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(引用 转世的迷惑丐帮:well, 有點意思謝謝提問并指出很多地方不嚴密,和英文的錯誤。我盡量回答。 1,第一段,literally怎么解释。 Collins COBUILD Advanced...)这样就更清楚了,不过关于第五点,我认为为complementary这个词的特殊性,something is complementary of something, 表述的是两者之间的关系,这里的get的主动或被动性还是有些模糊,我建议改成get complemented 或者 to complement。[毒鼠强 (4-12 9:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

(引用 转世的迷惑丐帮:精辟!要点是, 我认识并接受我的局限性,积极寻找互补。 那两个比喻,1)她出行我是GPS(GPS只是在某一方面作用很好)2)她开花我是根...)那为什么创业型女人要找你呢?你能支持她什么呢?如果是互补,你的那一半贡献是什么呢?[九妹 (4-13 2:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

(引用 毒鼠强:这样就更清楚了,不过关于第五点,我认为为complementary这个词的特殊性,something is complementary of something, 表述的是两者之间的...)的确,请问你指出的對,

請問你怎么做到可以對語言,詞匯,和語法這么敏銳的? 我寫paper就想要這一點, 我的問題是,第一我寫不出來,第二,寫出來錯誤連篇。
[转世的迷惑丐帮 (4-15 23:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

(引用 九妹:那为什么创业型女人要找你呢?你能支持她什么呢?如果是互补,你的那一半贡献是什么呢?)An excellent question,比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候An excellent question,比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候碰到一種情形, 有的人談判協調能力非常強,比如我們辦一個start-up成了, 然后要賣出去了。賣家報價$10 million買我們的企業,她可以跟人家講到人家非常高興出$30 million,如果賣家報價$1 million買我們的企業,她可以跟人家講到人家非常高興出$3 million。但是她的弱勢是她不知道我們企業對于什么人值多少錢,什么時候可以低價賣,什么時候可以高價賣,為什么。因為中間需要很多分析,直覺,策略。這些幕后工作不做好也會出現問題,我在這方面比較適合。我也會認真做幕后工作,做黑臉的工作也行。不過要我做前臺,賣家報價$10 million,我不但提不上去,可能最后$1 million買了人家還以為我占了便宜, walamaa! 這個是我的弱點。\n\n我們那時一個香港人,把vc等等騙得團團轉,不過finance一較真,問盈利計算中為什么用某些值,他就要我先跟他算好,解釋清楚各種scenario的probability, outcome, and etc. 不過我要控制自己不要沖到前臺,而要為他思考好一些,之前替她準備好讓他應對。她呢不止前臺風光,也要把個方面意見帶回來,我們分析思考。\n\n總之,我的優勢在于直覺,公開,膽大。這些對創業也是有很大必須性的。要變英文了,專業的中文實在說不轉。\n\nOne of the most important skills an entrepreneur can have is the ability to predict change and act on it. Predicting change is extremely hard in general, but there are some changes that are identifiable to someone who is inquisitive and keeps his mind open. For example, one quick way to predict change is to see what has happened in the developed Japan, which may be happening right now in the almost-developed Korea, and will probably happen some time in the developing China. Nevertheless, not everything that happened in Japan will happen in China, and even it does happen, it will probably happen not in the same way. To distinguish the pearls from sands, analysis of the context and the fundamental driven forces in such cases are critically important. \n\nThat’s just one simple example of the contributions I can make. I will probably stop here and not let my thought going too far. Somehow it is an open question whether this post can really help me in finding someone who wants to lead a start-up and wants me as the back engine of the start-up.\n\nCheers.\n丐可丐非常丐[转世的迷惑丐帮 (4-16 0:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼

