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作者:一刀n断 (等级:20 - 华新元老,发帖:9771) 发表:2008-07-05 03:04:19  楼主  关注此帖
1 发表无意义的0bytes贴刷屏 扰乱论坛正常秩序 经警告后再犯
2 语言攻击网友 包括对某争论贴使用“狗咬狗”等字眼 恶意评价某网友是“鳄鱼”等字眼

以上是官方发言 以下是代表个人

我第一次删你的骂人贴 你就说我“滥用职权”“看不起我”

我说过了 维护论坛秩序是我作为版主的责任 有攻击网友的贴子 版主自然是第一时间删掉 这就是我的职权
而且你在我眼里本来什么东西也不算 我也不需要你看得起我
那一贴因为卷心菜想给你一个反省的机会 就一并删掉了 但是我相信你看到了 因为你本来也回复了的

随后多次给你机会反省 你言语里多有对卷心菜和几度的吹捧而刻意针对我处理事情的方法 我都告诉你了 别以为你喊他们哥哥长哥哥短的 他们看你年幼照顾你 你就可以仗着童言无忌口无遮拦胡说八道 卷心菜说你只有十几岁 让我不要跟你计较 可是如果你真的只有十几岁 面对你的前辈长辈争论的时候 “狗咬狗”这种字眼是你应该说的话吗?所以我说你缺少必要的教育 当然 我和卷心菜几度也沟通了 他们并不知道你到底是谁 你的年龄也不得而知 不过你要是没有那么年幼还装的这么清纯可爱 就更令人恶心了

我也告诉你了 每个人处理事情方法不同 作为被你直接语言攻击的版主 我的处理方法就是“你不反省道歉 我这里就没有你说话的权力” 我迟迟没有ban你 只是一直在给你机会表达 但是今天夜里你的所作所为让我觉得没有这个必要了 容忍是有限度的 你对我恶意挑衅是吗? 在我的一些帖子下面继续跟无意义的0bytes贴挑战我是吗? 然后去其它版发牢骚吗你就是一个跳梁小丑

我也在那边回复你了 你的一言一行所作所为证明了你就是个垃圾 缺少基本必要的教育 如果你真只有十几岁 我从略大你几岁的角度劝告你 人说话是需要修饰的 你还年轻 一些习惯还来得及改正 所谓悬崖勒马 回头是岸 亡羊补牢 之类的词 需要帮助的话可以找老师家长 当然如果你吃的盐比我多 这些你自然比我懂 不需要我教育你你也应该自我反省一下吧

最后还是那句话 欢迎任何网友棋友来讨论棋艺棋人棋事

但是有捣乱滋事的人 发一贴删一贴 来一个ban一个 必要的时候不排除采用法律手段
华新网 www.huasing.org 是新加坡注册团体 有相关法律条文保护 所以请遵守以下《华新论坛守则》










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作者:张辽 (等级:12 - 登峰造极,发帖:4471) 发表:2008-07-05 09:57:34  2楼
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:2008八连负 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:104) 发表:2008-07-05 10:07:52  3楼
immediately, one example .....

上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网.....

support the action from 版主.
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:2008八连负 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:104) 发表:2008-07-05 23:45:28  4楼
immediately, one example ..... 上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网..... support the action from 版主.
to share three 短消息 ........

杨家小将 2008-07-05 11:45 (after the ban)

I do not mind he band my id . From this case , i can see what kind of character he was . Cos he is the owner of this forum , he had the rights to put the ban. But it never proof that he is right and a justice person. Infact , is possible a reverse way. This can be seen from the way he treat tother posts in forum having such contents . Such as bls .”without proof” He treat people differently if he know those people identify. : P Cheer Qirenshen

2008八连负 Reply on 5 Jul 2008 around 10:15 am

you can use another name and join back if you feel this forum is ok in general, please be more careful with the words used in future.

As for the net name of 2008八连负, I have explained my purposes of using that name. Anyway, I will consider your view.

Have a nice weekend.

