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<<ʼҳ¡¡ <ÉÏÒ³ ¡¡ 1¡¡ 2¡¡ 3¡¡ [4]¡¡ Ä©Ò³>>¡¡

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)replies
1)The examples quoted were of course from my personal example. I cant speak for the general public, and neither can you. Which way will benefit the school the most? There is no valid comparison for now, as NYPS has not enrolled the students based on proximity or other merits yet.
Currently half of NYPS pupils score more than 240 in PSLE, will this get even better if the enrolment criteria are based on something else? Will the school become a more diversified and competitive elite school if they forgo the legality system?
2) Whether a better resourced kid has more chance of success or not has never be my point of contention in this thread. Don¡¯t get too carried away.
3) I am for the proximity over legacy system, cause it is more rational.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ niumum µÄÌû×Ó ¡°im not a "firm believer"¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [°®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó (8-4 13:10, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]61Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)i have never attempted to speak for the general publicfrom a personal pespective.

i was talking about probability. enter 100 kids of 100 NYPS alumni vs another 100 kids from the 1km neighbourhood. the likelihood is that a higher percentage of the alumni kids will score better in PSLE than the neighbourhood kids, though these kids come from an affluent neighbourhood and may have a higher chance of success than the national average. the difference will be more pronounced for schools in HDB estates.

there was a "valid comparison" that you are referring to: in early years of singapore's independence, schools were more homogenous and NYPS have admitted based on proximity like your lawyer friend did. back then these top schools did not stand out. however over the years with a strong alumni network these schools have became cream of the crop.

FYI, alumni identity i was talking about in my earlier posts was not referring to just primary schools. in singapore the top schools arr clusters of affiliated schools from primary to juniot college. eg the nanyang-hwachong sch cluster, raffles, anglo-chinese, st andrews, to name a few. nothing to boast about if you come from NYPS, but it is certainly comething if your entire clan are alumni of the nanyang group of schools.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ °®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó µÄÌû×Ó ¡°replies¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP] [niumum (8-4 14:01, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]62Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)andthe current enrollment criteria of primary schools in China and US are for proximity and/or other merits, correct me if I m wrong. We have not heard debating in those countries suggesting the primary schools give absolute priority enrollment to alumni kids, in the name of school benefit.
But this issue in Singapore has always been a topic of contention. Is not this says a lot?

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ °®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó µÄÌû×Ó ¡°replies¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [°®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó (8-4 14:04, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]63Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)singapore is a city state and it onlyhas 3 universities. it is impossible to form the ivy league or 985-211 kind of elite universities alumni group in US or China's context

so the only way is to for the primary amd secondary schools to form their elite enclave. besides, China and US may have other social barriers that we are not aware of, like hukou. in singapore anyone is free to move to anywhere on the island as long as they have the money.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ °®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó µÄÌû×Ó ¡°and¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP] [niumum (8-4 14:20, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]64Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)I'm sorry I have to reply again1. Probabilty of alumni kids doing better than kids living within 1km? Do you have statistics to support this argument? Or is it just a conjecture??

2. Half of NYPS kids scoring 240 or above in PSLE - do you know how much percentage of each cohort in NYPS belongs to the gifted program? More than 10%. Do you know how much percentage get to share GE resources? Almost 30%. And do you know how much more resources were provided to the GE program?

3. The argument about the affiliation from from primary school to junior college is totally not valid. I work in the education system; in fact, a lot of NYPS kids move on to the Raffles family, and a lot of ACS kids move on to the other schools too. Alumni bonding only started from secondary school onwards.

4. The entire argument about so called "elite enclave" just makes all the talks about "every school is a good school" a big joke. So can I say that the MOE is rather self-contradictory? Not willing to make a slightest change to the absolute priority given to alumni, and yet claiming all the school are equally good? If all schools are good, shouldn't young kids to allocated to the nearest school, for greatest convenience?

