Sharing: My experience of online dating
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-14 23:25:51  楼主  关注此帖评分:
Sharing: My experience of online dating

Since we are living in a cyber world now, i thought there is a fair chance to meet Mr. Right online, plus i know a few friends who testimonied that true love could be found online. So i wrote a rough introduction about myself and my expectation for the boyfriend-to-be and posted it on two websites and The viewers of these two websites are mainly chinese, i mean mainland chinese, like myself. I thought that birds of the same feather flock together, maybe a Chinese man would suit me better than a foreigner. By the way, I have also applied SDU membership, but wasn't keen to join any activities or meet any guys there.

After the ads were posted, I have received quite a lot of replies. My preferred way of establishing connection is via MSN chatting first, then telephone chatting, if both parties are satisfied, then would arrange for a date outside. Being traditional-minded, i would prefer guys take the initiative to invite me for a meet-up, but on rare occassions i would do the calling too. I believe the majority of us follow this procedure to find the ONE via internet.

Let me categorize the guys i have come across online as the following:

1.Married man. I believe there are a group of married men who left their wife in China and decided to pursue their career for a few years in Singapore. So this group of men is bound to feel lonely while the family is miles away, a few of them contacted me because they wanted to make more friends and have a social life in singapore. (that's what they said at least) But i don't have time to entertain married lonely souls, so i rejected them straightaway.

2.ONS man. ONS is the acronym I learnt recently only, it stands for "One Night Stand". I didn't realize that ONS was so rampant till i was 'offered' service repeatedly by the over-friendly internet guys. I guess i was living in my own world while love-making is all sacred and holy and is only meant for the true love. For me, i couldn't accept this act of blasphemy of love. And these people fall into the category of 'pervert' as well.

3.Shorter guys. I know I am not short, but i won't consider myself tall either(1.68m). Guess what, I realize that chinese/asian guys definitely need more calcium and play more basketball nowadays, they are so NOT tall. When i am wearing heels, it's so difficult to find a guy to talk at eye-level. I was even specifically requested not to wear heels on the first date, guess the guy has low self-esteem. But seriously, what happened to all the chinese guys? at least my brother is 1.84m, maybe it's better gene pool in my family.

4.Younger guys. My tolerance is from one year younger than me to 5 years older than me. I just feel age is a factor in a relationship, unless the guy has some extraordinary talents which can compensate the age difference, like maturity, money, charisma, etc. But guys with such extraordinary talents won't be single by now, right?

5.Boring guys. It's quite a common trait among Chinese people, I figure mainly because Chinese guys are very self-conscious and shy, so they don't make interesting conversation and their creativity is like dormant volcano (takes years to erupt, but doesn't mean they don't have creativity). I have met this guy who is a real tester of my patience: he takes at least one minute to think before answering any simple daily life questions, and while i have moved onto another topic, he is still thinking of the previous one. How is it possible to establish connection with such slow-motion person? It beats me.

6.Guys with no/low self-confidence. Without any confidence in yourself, it's impossible to become attractive or charming. A few Chinese guys have no prior serious relationship in their 30 years of life and are rather inexperienced while dealing with the opposite gender. So they appear to be out of place and immature. I find it difficult to communicate well with first-timer, and also i am rather unwilling to be the guinea pig for their relationship. So i have to say 'no' to those guys.

7.Insincere guys. Maybe it's a sweeping statement, but guys nowadays are so INSINCERE while looking for life partners. They want to find a wife or a girlfriend, but at the same time they are rather reluctant to put in the effort to impress the girl, especially on the first date. While coming to decide what to do and where to meet on the first date, very often the guy just throws the question at me without giving any suggestions. So the guy wants to invite me for movie, but didn't bother to check the current movie titles and time for showing? Or when I suggest to meet at Shaw Foundation House, Isetan, the guy has no idea what i am referring to even though he has been in singapore for a considerable number of years. What does it tell me about your adaptability? I have also been 'invited' to a library for a chit-chat on first date. Am I having a fever or is he? Library? for a first date? What kind of lousy suggestion is that? And talking is not allowed in library by the way. I understand that a lot of guys don't get out much, they don't go shopping like girls do, and they don't know orchard road like the back of their hands, and they need to realize that's what makes them boring, unattractive and out of touch with the current life affairs. But the worst case scenario was that the guy arranged with me for a date, but had no intention to turn up and expected me to wait in vain in front of tangs plaza. Luckily i saw through his lies (mainly because he gave me a fake phone no. ) and didn't become a victim of his game. I totally despise such despicable people, no respect to others AT ALL. I called him 'jerk' and 'asshole' ever since.

8.Werid guys. On a few occassions, the guy appears to be perfectly normal and pleasant to chat with, but somehow after a few chats, he would make me rather uncomfortable and disgusted by bringing up sex-related topics, like adult movies, past relationship, opinions on ONS, affairs, etc. This simply proves that SEX is all what guys are thinking about 24/7.