杨家小将 2008-07-05 01:14:21 (before the ban)

hi 2008八连负 , sorry for making posting on the " dog" bite "dog" . Infact , i think that both bls ,qirenshen ,qiyishen are all making assumption . "以为"mean not true and not sure about it !! Also may be 2008八连负 is not a good net name . Do consider use back qirenshen ba. :P cheer . Now 一刀n断 angry with me ..hahha
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:一刀n断 (等级:20 - 华新元老,发帖:9771) 发表:2008-07-06 00:30:51  5楼
to share three 短消息 ........ 杨家小将 2008-07-05 11:45 (after the ban) I do not mind he band my id . From this case , i can see what kind of character he was . Cos he is the owner of this forum , he had the rights to put the ban. But it never proof that he is right and a justice person. Infact , is possible a reverse way. This can be seen from the way he treat tother posts in forum having such contents . Such as bls .”without proof” He treat people differently if he know those people identify. : P Cheer Qirenshen 2008八连负 Reply on 5 Jul 2008 around 10:15 am you can use another name and join back if you feel this forum is ok in general, please be more careful with the words used in future. As for the net name of 2008八连负, I have explained my purposes of using that name. Anyway, I will consider your view. Have a nice weekend. 杨家小将 2008-07-05 01:14:21 (before the ban) hi 2008八连负 , sorry for making posting on the " dog" bite "dog" . Infact , i think that both bls ,qirenshen ,qiyishe (more...)
既然短消息里提到了bls 我多说两句 我并不认识bls 对于杨家小将我也不认识 但是前段时间颇俱争议的bls至少并没有使用脏话直接语言攻击网友 没有违反论坛的底线守则 只是提出了一些具有争议性的话题 本着论坛言论自由的基本原则 纯粹的争议大家还是可以摆出来讲 而且bls网友近段时间已经把注意力集中在了棋艺棋事本身 还是值得鼓励和肯定的

但是对于杨家小将 ban此ID的原因早已阐明 不再赘述

本版创建于2003年3月10日至今5年3个月零26天以来 我只ban过两个人 一个是上次ID名字涉及冒犯网友的某某 一个是这次发贴恶语攻击网友的杨家小将 这些都是《华新论坛守则》上明文规定的基本守则 如有触犯 不管是谁 在我这里 按照我的办事方法 一律ban 除非有悔改之意 发贴道歉 人孰无过 可以给机会改正


我向来不在乎别人怎么看待my character 我只是作我自己 这就是我的为人处事态度 对错自在人心

这两则短消息有寻求理解帮助的意味 可是杨家小将似乎寻找错了方向 如果一开始就发短消息给我予以解释说明 再发贴给你冒犯到的几位当事人 包括棋人生 Eteng等道歉 事态不会这样严重

2008八连负说的没错 你现在仍然有机会做回一个良好网民 只要重新注册一个ID语言上多加注意 还是不会有人针对你的

“杨家小将”这个ID已经成为历史 这大概就是网络跟现实的差异 如果你看过香港电影《无间道》应该记得第一部最后 刘德华跟梁朝伟无奈地说“给我一个机会,我想做个好人” 可是现实的无奈就是他没有机会了 但是现在在这里 你还有机会

当然前提是“if you feel this forum is ok in general” 如果你不喜欢这里 地球离了谁该转还是转 说不好听点 这论坛多你一个不多 少你一个也不少 没什么大不了 只是请还给其他网友棋友一个和谐安定的环境 不要再闹事了 如果情节更加严重恶劣的话 就只有采用更加严厉的手段 作为版主我只要写一封书面信给华新网有关部门 就可以给你寄律师信了 不要以为虚拟网络追踪不到你的现实坐标 证据在华新server上都有back up 所以请自重
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作者:2008八连负 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:104) 发表:2008-07-06 07:41:18  6楼
恩既然短消息里提到了bls 我多说两句 我并不认识bls 对于杨家小将我也不认识 但是前段时间颇俱争议的bls至少并没有使用脏话直接语言攻击网友 没有违反论坛的底线守则 只是提出了一些具有争议性的话题 本着论坛言论自由的基本原则 纯粹的争议大家还是可以摆出来讲 而且bls网友近段时间已经把注意力集中在了棋艺棋事本身 还是值得鼓励和肯定的 但是对于杨家小将 ban此ID的原因早已阐明 不再赘述 本版创建于2003年3月10日至今5年3个月零26天以来 我只ban过两个人 一个是上次ID名字涉及冒犯网友的某某 一个是这次发贴恶语攻击网友的杨家小将 这些都是《华新论坛守则》上明文规定的基本守则 如有触犯 不管是谁 在我这里 按照我的办事方法 一律ban 除非有悔改之意 发贴道歉 人孰无过 可以给机会改正 以下论点是代表个人意见: 我向来不在乎别人怎么看待my character 我只是作我自己 这就是我的为人处事态度 对错自在人心 这两则短消息有寻求理解帮助的意味 可是杨家小将似乎寻找错了方向 如果一开始就发短消息给我予以解释说明 再发贴给你冒犯到的几位当事人 包括棋人生 Eteng等道歉 事态不会这样严重 2008八连负说的没错 你现在仍然有机会做回一个良好网民 只要重新注册一个ID语言上多加注意 还是 (more...)
The 4th 短消息 ........

