所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2012-07-26 12:36

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DJ Kirin Considering Bid for Fraser & Neave's Soft Drink, Dairy Assets - Source

SINGAPORE--Japanese beverage group Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. (2503.TO) is considering a bid for the soft drinks and dairy assets of Singapore conglomerate Fraser & Neave Ltd. (F99.SG), a person familiar with the situation said Thursday.

The Japanese group is considering a bid for the conglomerate's Malaysian unit, Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd. (3689.KU) and brands such as isotonic drink 100 Plus, Seasons and Fruit Tree, the person said.

Kirin already owns a 15% stake in Fraser & Neave, which it acquired from Singapore state investment firm Temasek Holdings in 2010.

The planned move follows Heineken NV's (HINKY) 5.1 billion Singapore dollar (US$4.1 billion) offer last week to buy out Fraser & Neave's stake in Asia Pacific Breweries Ltd. (A46.SG), a joint venture between the Dutch brewer and Singapore company that produces Tiger beer.

"Kirin wants to ride on the current momentum," the person said, adding a potential bid for Asia Pacific Breweries could be complicated.

The person also said the market capitalization for the soft drinks business is around US$2 billion and that funding the acquisition could be easily achieved.

A Fraser & Neave spokeswoman declined to comment. A Kirin spokesman declined to comment.

Kirin has been weighing various options after Heineken's bid last week to take control of Asia Pacific Breweries. People familiar with the matter told Dow Jones Newswires Monday Kirin, one of Japan's biggest brewers, is in early discussions with bankers about a potential bid for Asia Pacific Breweries.

Asia Pacific Breweries has a strong presence in countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam; Kirin is looking to expand beyond its domestic market, where the company's sales are slipping.

Still Kirin -- the second-largest Japanese brewer by domestic market share, after Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. -- already has spent more than 1 trillion yen (US$12.74 billion) on overseas acquisitions since 2007.

Apart from buying a stake in San Miguel, Kirin last year bought Schincariol, a Brazilian brewer, for $3.9 billion.