So far I have only thought of these 8 categories, there could be more, like guys couldn't decide what they want for life, guys who use other people's photo to introduce themselves, guys who make up stories to escape from first date, guys who can't chat in English while living in singapore for 9 years, guys who keep asking me which part of shanghai i am from etc.

One thing is for sure, the online dating experience is an eye-opener, to say the least. It exposes me to interesting variety of people, some become my online friends, some are "blocked" from my msn list. haha Well, i will continue my search for the ONE, wish me luck.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-15 20:47:28  2楼
well,this is interestingbut i just dont understand that after so many failures, why r u still so persistent in pursuing a life-long partner thought cyber dating? my suggestion : strolling around the holland village area at least half an hour a day... the chance to bump into a rich guy there is almost equal to the chance of finding a Mr Rite through internet..
thanks for the suggestion, but i am not only looking for a rich guy ha
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-15 20:48:24  3楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-15 20:49:25  4楼
说的很有道理, 不过生活中碰到的男生毕竟少啊, 可能我的缘分还没有到吧.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-15 20:50:25  5楼
笑死了 ^_________^斑竹给花啊
啊? 很好笑吗? 我很认真写的, 给大家一个参考咯, 当然大家看了能笑说明我也不失败了.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-15 20:52:03  6楼
一共8类人,没类不多算,2-3个,也有20个了,每一个看的上眼的看来眼光挺搞的 说真的,看这个帖子的感觉就是 你在ZARA, Guess, Topman里面选不到一件衣服 只能去Gucci, Farragamo, D&G之类的选衣服了 自己条件好是好事,不过有事候得屈服于现实 极品男人那有那么多阿
眼光有点高吧, 可能需要反省一下, 不过也不至于找极品男生拉.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-15 20:52:33  7楼
interesting readingLZ may have to look beyond online dating to nail down the right guy. :)
ya think so too, it's so hard and tiring.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-16 17:43:48  8楼
居然用英语的。。。强。怎么date 啊。。。谈情说爱用英语。。汗。。。。。
不至于拉, 谈情说爱当然还是用母语啊, 不过
我的中文表达能力确实不强, 所以写的话估计还是用英文比较流畅.
这就让我想起来, 有的男生中文学得比我还差, 英文不好也就算了, 怎么中文都讲不好? 真是让我大跌眼镜. 因为我比较看重交流, 所以如果男生中文还没我好, 多半我会觉得这个男生也没什么出息了.(可能带有些偏见吧)
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-16 17:44:32  9楼
运气不好而已吗? 不过你的想法很乐观啊, 我喜欢.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-16 17:45:09  10楼
很有教育意义的文章, 希望征友的男性们都能仔细看一下.知己知彼, 百战不殆... 版主暂时不在, 打分我就代劳了. 也希望bbcat能早日找到自己的意中人.
谢谢咯, 终于也拿到红心了. *_*
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-16 21:22:42  11楼
unattached, Non-ONS, tall, mature, interesting, confident, true, Non-eroticMan exists or not. If exist, then he mostly like is unconfident since he even not attached. Contradiction.
don't really get what you mean......are you saying i am expecting too much?
i am aware that i am not perfect either, and it's not reasonable to ask for a perfect bf/husband, but i can't force myself to accept someone who is repulsive, irresponsible, obnoxious and dirty-minded (that's just me). I don't want to find someone to get married just because i am getting older each day, and i don't want to get married just because peer pressure and family pressure. If such man doesn't exist, i would rather stay single, probably will lead a happier and better life that way.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-17 00:15:19  12楼
Sharing: My experience of online datingDISCLAIMER: THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ARE ONLY MY PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW, THEY ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE IN ANY WAY. NO OFFENCES ARE INTENDED. =============================================================================================================== Since we are living in a cyber world now, i thought there is a fair chance to meet Mr. Right online, plus i know a few friends who testimonied that true love could be found online. So i wrote a rough introduction about myself and my expectation for the boyfriend-to-be and posted it on two websites and The viewers of these two websites are mainly chinese, i mean mainland chinese, like myself. I thought that birds of the same feather flock together, maybe a Chinese man would suit me better than a foreigner. By the way, I have also applied SDU membership, but wasn't keen to join any activities or meet any guys there. After the ads were posted, I have received quite a lot of re (more...)
看到大家反应热烈, 积极讨论, 甚是高兴, 看来没有白写. 我想....