I actually agree that there is a need for schools associate with their alumni and give them certain privilege. But giving absolute priority to alumni is just totally irrational.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ °®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó µÄÌû×Ó ¡°replies¡±
[snowflamingo (8-4 15:19, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]65Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)Anyway, there is nothing we can do.ÆäʵÎÒ×Ô¼ºÒ²ÊǽÌÓý¹¤×÷Õߣ¬¾õµÃÓÐЩÏÖÏóʵÔںܲ»¹«Æ½£¬ÓÈÆäÊǸøУÓѾø¶ÔÓÅÏÈȨµÄÕþ²ß¡£Èç¹û¸øÁ½¹«ÀïÄÚµÄУÓÑÓÅÏÈȨ£¬ÎÒÍêȫûÓÐÒâ¼û¡£


ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ snowflamingo µÄÌû×Ó ¡°I'm sorry I have to reply again¡±
[snowflamingo (8-4 15:33, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]66Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)you dont deny that top schools produce better students rightso isnt it more likely that students graduate from top schools will go on to do well in life? (precisely why you want to send your own kids there) compared to the random probability of kids within 1km, would it be wrong to "conject" that alumni of top schools are more likely to have kids who will become good students than national average?

about the second point, i agree that these schools enjoys a lot of exclusive resources through GEP, but lookinh at the current social dynamics (lots of vested interest by alumni etc) would you deny that the schools owe these priviledges to their alumni?

my point about affiliation is this: an RJC alumni has lower place in the rafflesian family than a "pure-bred" rafflesian eg RGPS-RGS-RJC, so yes alumni "branding" starts in primary school.

about the last point, it is human nature and inevitable in all societies for elite enclaves to be formed. the all school equally good is just propaganda. government dont want to encourage that, and they tried ways and means to counter eliticism, but there is no way they can overhaul it.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ snowflamingo µÄÌû×Ó ¡°I'm sorry I have to reply again¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP] [niumum (8-4 15:54, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]67Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)ÈÃÎÒÏëµ½ÎÒÒ»¸öѧÉú¡£bowling team. primary 3.
ÕâÑù£¬ÎÒÃÇѧУBOWLING TEAMµÄ¾ÍÈ¥ÁËÈ˼ÒѧУ£¬¹þ¹þ£¬ÒòΪÿ´ÎËûÃÇѧУµÚÒ»£¬°³ÃÇѧУµÚ¶þ£º£¨¡£¡£¡£
ÎÒÃǸ±Ð£³¤Ëµ£¬È˼ÒÓÐÇ®£¬VERY TRUE.ºÃÏñÒª¾èͦ¶à²ÅÄܽøÈ¥¡£

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ niumum µÄÌû×Ó ¡°you dont deny that top schools produce better students right¡±
[watercooler (8-4 16:39, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]68Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)your got your logic wrong1)If that is what you believe, which is that the success story of NYPS is largely due to its enrollment priority. NYPS has to be the world number 1 primary school, as its enrollment method is so¡± superior¡± than the rest of the world.
I m sure there are other good primary schools in the world, amber of them, that do not enroll and given absolute priority to alumni kids, and equally successful.
Mind you, a school with an open mind will continue to flourish, that is why NYPS is taking in gifted students and also Soros(new money?)¡¯s kid. Given proximity priority, they may take in our¡± King¡±¡¯s kids in years to come. We welcome this change and it definitely adds culture diversity to the school.
2)Enough of NYPS discussion, as if I am a stakeholder. There are over 100 primary schools goes by legacy system. Talk about them too.
3)Lastly an inappropriate example-
A girl got a bank job because her father worked in the bank 30 years ago, for 6 years. She is perceived to be more qualified than the others, because, hey her father is a banker for 6 years, she must good at this job. Statistically proven. ¨C legacy system
Another girl got a bank job because she has a pretty face and big boobs, born with it or after a successful plastic surgery. ¨C Favor over proximity. Not entirely fair but I see this recruitment more rational. At least this girl has something to offer. Customers are happier. Fewer kids have to travel across the island at 6am every weekday.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ niumum µÄÌû×Ó ¡°you dont deny that top schools produce better students right¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [°®ÓÎÓ¾µÄÊó (8-4 17:01, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]69Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)No, I don't agree that top PRIMARY schools produce better studentsbecause of their P1 intake.