新加坡中国美国投资讨论群,诚意邀请你进群。150多个专业人士的 熟人股票群。请站内信给我你的微信号。谢谢。
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怎么没有人关心F&N的收购案子呢?这可是小赚一笔的大好机会呀 shaokunlun   (4 bytes , 4286reads )
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问下分拆是好还是不好呢 bingyuan   (0 bytes , 321reads )
分拆一般是好事 shaokunlun   (157 bytes , 110reads )
星狮每股分发现金3.315元 发财了!(Z) shaokunlun   (2055 bytes , 201reads )
大侠觉得thbev是在玩空手套白狼么? 不觉明厉   (31 bytes , 172reads )
悲剧了, 卖掉了 不觉明厉   (0 bytes , 154reads )
赚钱就好了嘛 Sunnyan   (0 bytes , 139reads )
赚少了比赔更痛啊 不觉明厉   (0 bytes , 150reads )
哈? Sunnyan   (144 bytes , 158reads )
恭喜! Sunnyan   (0 bytes , 134reads )
前财政部长胡赐道受委为星狮高级顾问 shaokunlun   (638 bytes , 237reads )
以牛某高见,oue斗得威猛,退得潇洒,表现可圈可点。 牛魔王   (200 bytes , 219reads )
故事有另外一个版本 shaokunlun   (567 bytes , 218reads )
典型阴谋论.... delay   (0 bytes , 207reads )
那你解释一下花脸不还价就退出的原因? shaokunlun   (367 bytes , 195reads )
我是这么想的... delay   (235 bytes , 285reads )
what's the short term target for this thaibev? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 215reads )
好戏还在后头 shaokunlun   (244 bytes , 178reads )
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DJ TCC Assets: Now Control 44.05% Of Fraser & Neave(Z) shaokunlun   (1310 bytes , 232reads )
shaokunlun   (1514 bytes , 224reads )
是歹戏拖棚还是好戏在后头?(Z) shaokunlun   (5690 bytes , 311reads )
星狮本月21日开始拍卖(Z) shaokunlun   (3223 bytes , 197reads )
THBEV $0.46 +0.015 是新高! shaokunlun   (6 bytes , 171reads )
THBEV $0.47 +0.015 shaokunlun   (4463 bytes , 333reads )
ThaiBev 0.500 +0.045 shaokunlun   (18 bytes , 206reads )
升不到一块了?哭 乐与悲   (0 bytes , 156reads )
谁告诉你目标价是一块的? shaokunlun   (78 bytes , 279reads )
我的hongxin被套住了 乐与悲   (15 bytes , 210reads )
预测 shaokunlun   (135 bytes , 185reads )
星狮地产:私宅价格有望下调5%至7%(Z) shaokunlun   (740 bytes , 209reads )
THBEV $0.44 +0.01 shaokunlun   (9 bytes , 246reads )
大侠准备卖出了? AGA   (32 bytes , 197reads )
利好不等于股价升 shaokunlun   (231 bytes , 181reads )
学习了~ AGA   (18 bytes , 192reads )
美对冲基金增持星狮股权(Z) shaokunlun   (1137 bytes , 157reads )
这个案子结果怎么样了? AGA   (70 bytes , 215reads )
再等等吧,估计底牌就要亮出来了 shaokunlun   (99 bytes , 168reads )
有一种可能就是ThaiBev和OUE都收购不成功 shaokunlun   (97 bytes , 260reads )
为什么收购不成功对THBEV还会是利好呢? AGA   (40 bytes , 214reads )
看几个例子 shaokunlun   (214 bytes , 192reads )
似懂非懂。。。 AGA   (30 bytes , 225reads )
不过话说回来 shaokunlun   (113 bytes , 165reads )
大侠教训的是~ AGA   (136 bytes , 221reads )
今早BT有两篇文章关于这个收购案的。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 199reads )
话说苏爷爷收购F&N今天又到期了,麻烦你早点亮底牌 shaokunlun   (23 bytes , 178reads )
又延到10号..难道可以无限期延的吗? shaokunlun   (1237 bytes , 158reads )
终于动了THBEV $0.42 +0.02 shaokunlun   (17 bytes , 185reads )
星狮:华联企业财团献购价吸引力仍不足(Z) shaokunlun   (1611 bytes , 203reads )
传苏旭明献议9.60元向基金购星狮集团股票(Z) shaokunlun   (2739 bytes , 254reads )
泰国酿酒苏醒了$0.40 +0.015 shaokunlun   (14 bytes , 212reads )
哇卡卡,偶是来谢谢大侠的! AGA   (223 bytes , 219reads )
如图 shaokunlun   (52 bytes , 229reads )
原本接受泰商收购献议 星狮股票半数撤回(Z) shaokunlun   (1684 bytes , 228reads )
