what's the deal with the gals nowadays? who can tell? (original)
µÇ¼ | ÂÛ̳µ¼º½ -> »ªÐÂÏÊÊ -> ÐÄÇéÏÐÁÄ | ±¾Ìû¹²ÓÐ 14 Â¥£¬·Ö 1 Ò³, µ±Ç°ÏÔʾµÚ 1 Ò³ : ±¾ÌûÊ÷ÐÎÁбí : ˢР: ·µ»ØÉÏÒ»Ò³
×÷ÕߣºMysteryAD (µÈ¼¶£º2 - ³õ³ö鮣¬·¢Ìû£º13) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 01:11:34¡¡ Â¥Ö÷¡¡ ¹Ø×¢´ËÌû
what's the deal with the gals nowadays? who can tell? (original)
//i've been looking around the website for a while. surprisingly, it seems that i can't get rid of it. it could be a good news. i can kill some time in a place where it is free of charge, plus easy to access. besides, let go off my depression. preferably, a couple of undercovered soul mates could possibly return some applauses.how wonderful. //men talk about money and gal because both of them are bothering. that rule works for me every now and then. differently, i used to deal with gal with money. now instead, i am taking care of oversea gal with other qualifications but money. it doesn't go smoothly one way or the other. once a gal is taken by money, she is looking forward to your qualifications. vice versa, a gal is attracted by the qualifications, the next thing jumping in must be the damn bucks! //by referring some resources, i try to figure out the causes this way: //1. gal is sensible&insecure //2. not bothering overqualified males //3. looking for the Mr. perfect //4. artist in handling the suitors //and so on so forth...those sorts of craps... //they are not helping a lot. personally, i conclude that the basic reason could be the m/f ratio is way out of balance. then the consequences can be reasonably estimated and verified in the real life. //gal give me the impression that they are caprice. i really don't wanna take it further more. is that the way it always be? or since when it changed? who the hell knows? recalling the marriage cases online, each one of them cost a fortune. marriage is digitalized. the ceremony is supposed to the moment of life. it turns to be a combination of a few digits plus a currency unit. money is driving the world. it is fucking pathetic and disgusting. //in the end, with all due respect, no offensive, complaint is compliant. nothing is personal. //best wishes, have fun!

»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷Õߣº¹¦·òÐÜè (µÈ¼¶£º?? - ÎÞ·¨ÎÞÌ죬·¢Ìû£º73374) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 01:26:42¡¡ 2Â¥
¿´À´Â¥Ö÷ÉËÐĹý¶ÈÁË¡­¡­bless you
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷Õߣº¹¦·òÄÜè (µÈ¼¶£º2 - ³õ³ö鮣¬·¢Ìû£º70) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 02:14:39¡¡ 3Â¥
you can use "<br>" instead of "//" to break the paragraph....
if u choose the check box of "shi yong hua xin biao ji"..

»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷ÕߣºÐ¡¶¹ (µÈ¼¶£º5 - ÂÔÓÐС³É£¬·¢Ìû£º5639) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 10:37:00¡¡ 4Â¥
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷ÕߣºMysteryAD (µÈ¼¶£º2 - ³õ³ö鮣¬·¢Ìû£º13) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 12:50:11¡¡ 5Â¥
you can use "" instead of "//" to break the paragraph....if u choose the check box of "shi yong hua xin biao ji".. Thanks
1st, you come late for the problem
2nd, plz explain in details, coz i am a rookie.
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷ÕߣºMysteryAD (µÈ¼¶£º2 - ³õ³ö鮣¬·¢Ìû£º13) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 12:57:30¡¡ 6Â¥
dear bean, tldrÊDz»ÊÇ´«ËµÖеĻðÐÇÎÄ£¬
Èç¹ûÄãÖ»ÊÇΪÁËÇÀ¸öµØ°å£¬ÄÇô¹§Ï²ÄãÁË£¬you made it!
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷ÕߣºMysteryAD (µÈ¼¶£º2 - ³õ³ö鮣¬·¢Ìû£º13) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 13:03:58¡¡ 7Â¥
what's the deal with the gals nowadays? who can tell? (format edited)
i've been looking around the website for a while. surprisingly, it seems that i can't get rid of it. it could be a good news. i can kill some time in a place where it is free of charge, plus easy to access. besides, let go off my depression. preferably, a couple of undercovered soul mates could possibly return some applauses.how wonderful.

men talk about money and gal because both of them are bothering. that rule works for me every now and then. differently, i used to deal with gal with money. now instead, i am taking care of oversea gal with other qualifications but money. it doesn't go smoothly one way or the other. once a gal is taken by money, she is looking forward to your qualifications. vice versa, a gal is attracted by the qualifications, the next thing jumping in must be the damn bucks!

