trilinq的4卧大家认为租售比多少比较合适呢?附送户型图,扣除各种成本2.5%的回报率合理吗?纯讨论帖,非广告。该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2017-01-20 22:00:03。
you need to rent at least 3720 per month
纯收入2.5%就是 2964+management fee+property tax+agent fee
agent fee is normally 0.5 month rental per year, management fee is assumed to be 300 monthly, property tax is depend on the owner's nationality, if foreigner, can assume 300 monthly.
so you need to rent at least 3720 per month, supposing no vacancy, no repair or renovation fee.
agent fee is normally 0.5 month rental per year, management fee is assumed to be 300 monthly, property tax is depend on the owner's nationality, if foreigner, can assume 300 monthly.
so you need to rent at least 3720 per month, supposing no vacancy, no repair or renovation fee.