I have always stressed that PRIMARY schools are not the same as secondary schools or universities. Yes, because of PSLE results or secondary qualifications, top secondary school and universities produce better students. But I don't see how giving ABSOLUTE priority to alumni ensures a primary school's quality.

As I said, in my opinion, most of the so called elite primary schools get their status today not because of the P1 registration policy, which started about 15 years ago; but because of the resources they enjoyed from being a GEP centre - the GE program started about 30 years ago.

I'm actually offended that you said "precisely why you want to send you own kids there". I mentioned many times in my previous posts that my greatest concern is kid's convenience and how much sleep he enjoys. I don't care if he goes to a neighbourhood school if it is located downstairs. I was from a neighbourhood school myself and I think it's perfectly fine. But is it fair that he should go to some school further away, just because we have been staying near some popular school (which is also near his parent's work place) since he was born? Or shall I actually buy a new house to move away from the crowd??

I already said that alumni bonding started from secondary school, so your comparison of an RJC alumni with an RGPS-RGS-RJC alumni is shortchanging my idea. In fact, as I mentioned previously, a lot of RGS students are NOT from RGPS. My opinion is that an RGS-RJC alumni is definitely as good as someone who started from RGPS. If you have had an alumni network, you'll know that most people associate more with alumni from the same secondary school, not primary school.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ niumum µÄÌû×Ó ¡°you dont deny that top schools produce better students right¡±
[snowflamingo (8-4 17:48, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]70Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)we are entitled to our own opinions aboutthe impact students' family background have on their eventual academic achievements, but personally i do not think that the extra resources top schools enjoy is the sole determining factor that leads to better results. giving alumni priority does not ensure but give a better chance of maintaining the school's quality.

i apologize if you took the sentence personally, as i was actually having the general herd instinct in mind when i said that, and well aware that you value convenience and time efficiency the most.

the whole argument about alumni identity stem from the post which said that no one cares if you are ex-NYPS, if you did not go on to the affiliated secondary schools. so i was trying to say being a top pri sch alumni does play a part, albeit a small one, in your personal status especially if you really did end up being an elite pure bred (rafflesian, for example). i have a pure bred rafflesian colleague in my dept, and she is viewed (subtlely) as more high class than other rjc alumni in the dept coz she has well to do and well educated parents who managed to start her off in RGPS. the whole point was about the VALUE of having a top primary school as alma mater.

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ snowflamingo µÄÌû×Ó ¡°No, I don't agree that top PRIMARY schools produce better students¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP] [niumum (8-4 18:19, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]71Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¿ÕÖÐÂ¥¸ó:Óеã¿Ö²À£¬¸Ð¾õÓ¦¸Ã°ÑÇ°ÃæµÄphase±ÈÀýËõС£¬ÖÁÉÙÄܱ£Ö¤¾Í½üÈëѧ¾ÍËã¼Ò³¤ÊÇÃûУУÓѰѺ¢×ÓË͵½ºÜÔ¶µÄѧУҲÊÇÒ»ÖÖÉç»á×ÊÔ´ÀË·Ñ¡£)ÍÛ ÖÜÄ©²»ÔÚÕâÌû×ÓÕâô³¤ÁË£¬ÎÒÏë˵УÓÑÖƱ£Ö¤ÉúԴû´í£¬µ«Õþ²ß²»ÊÇÃûУÖƶ¨µÄ¶øÊÇÕþ¸®¡£Õþ²ßµÄÄ¿µÄÊÇÈçºÎÈÃËùÓеÄѧÉú½øÈëÊʺϵÄСѧ£¬¶ø²»ÊDZ£Ö¤ÃûУµÄÉúÔ´ÖÊÁ¿¡£

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[¿ÕÖÐÂ¥¸ó (8-5 16:40, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]72Â¥


Alumni (2A1) + Studied (2A2)
Ò»°ã¶¼Ã»³¬¹ý Studying (1A)