提上來答九妹 -比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候碰An excellent question,比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候碰到一種情形, 有的人談判協調能力非常強,比如我們辦一個start-up成了, 然后要賣出去了。賣家報價$10 million買我們的企業,她可以跟人家講到人家非常高興出$30 million,如果賣家報價$1 million買我們的企業,她可以跟人家講到人家非常高興出$3 million。但是她的弱勢是她不知道我們企業對于什么人值多少錢,什么時候可以低價賣,什么時候可以高價賣,為什么。因為中間需要很多分析,直覺,策略。這些幕后工作不做好也會出現問題,我在這方面比較適合。我也會認真做幕后工作,做黑臉的工作也行。不過要我做前臺,賣家報價$10 million,我不但提不上去,可能最后$1 million買了人家還以為我占了便宜, walamaa! 這個是我的弱點。

我們那時一個香港人,把vc等等騙得團團轉,不過finance一較真,問盈利計算中為什么用某些值,他就要我先跟他算好,解釋清楚各種scenario的probability, outcome, and etc. 不過我要控制自己不要沖到前臺,而要為他思考好一些,之前替她準備好讓他應對。她呢不止前臺風光,也要把個方面意見帶回來,我們分析思考。


One of the most important skills an entrepreneur can have is the ability to predict change and act on it. Predicting change is extremely hard in general, but there are some changes that are identifiable to someone who is inquisitive and keeps his mind open. For example, one quick way to predict change is to see what has happened in the developed Japan, which may be happening right now in the almost-developed Korea, and will probably happen some time in the developing China. Nevertheless, not everything that happened in Japan will happen in China, and even it does happen, it will probably happen not in the same way. To distinguish the pearls from sands, analysis of the context and the fundamental driven forces in such cases are critically important.

That’s just one simple example of the contributions I can make. I will probably stop here and not let my thought going too far. Somehow it is an open question whether this post can really help me in finding someone who wants to lead a start-up and wants me as the back engine of the start-up.

[转世的迷惑丐帮 (4-16 0:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼

(引用 转世的迷惑丐帮:提上來答九妹 -比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候碰An excellent question,比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時 ...)我实在不觉得一个前台女生为什么一定要一个后台的男生做老公首先你说的那个前台的人不能分析各种情况的profit,outcome,什么的,还需要你来一一准备,我根本就不认为这是一个好的前台。能把1 mil炒到3 mil,也就是能忽悠吧。VC又不傻,可能一时会被忽悠了,回家睡一觉,或者和他自己的后台商量商量头脑就清楚了。


[lenovopass (4-17 2:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]26楼

(引用 毒鼠强:才女都很惨的。嗯。。)门中木大师曾言众生皆苦

[无聊至极 (4-17 13:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]27楼

(引用 lenovopass:我实在不觉得一个前台女生为什么一定要一个后台的男生做老公首先你说的那个前台的人不能分析各种情况的profit,outcome,什么的,还需要你...)Not that simpleIn my life I’ve made many mistakes; of course I’ve had successes too, however I’ve only recently come to the phase of addressing limitations through others. Everyone has his/her limitations. Working on everyone's own limitations is for sure beneficial. Some people can just amaze me in their ability to grow beyond themselves perennially. For most of us, we cannot go beyond ourselves that easily. But there are also several other aspects of addressing limitations. One of which is to find people who are strong in areas that you are limited.

First, for me, it helps to get a partner that "能忽悠" or talk like G.W.Bush. LOL. I just cannot make myself sound interesting.

Second, I think it provides you critical leverage in start-up if you get a VC as bf. However, VC do not want entrepreneurs as their partners in general. That does not prohibit you from getting a relationship with a VC, but it does not give you the chance of growing something from nothing with your beloved partner.

In fact, I do not care whether she is a VC. I do not look at her position, job, or money. To me, the only important thing is to grow something from nothing with a beloved partner.

