基本都不是高富帅
如果一个美国人知道 “洋鬼子”在中文里是什么意思(有贬义),但是他能在正确场合开玩笑说自己是洋鬼子,我们会觉得有意思,甚至也许可爱。但,关键是,他自己要知道 “洋鬼子”在中文里是的确有贬义的。如果他不知道其中的贬义,还一本正经介绍自己是 “来自美国的洋鬼子”,那我们是不是觉得有点可笑呢。
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 22:52:51  8楼
啊2我怎么觉着 PRC = 中华人民共和国 这个很牛逼啊。美国人正式场合加油也都喊USA!平时口头上才叫 American或者US。。China这个词儿很多中国人[ai]这个音节都发音不准,自己听着‘拆呐’和整天拆迁似的都觉得别扭,我觉着P!R!C!!!更霸气,不输U!S!A! 基本上只有很强大的国家才常用这种简写,USA, UK, USSR, PRC。。。另外中学老师说Englishman Frenchman都是为了区别开其他种族叫的比较高端的称呼,照理说 Chinaman 也挺好。。。
你提的几点都很好,但是需要纠正,首先 "USA! USA!" 是加油口号,意思还是 “美国”

不是“美国人”。美国人在加油的时候就是喊名字的,如果你叫Martin, 参加比赛,你的朋友加油就会喊 "Martin! Martin!"等。


您要是注意看了我的原帖子,就会知道,我并不是说 PRC本身是个很坏的词语,我是说,新加坡人把这个词语转换成了指代中国人的意思,而就是基于他们自己承认,这样的用法是有贬义的。


其次,关于chinaman, 你列举的Frenchmen, Englishmen,这两个词语确实在英文里没有任何的贬义。但是词语就是这样子,有时候类比没有太多的意义。Wikipedia也明确把你的例子给出了:


Although the term has no negative connotations in older dictionaries, and the usage of such equivalent compound terms as Englishman, Frenchman and Irishman remain unobjectionable, the term Chinaman is noted as offensive by modern dictionaries. 



翻译: ‘尽管这个称呼(Chinaman)在旧字典里面没有负面的含义,而且类似的复合词如Englishman, Frenchman, Irishman的用法一直没有争议,但是Chinaman这个称呼在当代词典里被列为是有冒犯意义的’。

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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-27 22:59:47  9楼
甚至 'hei鬼'?
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 21:31:13  10楼
你是看到那个拉屎贴里面说PRC联想到的吧那个明显是在模仿坡人在反讽,现实中没见过有中国人自称PRC的。 我从来都是说I'm Chinese、中文、Chinese New Year,不想去为了顾及他们脆弱的政治正确改变太多。





可是网络上使用比较多,就看华新吧,随便搜一下,这个2006的帖子的标题是: 国大PRC聚会照片: http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=107_10837020_47732_1


再看,这个2012年的帖子,标题是:人类的兼容性有待提高,PRC的实力也有待提高: http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=107_11949464_65443_1






在搜索的时候我碰巧看到原来2008年的时候也有个同仁(rockmelon)和我有一样的想法。他的标题是: 很烦坡人叫PRC, 特傻逼。帖子内容比较短,他/她写道: 很烦坡人叫PRC, 特傻逼 最傻逼的是有些中国人也跟着叫PRC。PRC是个国家,不是人,Sillyporean.






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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 21:34:28  11楼
平时生活中你听过这么多次PRC, 有几次你是听我们自己这么称呼自己的? 就好比就好比新加坡人呼吁不要叫自己坡人叫这里坡县,问题是他们有这么叫自己么?

就看华新吧,随便搜一下,这个2006的帖子的标题是: 国大PRC聚会照片: http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=107_10837020_47732_1  


再看,这个2012年的帖子,标题是:人类的兼容性有待提高,PRC的实力也有待提高: http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=107_11949464_65443_1  






在搜索的时候我碰巧看到原来2008年的时候也有个同仁(rockmelon)和我有一样的想法。他的标题是: 很烦坡人叫PRC, 特傻逼。帖子内容比较短,他/她写道: 很烦坡人叫PRC, 特傻逼 最傻逼的是有些中国人也跟着叫PRC。PRC是个国家,不是人,Sillyporean. http://bbs.huasing.org/sForum/bbs.php?B=107_11075937_40737_1

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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 21:46:01  12楼
你是看到那个拉屎贴里面说PRC联想到的吧那个明显是在模仿坡人在反讽,现实中没见过有中国人自称PRC的。 我从来都是说I'm Chinese、中文、Chinese New Year,不想去为了顾及他们脆弱的政治正确改变太多。
还有,你好像对政治正确(political correctness)这个词语理解有误





使用 African American,不使用Black American

使用 Happy Holidays, 不使用Merry Christmas

使用 Same-Sex Marriage, 不使用 Gay Marriage

使用Flight Attendant, 不使用Stewardess.


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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 21:58:13  13楼
PRC就是指中华人民共和国人家用含贬义是人家的事情。 人家看不起中国人你就不说自己是中国人了? 城里人看不起乡下人那乡下人就否定自己的身份? 新加坡用PRC指大陆人,为的是和自己区分,其词本身,并不含贬义。 因为中国的demonym叫Chinese,而Chinese在这边主要指Chinese这个族群,也就是华人。所以用PRC区分。 台湾的demonym叫Taiwanese 香港的demonym叫Hongkonger,都不会和本地Chinese混淆 至于说PRC的时候带不带贬义是不是歧视,那是另一个问题。
我强调的不是 “不说自己是中国人。我是说,不要学新加坡的用法,因为他们这样使用经常是有贬义的。我已经很清楚地写了,我们用Chinese citizen/national; I am from China, 等中立说法比较合适。哪里是否认自己的身份了?? 

我知道他们想区分,但是Chinese citizen/national/xxx is from China, 已经是完全可以区分了。

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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 22:11:01  14楼
Nationality 从来都偷懒写个prc得飘过don't care...
希望你以后能写全了: Chinese
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 22:21:58  15楼
PRC 词本身并没有什么贬义,只是这个词多出现在各种批评国人不遵守规则的情景下。 不用PRC, 用Chinese, 如果人家要歧视你, 加重口音照样刺耳。
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 22:31:22  16楼
我又没同意你的观点干嘛要听你的,我本来就是PRC scholar。有什么问题么。。。
Suit yourself, Mr/Miss Scholar!
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 22:35:38  17楼
Scholar, my foot!!
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 22:47:15  18楼
I was being sarcastic, in case you missed it
Of course I am aware of its meaning in this specific instance. I was a scholarship recipient myself and was called such too (not the same category though).
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 22:59:03  19楼
我觉得没有,但是国际的写法一般就是China或者 China (People's Republic)
或者是People's Republic of China, 但是我的感觉是前两个比较常见。
相反, USA, UK,和现在不存在的USSR几乎所有的人都知道什么意思。
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作者:这里很热 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:802) 发表:2014-08-28 23:08:02  20楼
我觉得没有,但是国际的写法一般就是China或者 China (People's Republic)或者是People's Republic of China, 但是我的感觉是前两个比较常见。 PRC孤零零地写出来,大多数人外国人不知道什么意思。 相反, USA, UK,和现在不存在的USSR几乎所有的人都知道什么意思。
改正: China (People's Republic of) / China, People's Republic of
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