能否起到抛砖引玉的功能呢, 哪个男生也写篇类似的文章?
因为我是女生, 所以很难了解另一边的想法, 如果有男生不吝分享一下, 对大家都有帮助的吧.
可能遇到的恐怖, 可怕, 讨厌的女生中我也是其中一类呢 &_&
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-17 00:17:08  13楼
What a case study of Human Behavior from online dating!Pretty interestin', never realized there is such a perceived image through online dating. Between Men and Women, Self-identity online, Self perception online, self-expectation online, role conflict between reality and virtual world, and Self Efficacy from virtual to real world, emerge and contrast phenomenally! Theoretically, it could be possible to draft a paper out of it. But I am studying org. behavior, rather than human behavior. Anyway, luckily, I have never tried to discover the harsh reality of online dating. However, unluckily, I have one fewer means of finding a partner. Somehow, luckily or otherwise, virtual world has evolved into its current state.
有人也是这样跟我说, 说如果SAMPLE SIZE大一点, 就可以作为社会调查报告了, ^_^
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-17 20:45:48  14楼
谢谢鼓励, 希望不要让我等太久....
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-20 17:43:11  15楼
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-20 17:45:43  16楼
哦, 你看过我吗? 还是我的照片? 可能是对外貌不太注重, 谢谢提议.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-20 17:49:10  17楼
其实不是没有,而是有的都已经被抢走了。假设一个男孩子从18岁开始谈恋爱,当然,有好多开始的更早,那些暂且不提。到25,6岁的时候,经历了8年的经历,或者他已经找到了自己心仪的人,或者他不是个“好人“。 我没有说这里大龄单身的男生不是好人,只是,百分之80以上符合上面情况吧(注:此数字没有统计学调查支持) 倒是大龄女生。。。如果一直没有稳定的关系的话。。。。那倒是要反省一下了。。。很认真地说。有时候人们在问她为什么还没有男朋友的时候,会很给面子地说,可能是要求太高了吧,弄得她们真的觉得是因为要求太高,而不是自身的问题。还是自我反省一下吧。有什么问题?比如性格太内向?太悲观?太没主见?太有主见?太不搭理自己?太能打扮自己?太做做?太自怨自艾?等等。 以前因为公司的原因,参加过一次新加坡SDU的活动。也想借机会见识一下这里dating活动是什么样子的。结果发现,男生还好,因为新加坡男生普遍受ns所累,剩下的也不错,可女生就真的不敢恭维了。 好的女生,会有男生追的。 不要为了找男朋友而去参加类似活动,我觉得扩大朋友圈子比较重要。这样目的性不是那么强,反而更加容易有收获:) 另外,一点小TIPS.根据市场学原理,如果他一直没有一个稳定的 (more...)
写这篇文章一方面是给大家一个参考, 一方面也有助于我对自己的定位, 所以一直在检讨哦.
难得听说新加坡的男生还不错的, 哈哈, 要试试咯. ^_^
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-20 17:50:52  18楼
看了你的帖子,我发现你的择偶要求1。人品好,这就去处了"married man", "weird guys", "ons guys", "insincere guys" 2. 要高,你1.68,穿高跟鞋就算增加5cm,1.73,你找bf应该要找1.78以上的吧。 3。岁数要合适,-1 +6岁你的岁数 4。不boring。我觉得大部分好男生应该都不太善言辞,要是能在言辞上把女孩子哄的很开心的男生,很多都要归类于insincere和ons。当然思考一分钟冒出一句话时有些过分,但是楼主自己也说"It's quite a common trait among Chinese people",可能是华人通病,但马来西亚gg们表现要好一些。 5。Guys with no/low self-confidence,楼主是指没有恋爱经历的老男人吧。恋爱上没有自信。 我想说的是,符合1-5条的在新加坡的中国男人估计没有很多吧。就拿我实验室5,6个中国男生作例子,首先人品应该都没有问题,都可以通过,第二,身高低于1.73,1.74的估计直接就被否决了,基本就被否决了1大半,要解风情,要了解新加坡各种shopping center,各个酒吧舞厅的人估计没有,先不把这个当例子因为大部分女朋友都不在新加坡,也都没有算正式工作,不逛街不太去酒吧pub也是情有可原。但不管怎么说剩下的1,2个估计也会被楼主评为boring一类。 总体来说,楼主要找的人并且也在网 (more...)
是啊, 找起来很难, 所以准备放弃在网上找的念头了.
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-22 00:26:57  19楼
I should recommend this article to my friend, heheI truely think at your age or my age, the chance of having a man who is both nice and available is very small. The only possibility is that such man: 1. breaks up with his gf or divorces with his wife. 2. the termination of the relationship is not due to his own problem. Maybe the woman didn't realize that he is a nice man, or the two persons simply didn't fit. 3. he is ready to pick up another relationship with others. Some people choose to cool down for a period... 4. you apear in front of him, in the right place, at the right moment. 5. MOST importantly, he must be attracted by you. The 5 conditions above must all be satisfied! See how hard it is? I also have two good female friends (both are my middle school ex-classmates) who are facing the problem you mentioned. Both of them are attractive ladies, quite successful in their career, and have good family background. However, they both feel very hard to find their Mr. Right. One of them is still trying
good to know that i am not alone..........
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作者:bbcat (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:1902) 发表:2006-11-23 00:44:00  20楼
Can I recommend one personwho fits all of your criteria in your earlier post and in my opinion who does not fall in any of the 8 categories in this post. except for that he smokes. he is still single coz he've has focusing on his career but now he is on the right track so it is time.
that's very nice of you
I think i would accept him if he is willing to quit smoking, cause i can't sacrifice my health and my children's health. But very thoughtful of you, thanks a lot!
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