let me tell you from my experience
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let me tell you from my experience
In singapore, respect is earned, not given!
they respect only tough man but not soft and nice man-although being nice is important( I am personally super nice when not challenged)
but you can't be nice anymore when you are challenged.

what you should do :
since he is not your boss,check if the boss is on your side.
1)Boss on his side: then nothing you can do but to:
----eat it up if you can't find another job,be prepared to eat shit anytime in the future
----if you think you can find another job, FUCK him hard!(I mean use the word literally in his face),not only that ;FUCK the boss and report to a bigger boss, and resign

2)Boss neutral or on your side;
FUCK him hard until he shit! from now on , nobody will mess up with you
Good Luck!
Put your OWN COOL signature here!
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