My 2nd 短消息 to 杨家小将 "I have put the three 短消息 on the net and close the case."

Yes, I believe and support in "只要写一封书面信给华新网有关部门 就可以给你寄律师信了 不要以为虚拟网络追踪不到你的现实坐标 证据在华新server上都有back up 所以请自重". This should not just for 版主, I believe 网友 can make such a request too but may take up more steps and times. This is also what I mentioned previously but some 网友 may not like me to tell the true。

regardless 杨家小将 or any 网友, if there are legal issues on any posts and those interested parties wish to take up the issues later, it is for 杨家小将 or any 网友 to face it.

in this case, 杨家小将 may feel ok now as 一刀n断 could be just "angry with you" at that time.

at this point, I also want to say sorry to 杨家小将 as I did not check with him/her before to release four 短消息.

I support the action from 版主.

"上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网....."

欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:2008八连负 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:104) 发表:2008-07-06 11:35:10  7楼
The 4th 短消息 ........ My 2nd 短消息 to 杨家小将 "I have put the three 短消息 on the net and close the case." Yes, I believe and support in "只要写一封书面信给华新网有关部门 就可以给你寄律师信了 不要以为虚拟网络追踪不到你的现实坐标 证据在华新server上都有back up 所以请自重". This should not just for 版主, I believe 网友 can make such a request too but may take up more steps and times. This is also what I mentioned previously but some 网友 may not like me to tell the true。 regardless 杨家小将 or any 网友, if there are legal issues on any posts and those interested parties wish to take up the issues later, it is for 杨家小将 or any 网友 to face it. in this case, 杨家小将 may feel ok now as 一刀n断 could be just "angry with you" at that time. at this point, I also want to say sorry to 杨家小将 as I did not check with him/her before to release four 短消息. I support the action from 版主. "上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网....."
To keep a KIV List here for future use if needed ........

personally, I think 杨家小将's matter is just a small matter as compared to the KIV list here. From this list here, the person concerned will have to prove at least the three parties as numbered and mentioned in his previous postings are guilty otherwise .....

could be a good case for education in 悟入棋途. :)


starting with

(1) Group A got one board fix (round 8). (发贴时间:2008-06-19 04:48)

followed by

(2) Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级.
(发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00)

and ended with


有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19)

nobody get as worked up in the 'fix' issue as you? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19)

'X地无银XX两, 隔壁阿牛不X偷' (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19)

Still I repeat. 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?wow shiok. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 14:12)

related postings as shown below : ---


Thanks for declaring to ignore my posting.

发贴时间:2008-07-04 14:12


I can still continue to talk what I want to talk. But make sure you mean it when you say you will ignore my posting. Including this one. Still I repeat. 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?wow shiok. Now I can say what I want without 2008八连负 disturbing.... Make sure make sure you ignore all my postings.... Including this one. Make sure make sure make sure....



发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19


Have you realised nobody get as worked up in the 'fix' issue as you?

Aside the issue, I suddenly want to recite a saying but can't remember all words
'X地无银XX两, 隔壁阿牛不X偷'


Yes. All of us look down on the one why buy rank few years back.

发贴时间:2008-07-04 11:45


And we know also the one who buy rank might also look down on himself.

I tell you the truth on the 'fix' posting ba. Just to stop your rubbish and mindless 'CONCLUSION'. I have heard from one the personal involved. But I have no intention to do anything further. I'm not involve in this national(just a spectator) and I have already verbally informed the organiser. Thats the end of my job.

You seems to have endless energy doing 'CONCLUSIONS' on others. Well now is my conclusion on you,'Always 断章取义.'haha I believe there are people who agree with me.

One more issue, please don't ask me to go bishan and drink coffee with you. I have no intention to meet someone who involve in xiangqi politics and can't play xiangqi well. And I do not know what kind of 'coffee' you plan for me. Mr Politician.


2008八连负, tell you one thing.

发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00


What make you think you can form conclusion base on your common sense and I cannot form my own conclusion?
Yes I used the word 'fix', so how? I told you you didn't even know who I heard from and you keep wanting to make the whole issue like I cook up story. Use you brain can? Who else can I hear from to be so sure?
Tell you one more thing. Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级. His opponent later told the whole world about it. Yes the whole world. Most forumers here heard it. This is real fixing. This person in the end could not perform in many competitions after promoted. But this player try to play 岳不群。 So whats your own 'CONCLUSION' on this person?


