基本常识, 有NDA的You can proceed
那我们可以理解为和public blockchain的竞争对撞哈希函数的PoW是不一样的。
Hyperledger is a community started by Linux foundation. Each frameworks under Hyperledger has a Vendor as Initial Contributor. For Example, IBM initiated Hyperledger Fabric, Intel initiated Hyperledger Sawtooth.
Each of these frameworks are focussed on most common business cases. Because of its permissioned-network structure, this can be made to be open only within an intranet or an organization or a group of organization.
Each Hyperledger framework has a different consensus approach because each of them were focussed on a core business case. For Example, Sawtooth uses Proof of elapsed Time as a consensus strategy because most of the Sawtooth’s architecture were focussed to adapt uses cases that uses IoT, where the inputs would be fed every second or half a second.
Hyperledger Fabric consensus mechanisms, which currently include SOLO, Kafka, and will soon extend to SBFT (Simplified Byzantine Fault Tolerance),
这就是我原本的问题,觉得把财团区块链化分为区块链的一种不够确切。比较合理的划分难道不是,大家都是DLT, 然后blockchain是一种DLT, CL是一种DLT, hyperledger是一种DLT。对吗?并且看来hyperledger和CL更像,区别在于consensus protocol不一样。这就是说hyperledger和blockchain都是DLT, 但是hyperledger, consortium blockchain不是准确定义的blockchain,这么说有问题吗?
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 Serenityblue 的帖子 “查的还是不够仔细”
Hyperledger is a community started by Linux foundation. Each frameworks under Hyperledger has a Vendor as Initial Contributor. For Example, IBM initiated Hyperledger Fabric, Intel initiated Hyperledger Sawtooth.
Each of these frameworks are focussed on most common business cases. Because of its permissioned-network structure, this can be made to be open only within an intranet or an organization or a group of organization.
Each Hyperledger framework has a different consensus approach because each of them were focussed on a core business case. For Example, Sawtooth uses Proof of elapsed Time as a consensus strategy because most of the Sawtooth’s architecture were focussed to adapt uses cases that uses IoT, where the inputs would be fed every second or half a second.
Hyperledger Fabric consensus mechanisms, which currently include SOLO, Kafka, and will soon extend to SBFT (Simplified Byzantine Fault Tolerance),
这就是我原本的问题,觉得把财团区块链化分为区块链的一种不够确切。比较合理的划分难道不是,大家都是DLT, 然后blockchain是一种DLT, CL是一种DLT, hyperledger是一种DLT。对吗?并且看来hyperledger和CL更像,区别在于consensus protocol不一样。这就是说hyperledger和blockchain都是DLT, 但是hyperledger, consortium blockchain不是准确定义的blockchain,这么说有问题吗?
系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 Serenityblue 的帖子 “查的还是不够仔细”
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