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作者:山水 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:2306) 发表:2020-12-10 10:30:51  60楼 
发展商建房有GFA限制,以前阳台和飘窗不算在GFA里面,鼓励大家在家里绿化。但发展商卖房给大家的时候这些都算在面积里了。国内的做法好像是阳台算50%面积,这边100%都进了房子的总面积。后来这个漏洞因为越来越多奇葩户型就给堵了。   This exemption will no longer apply from Oct 7, according to a circular issued by the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) on Monday. The exemption has led to 'unintended and undesirable consequences' and 'unwittingly shifted market behaviours and negated the objective of the GFA exemptions for these building features', URA said in explaining why bay windows and planter boxes will no longer be exempted from GFA. Explaining the impact of the new rules on residential developers, a property industry player said: 'Developers' profit margins will be reduced because they will no longer enjoy this benefit of not counting bay windows and planter boxes as part of their GFA and yet selling this space to home buyers. If the developers want to have these features, they will have to pay the full price s (more...)
仁者乐山 智者乐水
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