I told them already. Won't write letter.

发贴时间:2008-06-20 16:52


Competition already over. Maybe the word 'fix' is too hard. 顺水人情 and 礼让精神 more suitable ba. 棋人生, lets forget about this whole issues. I have posted many other forums and are used to talk direct and straight(like what I did here). I would say people here are more gentle and careful with their words. I hope you don't be angry with my postings for too long. I want to say good bye to you as this probably will my last posting since the National is over. Although you and me have heated exchange, atleast I find you very real.


I mentioned the game is fixed. I didn't say which side.

发贴时间:2008-06-19 13:21


I didn't speculate or anticipate.

发贴时间:2008-06-19 11:15


And I have already feedback what I have heard last night to one of the organiser. Would 棋一生 post all the games in round 8 so that we can see?


Very agree, Group A got one board fix (round 8). 15min finish one game and win?

发贴时间:2008-06-19 04:48


15min not enough enough for one move under difficult situation. How can they finish one game in 15min? Totally shameless. Now the player who won got a chance to promote 'Jia Ji' in the last round.
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-07-06 14:26:43  8楼
To keep a KIV List here for future use if needed ........ personally, I think 杨家小将's matter is just a small matter as compared to the KIV list here. From this list here, the person concerned will have to prove at least the three parties as numbered and mentioned in his previous postings are guilty otherwise ..... could be a good case for education in 悟入棋途. :) ----------------------------------------------------- starting with (1) Group A got one board fix (round 8). (发贴时间:2008-06-19 04:48) followed by (2) Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00) and ended with (3) 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) nobody get as worked up in the 'fix' issue as you? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) 'X地无银XX两, 隔壁阿牛不X偷' (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) Still I repeat. 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?wow shiok. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 14:12) related postings as s (more...)
Aiya I don't want to talk too much. What is his intention?
1. To make me angry and use vulgar on him then he can go to police.
2. To make me looks bad. Like how he conclude others.

He always say 'I will stop here.' But he didn't honour his own words. I also do not understand why somone would get so aggitated on the word 'fix'. The whole issue not related to him at all. It was my issue and the players issue and I had explained my source of information to shut him up. But see, he didn't put that in KIV. As for '有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?' Anything wrong with that? It was refer to one person who buy rank few years back. That also not his issue ba. Unless is himself involved? To be honest, like all people do not know me, I also don't know who is him. hahaha.

杨家小将 mentioned something negative about me and he got excited and help him deliver messages to this forum(which I got doubt whether is true or he make up as a platform to shoot against me). Imagine 版主 banned someone and another person help to deliver his message! Thats proves his intention and he is close to the person who got banned. Thats show how much grudges he bears against me.

I already putting my concentration on the games as per advise from 卷心蔡 and had no wish to argue with him anymore. I hope he put his concentration on chess to improve better.

I do hope he honour his posting 2 days back that he ignore all my postings including this one.
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作者:2008八连负 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:104) 发表:2008-07-06 18:51:20  9楼
To keep a KIV List here for future use if needed ........ personally, I think 杨家小将's matter is just a small matter as compared to the KIV list here. From this list here, the person concerned will have to prove at least the three parties as numbered and mentioned in his previous postings are guilty otherwise ..... could be a good case for education in 悟入棋途. :) ----------------------------------------------------- starting with (1) Group A got one board fix (round 8). (发贴时间:2008-06-19 04:48) followed by (2) Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00) and ended with (3) 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) nobody get as worked up in the 'fix' issue as you? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) 'X地无银XX两, 隔壁阿牛不X偷' (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) Still I repeat. 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?wow shiok. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 14:12) related postings as s (more...)
missing line ........

missing line..... "上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网....." ....
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作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-07-06 19:11:36  10楼
To keep a KIV List here for future use if needed ........ personally, I think 杨家小将's matter is just a small matter as compared to the KIV list here. From this list here, the person concerned will have to prove at least the three parties as numbered and mentioned in his previous postings are guilty otherwise ..... could be a good case for education in 悟入棋途. :) ----------------------------------------------------- starting with (1) Group A got one board fix (round 8). (发贴时间:2008-06-19 04:48) followed by (2) Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00) and ended with (3) 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) nobody get as worked up in the 'fix' issue as you? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) 'X地无银XX两, 隔壁阿牛不X偷' (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) Still I repeat. 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?wow shiok. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 14:12) related postings as s (more...)
Add this into KIV.
I have told this player (should be), do not play any strategy draw at ...
In fact, He needs to blame himself !!! This is the end result of strategy draw for him.
发贴时间:2008-07-01 09:33
作者: 2008八连负
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-07-06 19:13:39  11楼
Add this into KIV.I have told this player (should be), do not play any strategy draw at ... In fact, He needs to blame himself !!! This is the end result of strategy draw for him. 发贴时间:2008-07-01 09:33 作者: 2008八连负
Missing lines
missing line..... "上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网....."

