Donations?:Pin the first place i don't think we can find many so called "donations" and every year it's pretty obvious that the usual people are the ones making the donations but is that sufficient? That is also one of the main reasons why chess cannot be a professional sport. Because we do not have many rich people playing the sport. If there are, everything would be different. People would be more willing to do it if they're paid. Of course if you're talking about doing it for free than it's probably different. But mainly the driving factors are money and people that have the ability is usually people that are either more well to do themselves that desire to manage the commitee or has someone behind them to support them. But i totally agree that you'll have different organisers organising and deciding who to take part but ultimately, it is money's fault you can't blame organisors not inviting some teams though it is not very fair. Most of the time, i believe they are more like the middleman being manipulate (more...)
Previous Discussion on donations .........
you may wish to know a discussion on donations in Apr 2008 as below :
regarding 罗明士杯个人赛 and 团体赛, the formal MP 罗明士先生, many years with 甘榜格南, stepped down after the Singapore General Elections held in May 2006, the 个人赛 was renamed as 甘榜格南象棋个人赛 and still continue until now, as for 团体赛, from what I heard also due to a complaint during 2005 罗明士杯团体赛 and ended up with the present situation.
As mentioned in some of the earlier posts, the organisers are volunteers, usually they do not mind to spend times to plan and arrange the competitions, but they do have a strong feelings if there are complaints after the hard works.