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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-03 11:06:56  楼主  关注此帖

46岁的被告吴伟贤(译音,Oh Wee Hian)面对六项抵触证券与期货法令(Securities and Futures Act)的罪状,他早前承认其中两项,余项交由法官下判时一并考量。

综合警察部队文告和法庭文件,股票的差价合约(Contracts for Differences)不涉及母股的交易,仅以结算价与合约价的差额作现金结算,投资者可在不持有股票的情况下买卖股票。

案情显示,被告当时在投资公司IG Asia设有投资户头,而IG Asia会以差价合约方式进行交易,根据有关股票在股市的实时价格来定价。


串谋抬高股价获利逾10万元 男子判监16个月罚款逾万元
与上司等人串谋抬高公司股价 新丝路集团前财务总监坐牢12周

2020年8月4日至2021年3月26日,被告买卖鋐枟控股(Bonvests Holdings)、外滩中心投资(Bund Center Investment)、群策环球控股(GSH Corporation)、旅店置业(Hotel Properties)、金光置地(Sinarmas Land)和海峡贸易(Straits Trading)的差价合约时,在母股制造假市场,然后再买卖有关差价合约。




该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2024-11-03 22:00:01。
该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2024-11-04 22:00:01。
该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2024-11-05 22:00:01。
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-04 10:55:11  2楼
CFD rules require price "flipping",meaning a CFD customer always has to hit the bid or ask price (or scarifies the spread) and being last in the queue for a limit order. A real trade at the SGX exchange isn't required for a CFD order to be executed. As long as the bid-ask spread is wide enough, a low sell price and high buy price within the illiquid stock's bid-ask spread can trigger CFD buy and sell actions. This practice is illegal, as it involves the trader effectively "self-dealing" or hitting his own orders without being seen on the exchange, but taking place on the OTC side. This lack of transparency is one reason that U.S. has banned CFDs, as brokers often end up betting against customers, similar to old time bucket shops. To prevent this, brokers like IG could simply remove illiquid stocks from their CFD offerings or set filters to ensure only small trades trigger automated orders, while manually checking or hedging out big quantity trades . However, since the vast majority of retail CFD customers ( (more...)
From 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore) and Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities where he honed his stock market trading skills.

He was also a web developer and had been unemployed since 2018.


The police said on Oct 29 that Oh’s conviction was the result of a joint investigation carried out by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), following a referral from the Singapore Exchange Regulation.

In March 2017, former DBS Vickers trader Dennis Tey Thean Yang was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison for spoofing the securities market and making a profit of $30,239 from his illicit trades.

It was the “first conviction of market misconduct under the joint investigation arrangement with the CAD”, MAS said in a statement then after Tey’s sentencing.

The second case occurred in July 2021 when former account manager Ee Cho Lian was sentenced to six weeks’ jail and fined $30,000 for 107 false orders and 60 spoof trades where he made a profit of $24,196.

Oh’s conviction and sentencing is the third such reported case, and his illegal $255,385 profit is the largest amount so far.

He has since made full restitution to IG Asia.
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-04 10:57:02  3楼
首先,这人是金融+IT专家From 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore) and Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities where he honed his stock market trading skills. He was also a web developer and had been unemployed since 2018. 其次,告他的不是IG,而是SGX发现然后转给警察局和MAS The police said on Oct 29 that Oh’s conviction was the result of a joint investigation carried out by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), following a referral from the Singapore Exchange Regulation. 最后,其他几个类似的案例 In March 2017, former DBS Vickers trader Dennis Tey Thean Yang was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison for spoofing the securities market and making a profit of $30,239 from his illicit trades. It was the “first conviction of market misconduct under the joint investigation arrangement with the CAD”, MAS said in a statement then after Tey’s sentencing. The second case oc (more...)


