Thanks for your kind suggestionsNotes taken. Actually it is not my really job to look for suitable candidates, as I am not yet in the position to do so and make decisions. But it is kind of very critical to my own situation, as I am setting up a team, and feel single handed.
Our HR and Managing Directors and CEOs indeed have invested a lot on advertisement in online portals, streets times, headhunters and we are looking for talents overseas mainly from Phillipines, China, UK and USA. We receive more than 100 resumes a day (of course not only for the life science team). I received more than 30 from Huasing. The management has interviewed many as well, but so far we haven't found the right candidate.
Conference industry has a very high turn over rate, a few other teams are also losing people, it is not easy to find the right people to be honest.
We invested a lot in training as well, including trainings in London and Australian offices, outside training courses etc. We've tried our best, but we can't hire an (more...)
sister gege, i think now maybe personal referral will work better
maybe you can try some online networking portal, like LinkedIn.
if you do not have any contact there yet, give me your email and i will add you to my network. then through me you will connect to a lot other people :)
just my two cents, and hope you can find the right candidate asap.
if you do not have any contact there yet, give me your email and i will add you to my network. then through me you will connect to a lot other people :)
just my two cents, and hope you can find the right candidate asap.