by referring some resources, i try to figure out the causes this way:

1. gal is sensible&insecure

2. not bothering overqualified males

3. looking for the Mr. perfect

4. artist in handling the suitors

and so on so forth...those sorts of craps...

they are not helping a lot. personally, i conclude that the basic reason could be the m/f ratio is way out of balance. then the consequences can be reasonably estimated and verified in the real life.

gal give me the impression that they are caprice. i really don't wanna take it further more. is that the way it always be? or since when it changed? who the hell knows? recalling the marriage cases online, each one of them cost a fortune. marriage is digitalized. the ceremony is supposed to the moment of life. it turns to be a combination of a few digits plus a currency unit. money is driving the world. it is fucking pathetic and disgusting.

in the end, with all due respect, no offensive, complaint is compliant. nothing is personal.

best wishes, have fun!
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷Õߣºada_ada (µÈ¼¶£º10 - ¯»ð´¿Ç࣬·¢Ìû£º5993) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 15:22:24¡¡ 8Â¥
dear bean, tldrÊDz»ÊÇ´«ËµÖеĻðÐÇÎÄ£¬»¹ÊÇÄãºÈ¶àÁË£¬²»Ð¡ÐÄ°´Á˻ظ´£¬È·ÈÏ£¬ÒòΪÊÖ¶¶Á˶¶£¬°´ÁËtldr¡£ ÄãÓл°¿ÉÒÔֱ˵¡£ »¹ÊÇÄãÏëÖ¤Ã÷Äã¿´¶®ÎÒдµÄÁË£¬Ð´Á˼¸¸öÎÒ²»¶®µÄ×Ö¡£ Èç¹ûÄãÖ»ÊÇΪÁËÇÀ¸öµØ°å£¬ÄÇô¹§Ï²ÄãÁË£¬you made it! (more...)
too long didn't read
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷Õߣº¹¦·òÐÜè (µÈ¼¶£º?? - ÎÞ·¨ÎÞÌ죬·¢Ìû£º73374) ·¢±í£º2010-03-19 15:30:46¡¡ 9Â¥
what's the deal with the gals nowadays? who can tell? (format edited)i've been looking around the website for a while. surprisingly, it seems that i can't get rid of it. it could be a good news. i can kill some time in a place where it is free of charge, plus easy to access. besides, let go off my depression. preferably, a couple of undercovered soul mates could possibly return some applauses.how wonderful. men talk about money and gal because both of them are bothering. that rule works for me every now and then. differently, i used to deal with gal with money. now instead, i am taking care of oversea gal with other qualifications but money. it doesn't go smoothly one way or the other. once a gal is taken by money, she is looking forward to your qualifications. vice versa, a gal is attracted by the qualifications, the next thing jumping in must be the damn bucks! by referring some resources, i try to figure out the causes this way: 1. gal is sensible&insecure 2. not bothering overqualified males 3. looking fo (more...)

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Too Lazy Didn't Reply..
»¶Ó­À´µ½»ªÐÂÖÐÎÄÍø£¬Ó»Ô¾·¢ÌûÊÇÖ§³ÖÎÒÃǵÄ×îºÃ·½·¨!Ô­ÎÄ / ´«Í³°æ / WAP°æÖ»¿´´ËÈË´ÓÕâÀïÕ¹¿ªÊÕÆðÁбí
×÷Õߣºkaraoke (µÈ¼¶£º2 - ³õ³ö鮣¬·¢Ìû£º41) ·¢±í£º2010-03-20 01:45:38¡¡ 11Â¥
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dear bean, tldrÊDz»ÊÇ´«ËµÖеĻðÐÇÎÄ£¬»¹ÊÇÄãºÈ¶àÁË£¬²»Ð¡ÐÄ°´Á˻ظ´£¬È·ÈÏ£¬ÒòΪÊÖ¶¶Á˶¶£¬°´ÁËtldr¡£ ÄãÓл°¿ÉÒÔֱ˵¡£ »¹ÊÇÄãÏëÖ¤Ã÷Äã¿´¶®ÎÒдµÄÁË£¬Ð´Á˼¸¸öÎÒ²»¶®µÄ×Ö¡£ Èç¹ûÄãÖ»ÊÇΪÁËÇÀ¸öµØ°å£¬ÄÇô¹§Ï²ÄãÁË£¬you made it! (more...)
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°¡£¬Íü¼Ç²¹Ò»¾äÁË£¬ÎÒÇÀµ½µØ°åÁË£¬yeah, i made it
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