马来西亚籍被告郑添杨(32岁)案发时是星展唯高达证券(DBS Vickers)的交易代表,昨天承认23项抵触证券与期货法令的控状。



股票的差价合约(Contracts for Differences,简称CFD)不涉及母股的交易,仅以结算价与合约价的差额作现金结算。投资者能在不持有股票的情况下,卖出股票。

调查显示,被告清楚他与IG Asia和CMC Markets以差价合约方式进行交易,一般上是根据股票在股市的实时价格来定价。他清楚若能影响股票价格,便能通过进行差价合约交易赚取利润。因此,他想出一个欺诈计划,假造假市,在股票市场提交假单影响股价,好让自己在有利可图情况下进行差价合约的交易。被告在交易完成后,便删除这些假单。




2012年10月24日至2013年1月8日,被告买卖国浩置地(GuocoLand)、中国航油(China Aviation Oil)、中国能源(China Energy)和亚洲电力(Asia Power)等17只股票的差价合约时,在母股制造假市场,然后再买卖有关差价合约。被告共提交至少100张假单,从50个差价合约交易中获利。
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-04 11:12:49  4楼
首先,这人是金融+IT专家From 2005 to 2009, Oh worked as a dealer at brokerages UOB Kay Hian, Credit Suisse Securities (Singapore) and Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Securities where he honed his stock market trading skills. He was also a web developer and had been unemployed since 2018. 其次,告他的不是IG,而是SGX发现然后转给警察局和MAS The police said on Oct 29 that Oh’s conviction was the result of a joint investigation carried out by the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), following a referral from the Singapore Exchange Regulation. 最后,其他几个类似的案例 In March 2017, former DBS Vickers trader Dennis Tey Thean Yang was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison for spoofing the securities market and making a profit of $30,239 from his illicit trades. It was the “first conviction of market misconduct under the joint investigation arrangement with the CAD”, MAS said in a statement then after Tey’s sentencing. The second case oc (more...)