[转世的迷惑丐帮 (4-17 14:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼

这娃儿就不能好好说话吗?不是繁体字,就是英文,要么就是英文夹杂繁体字,╮(╯▽╰)╭[我爱王仁甫 (4-17 14:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]29楼

(引用 我爱王仁甫:这娃儿就不能好好说话吗?不是繁体字,就是英文,要么就是英文夹杂繁体字,╮(╯▽╰)╭)臥襘讠兑吙★彣啵~[奥特曼打小怪兽 (4-17 17:00, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼

(引用 转世的迷惑丐帮:的确,请问你指出的對, 請問你怎么做到可以對語言,詞匯,和語法這么敏銳的? 我寫paper就想要這一點, 我的問題是,第一我寫不出來,...)he devotes his life in concrete learning rather thansomething else.[materialist (4-17 22:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]31楼

(引用 转世的迷惑丐帮:Not that simpleIn my life I’ve made many mistakes; of course I’ve had successes too, however I’ve only recently come to the p...)需要忽悠吗?a. 巧言令色,鲜以仁
b. 言多必失


你要能说服vc, 那说明vc认为你的那套符合他们的利益。 就不能说是‘忽悠’了
[无聊至极 (4-18 11:05, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]32楼

(引用 转世的迷惑丐帮:提上來答九妹 -比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候碰An excellent question,比例地說,我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時 ...)楼主进来看下吧我实在是没见过没有任何分析,直覺,策略能力的人会有很强的谈判协调能力 特别是直觉和策略能力 你以为是拍电视还是写yy小说呢忽悠忽悠就行了?

还有你到底是 "我的優勢在于直覺,公開,膽大" 还是 "2.3感覺遲鈍: 就是呆啊, 根本沒法和人交流"呢?


"One of the most important skills an entrepreneur can have is the ability to predict change and act on it." 这话我觉得你理解的有点误会 predict change是很容易的...时间越长的趋势越容易预测...怎么样act on it / timing 才是难的部分...仔细想想你身边就知道了 高谈阔论的人很多 真正做出什么事情的却少很多...基本原因也在于此....从你对你quote的那句话的解释 我看你太关注于趋势上的判断了 或者说 太关注于表面的东西...看你好像挺专注于创业的 你如果当我是来找碴的就算了 不然就当是个建议 自己斟酌
[AXL (4-18 15:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]33楼

PS 其实你也挺能忽悠的嘛MBA没白念[AXL (4-18 15:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]34楼

(引用 AXL:PS 其实你也挺能忽悠的嘛MBA没白念)楼主咋反复用一句话:我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候。[在月球上看世界 (4-18 17:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]35楼

(引用 在月球上看世界:楼主咋反复用一句话:我在上MBA entrepreneurship 課的時候。)你问楼主萨。。。跟我的贴又木有用...[AXL (4-18 23:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]36楼

(引用 AXL:你问楼主萨。。。跟我的贴又木有用...)你特别强调了MBA 才引起我注意MBA啊还以为你知道咋呢[在月球上看世界 (4-19 0:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]37楼

(引用 materialist:he devotes his life in concrete learning rather thansomething else.)in considering of the above dialogue between humble meand the owner of this concurrent building which i believe that de facto para 2 3 4 status either 1) unanswered or; 2) answered but not in a logical way or; 3) the answer did not achieve a logic circuit, so i will not further discuss about the matter itself however try to concentrate humble me to something else which under general public acceptance as well as conceptualization to be learning....

[毒鼠强 (4-19 2:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]38楼

(引用 毒鼠强:in considering of the above dialogue between humble meand the owner of this concurrent building which i believe that de facto p...)有兄弟哗众取宠另有更强大的兄弟在这里咬文嚼字

[低俗小说 (4-19 9:31, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]39楼

(引用 低俗小说:有兄弟哗众取宠另有更强大的兄弟在这里咬文嚼字 佩服佩服)what i mean is that, his either chinese or englishperhaps especially english a second language, were and was, however, with little divergent power, or with poor grammatical rightness at all, below or far below, unbelievable yet have to believe, of which was from a MBA student, and ultimately leads to, under understanding or misunderstanding.[毒鼠强 (4-19 9:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]40楼

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