Incase the one he accused of playing strategy draw wants to take action.
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-07-06 19:34:45  12楼
To keep a KIV List here for future use if needed ........ personally, I think 杨家小将's matter is just a small matter as compared to the KIV list here. From this list here, the person concerned will have to prove at least the three parties as numbered and mentioned in his previous postings are guilty otherwise ..... could be a good case for education in 悟入棋途. :) ----------------------------------------------------- starting with (1) Group A got one board fix (round 8). (发贴时间:2008-06-19 04:48) followed by (2) Few years back, someone used few hundred dollar to buy a win from his opponent to get 乙级. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 09:00) and ended with (3) 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) nobody get as worked up in the 'fix' issue as you? (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) 'X地无银XX两, 隔壁阿牛不X偷' (发贴时间:2008-07-04 13:19) Still I repeat. 有没有做过,大家心知肚明吧。可以X耳X铃的吗?wow shiok. (发贴时间:2008-07-04 14:12) related postings as s (more...)
Please read message from 一刀兄
既然短消息里提到了bls 我多说两句 我并不认识bls 对于杨家小将我也不认识 但是前段时间颇俱争议的bls至少并没有使用脏话直接语言攻击网友 没有违反论坛的底线守则 只是提出了一些具有争议性的话题 本着论坛言论自由的基本原则 纯粹的争议大家还是可以摆出来讲 而且bls网友近段时间已经把注意力集中在了棋艺棋事本身 还是值得鼓励和肯定的

版主 feel that I am ok. Can 2008八连负 be honourable and stop harassing me and others. He claimed he love chess but his posting is all about politics and attacking individuals and I haven't seen him discussing about the games. Just what intention does he have? He is basically a politician. We all seen him trying to distort the real meaning of postings from me, 棋一生 and 象总会长。And to attack me, he resort to become messenger of 杨家小将 who was banned by 版主. All these so that he could build a platform against me and hint 版主 not to take sides.

I hope his players from his team to come into this forum and see all his postings and judge for themselves what is good and what is no good for them. I'm not trying to spread discord, I hope his players see for themselves who is right who is wrong.
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作者:2008八连负 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:104) 发表:2008-07-06 19:53:00  13楼
Please read message from 一刀兄既然短消息里提到了bls 我多说两句 我并不认识bls 对于杨家小将我也不认识 但是前段时间颇俱争议的bls至少并没有使用脏话直接语言攻击网友 没有违反论坛的底线守则 只是提出了一些具有争议性的话题 本着论坛言论自由的基本原则 纯粹的争议大家还是可以摆出来讲 而且bls网友近段时间已经把注意力集中在了棋艺棋事本身 还是值得鼓励和肯定的 版主 feel that I am ok. Can 2008八连负 be honourable and stop harassing me and others. He claimed he love chess but his posting is all about politics and attacking individuals and I haven't seen him discussing about the games. Just what intention does he have? He is basically a politician. We all seen him trying to distort the real meaning of postings from me, 棋一生 and 象总会长。And to attack me, he resort to become messenger of 杨家小将 who was banned by 版主. All these so that he could build a platform against me and hint 版主 not to take sides. I hope his players from his team to come into this forum and see all his postings and judge for themselves what is good (more...)
repeat : 上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网.....

after highlight this line again, I do not want to talk further.

repeat 谨慎,负责.
欢迎来到华新中文网,踊跃发帖是支持我们的最好方法!原文 / 传统版 / WAP版只看此人从这里展开收起列表
作者:bls (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:222) 发表:2008-07-06 20:03:57  14楼
repeat : 上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网..... after highlight this line again, I do not want to talk further. repeat 谨慎,负责.
Make sure you honour you own words!
Be Honourable!

上网表达己见应谨慎负责 ..... 所散布的信息将永存于互联网..... applies to you more then to me.
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