A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative that allows
investors to speculate on the future price movements of the
underlying asset, without having to own them. CFDs are
available for a wide range of assets ranging from shares to
commodities, and they are traded on margin i.e. investors only
pay a small percentage of the value of the underlying shares.
While the risks are higher if the underlying counter were to move
against the investor’s position, the rewards are also higher if
the counter were to move in favour of the investor. CFDs are
generally traded over-the-counter with a CFD provider, as
the counterparty to the trades. When trading in CFDs, the
investor first enters into an opening trade with a CFD provider.
The investor subsequently enters into a trade to close his CFD
position and the profits or losses are determined based on the
price difference.
Ee Cho Lian (Ee) traded in CFDs offered by City Index Pte Ltd
(City Index), which priced these contracts by referencing the
live best bid-ask prices of the underlying securities listed on the
Singapore Exchange (SGX).
Ee saw an opportunity to exploit City Index’s pricing mechanism
to reap unlawful profits. His first attempt to capitalise on this
opportunity took place in April 2018. He placed an order to buy
10,000 Mandarin Oriental International Limited (MANO) CFDs at
US$2.30 via his City Index CFD trading account. At that time,
the best ask price of the underlying MANO shares on the SGX,
and accordingly the price of MANO CFDs offered by City Index,
was US$2.37. Ee’s buy order price was obviously too low for
the order to be executed. Ee used his shares trading account to
place a sell order on SGX for MANO shares at US$2.30. This selorder triggered City Index’s pricing mechanism to reduce its ask
price for MANO CFD, and enabled Ee to purchase the MANO
CFDs from City Index at US$2.30. Once he had purchased his
CFDs, Ee quickly cancelled his sell order for the shares. Ee then
took similar steps to close his CFD position and reap a profit.
He placed a sell order for CFDs at a price higher than City
Index’s offer, and then used his shares trading account to place
a buy order to push up City Index’s offer to match his CFD
sell order price. As a result, Ee successfully closed off his CFD
position at US$2.36, significantly higher than the previously
offered price of US$2.29.
All this took place within three minutes and netted Ee profits of
US$600. This conduct of placing orders on the stock exchange
for a brief moment before deleting the order, without a genuine
intention to trade, is better known as spoofing and it is illegal.
Investigations revealed that Ee carried out several more rounds
of such CFD trades from 5 April 2018 to 14 December 2018.
He even used CFD trading accounts belonging to his friends,
without authorisation, to further his scheme. In total, Ee
conducted 60 fraudulent CFD trades and made profits of more
than S$24,000 at the expense of City Index.
On 19 May 2021, Ee was sentenced to six weeks’ imprisonment
and a fine of S$30,000 on 20 counts of employing a scheme to
defraud under Section 201(a) punishable under Section 204 of
the Securities & Futures Act (SFA) and one count of unauthorised
trading under Section 201(b) punishable under Section 204 of
the SFA. 42 similar charges were taken into consideration for the
purpose of sentencing. Ee has made full restitution to City Index.
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-04 11:32:05  5楼
EE CHO LIAN A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a derivative that allows investors to speculate on the future price movements of the underlying asset, without having to own them. CFDs are available for a wide range of assets ranging from shares to commodities, and they are traded on margin i.e. investors only pay a small percentage of the value of the underlying shares. While the risks are higher if the underlying counter were to move against the investor’s position, the rewards are also higher if the counter were to move in favour of the investor. CFDs are generally traded over-the-counter with a CFD provider, as the counterparty to the trades. When trading in CFDs, the investor first enters into an opening trade with a CFD provider. The investor subsequently enters into a trade to close his CFD position and the profits or losses are determined based on the price difference. Ee Cho Lian (Ee) traded in CFDs offered by City Index Pte Ltd (City Index), which priced these contracts by referencing (more...)
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-04 11:40:21  6楼
我补充一点。在这件欺诈案里,虽然直接诉讼者不是IG, 但IG应该是首先发现并揭露给MAS并和SGX合作进行调查的。因为真正的交易SGX是看不见的,只有IG自己能看见,交易大多只发生在了CFD里,没有发生在exchange里。这件案件的涉案人是IG的customer, 他同时在SGX的cash market里面制造虚假买卖挂单,之后在CFD账户里完成对自己的虚假挂单的交易后,再把SGX上面的虚假单撤销,所以IG一开始不可能知道SGX上的虚假挂单就是customer自己的,SGX也不知道这些虚假单会和IG的某一个CFD交易有关联。IG在发现问题后只能表示怀疑并请求和SGX一起合作来观察这些账户到底有没有关联。IG想发现某些账户有没有问题其实很容易发现,只是看他们日常检查严不严格而已。 CFD这种特殊的一纸协议和customer对赌,毫无监管约束的特性,让这个染缸很黑。我只能说上报纸的case都不算case。因为外部人员欺诈再怎么诈也不可能诈太多的钱。 CFD的收入来源有三种,1)说好听点hedging (难听点就是trade against customer) 2) over night finance charge 3) commission. 其中第一种和第二种收入要远远远远大于第三种。。。
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-04 11:59:12  7楼


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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-07 00:14:24  8楼
CFD order和交易所的问题CFD DMA 和normal CFD都有同样的pricing mechanism, 也就是完全follow SGX stock price movement. 只不过前者的order会真正出现在SGX里面,后者的order有时会,有时不会出现在exchange里,case by case, 它取决于order的大小,CFD provider是system hedge, 还是manually hedge, 还是二者都有。 请问DMA的单子会出现在SGX里,有链接介绍吗? 我记得这些单子都是在做市商内部的,只不过是实时市场数据是从SGX购买的授权。除非做市商把客户的单子对冲才会放到SGX里?谢谢
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作者:大好人 (等级:9 - 已有大成,发帖:3433) 发表:2024-11-07 07:20:40  9楼
谢谢 链接是其中一个的做市商了对于其他做市商例如 IG CITYINDEX等, 也都是把客户的DMA CFD oeder报到交易所吗? 我想知道这是做市商自己的行为,还是SGX或MAS的规定。前者,那不会是每个做市商CFD order都报到交易所,如果是后者,那就必须报到交易所
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