¶øÈç¹ûÈ¡ÏûУÓÑ£¬¸Ä³É¾Í½üÈëѧ¡£¹À¼ÆPhase 2CµÄ½á¹û»á¸ü²Ò
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [Áéɽ (8-5 17:53, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]73Â¥

[watercooler (8-5 19:41, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]74Â¥

(ÒýÓà watercooler:Õþ¸®ÊÇË­°¡£¿²»ÊÇRI RULES THE COUNTRY, ACS OWNS THE COUNTRYÂ𣿠Õþ¸®µÄÈ˾Ͳ»ÊÇУÓÑ°¡£¿¸úÕþ¸®ÁªÏµ½ôÃܵľͲ»ÊÇУÓÑ°¡£¿ ²»¹ý£¬ÎÒ¾õµÃ...)Äǵ¹ÊÇ£¬Õþ¸®²¿ÃÅÀïÊÇÓÐÒ»°ïeliteÕÆȨ£¬²»¹ýÕþ¸®Ò²Òª¿´Ñ¡Æ±¸Ð¾õÏÖÔÚÆÂÈ˸÷¸ö¶¼Óб§Ô¹Õþ¸®µÄÀíÓÉ ¶øÇÒÉç»á½×²ãÔ½µÍµÄÈËԽϲ»¶Í¶·´¶Ôµ³[¿ÕÖÐÂ¥¸ó (8-6 13:31, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]75Â¥

(ÒýÓà niumum:Ê×ÏÈ,Èç¹ûÕû¸ö¼Ò×嶼ÊÇУÓѵĻ°¶ÔĸУµÄÖØÊӺͻØÀ¡Ä¸Ð£µÄ¼¸Âʿ϶¨±È½Ï¸ß È»ºó,¶ÔÓÚÄÇЩÃûУÈçÄÏÑó,УÓѶ¼±È½ÏÓÅÐã,ËûÃǵĺ¢×Ó³ÉΪºÃѧÉú...)ͬÒâƾʲôҪ¿¼ÂÇУÓѵĺ¢×ÓÓÅÏÈ£¿Õâ²»¾ÍÊdzÉÁËÊÀ´úÏà´«ÁËô£¿±ðµÄº¢×ÓÔõô°ì? Ò»³öÉú¾Í±»²»¹«Æ½¶Ô´ýÁË¡£Ò»¹«ÀïÒÔÄÚ»¹ÊǺÏÀíµÄ£¬¾Í½üÉÏѧ£¬ÃâÈ¥ÀͶ١£

ϵͳÉú³É£ºÓÉÓÚÂ¥²ãÊýÊÜÏÞ£¬±¾Ìûʵ¼Ê»Ø¸´µÄÊÇ snowflamingo µÄÌû×Ó ¡°Ã»ËµÒª¸øסµÃ½üµÄabsolute priority¡±
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP] [Àî¸Ð¾õ (8-10 19:54, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]76Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¿ÕÖÐÂ¥¸ó:ÍÛ ÖÜÄ©²»ÔÚÕâÌû×ÓÕâô³¤ÁË£¬ÎÒÏë˵УÓÑÖƱ£Ö¤ÉúԴû´í£¬µ«Õþ²ß²»ÊÇÃûУÖƶ¨µÄ¶øÊÇÕþ¸®¡£Õþ²ßµÄÄ¿µÄÊÇÈçºÎÈÃËùÓеÄѧÉú½øÈëÊʺϵÄСѧ£¬¶...)every school is a good school,ÎÒ¾õµÃû´íÒòΪ²¿³¤Ã»Óн²ÆÀÅбê×¼¡£




¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂÊÖ»úWap°æ] [Ê©³ÏµØ²ú (8-13 18:43, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]77Â¥


·ñµôÁËabsolute priority to proximity as one of the extreme solutions.
¡¡[±¾ÎÄ·¢ËÍ×Ô»ªÐÂiOS APP] [niumum (8-18 21:04, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]78Â¥

<<ʼҳ¡¡ <ÉÏÒ³ ¡¡ 1¡¡ 2¡¡ 3¡¡ [4]¡¡ Ä©Ò³>>¡¡
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