OUE 出价$9.08 收购F&N shaokunlun   (49 bytes , 273reads )
每股9.08元 华联企业高价争夺星狮(Z) ColdWar   (4523 bytes , 276reads )
F&N: TCC Assets Extend Offer To 22 November 2012. shaokunlun   (275 bytes , 303reads )
泰商再延长 收购星狮献议截止日期(Z) shaokunlun   (2875 bytes , 282reads )
请问ocbc, great eastern的股份已经卖掉了吗?还是还在等待出价? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 227reads )
已经卖给泰国酿酒及关联公司 shaokunlun   (27 bytes , 251reads )
是否献议全面收购星狮 华联企业最迟下周四宣布(Z) shaokunlun   (1974 bytes , 251reads )
虚张声势 shaokunlun   (196 bytes , 243reads )
华联企业拟全面收购星狮集团 星狮股价猛涨4% 收市9.29元创新高(Z) shaokunlun   (2581 bytes , 266reads )
话说华联不可能收购的原因 shaokunlun   (322 bytes , 275reads )
Offer deadline extended when the share price was just about to take off naughtyboy   (42 bytes , 270reads )
F&N管理层认为泰国酿酒8.88的出价合理,但不吸引人 (Z) shaokunlun   (3422 bytes , 279reads )
F&N服务公寓及酒店业务获OUE现金献议(Z) shaokunlun   (355 bytes , 228reads )
传华联企业献议14亿元 购星狮酒店服务公寓业务(Z) shaokunlun   (2928 bytes , 238reads )
星狮集团股权 保诚减持TCC吸购(Z) shaokunlun   (1671 bytes , 237reads )
昨天就确定泰富豪控股增加到33%多,这股怎么还不动? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 210reads )
thaibev跌破40分了,您加仓了不? naughtyboy   (17 bytes , 252reads )
ThaiBev 应该不会跌破0.39 shaokunlun   (241 bytes , 239reads )
今天都跌到0.38了,怎么搞得?明天能冲不? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 226reads )
日,那今天错过买入机会了,明天又跌怎么办? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 252reads )
星狮集团特大今天举行 TCC昨寄献购书给股东(Z) shaokunlun   (3554 bytes , 277reads )
怎么小赚一笔`? 现在这个情况应该买哪个? naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 203reads )
七月发的贴,十月才来问 shaokunlun   (662 bytes , 212reads )
您估计thaibev短期会停在多少? naughtyboy   (49 bytes , 294reads )
天呢!真有人默默看贴不回,默默听所谓专家的话买进, shaokunlun   (623 bytes , 276reads )
明日涨一个pip我就卖,长线短线我都玖玩 naughtyboy   (20 bytes , 261reads )
泰国酿酒将反对星狮集团资本削减计划(z) shaokunlun   (2312 bytes , 226reads )
峰回路转 - 泰国酿酒支持喜力对APB的收购 shaokunlun   (3289 bytes , 301reads )
保诚集团减持星狮股权(z) shaokunlun   (745 bytes , 227reads )
泰酿酒被穆迪列入降评名单(z) shaokunlun   (2817 bytes , 211reads )
燕京啤酒没落出局3强 增发26亿被指为时已晚(z) shaokunlun   (4611 bytes , 196reads )
星狮股东的两道难题(z) -苏旭明背后有人? shaokunlun   (5968 bytes , 278reads )
F&N 停牌了!Offer Price $8.88! shaokunlun   (27630 bytes , 508reads )
泰国酿酒和伙伴收购星狮集团(z) shaokunlun   (287 bytes , 254reads )
传泰国酿酒合作伙伴 将对星狮展开收购(Z) shaokunlun   (2987 bytes , 304reads )
拦阻星狮“不再酿酒”及拟展开全面收购 传泰国酿酒筹90亿加大持股 shaokunlun   (3832 bytes , 235reads )
F&N $8.56 了!泰国酿酒与匿名人士商讨买下F&N shaokunlun   (4136 bytes , 343reads )
增购星狮股权 泰国酿酒有三动机(z) shaokunlun   (2290 bytes , 225reads )
这个分析很不靠谱 shaokunlun   (865 bytes , 260reads )
调整一下思路 shaokunlun   (56 bytes , 240reads )
喜力亚太一度计划将上述股权出售给华润雪花(Z ) shaokunlun   (2019 bytes , 218reads )
中国市场瓜分的差不多了 shaokunlun   (93 bytes , 274reads )
华侨银行集团钱乃骥 shaokunlun   (91 bytes , 349reads )
华润雪花啤酒(中国)有限公司董事总经理王群 shaokunlun   (104 bytes , 324reads )
黄兴国会见新加坡华侨银行首席执行官钱乃骥(Z) shaokunlun   (656 bytes , 259reads )
天津市长黄兴国会见香港华润集团董事长宋林一行(Z) shaokunlun   (894 bytes , 237reads )
SABMiller shaokunlun   (3355 bytes , 239reads )
华润雪花啤酒_百度百科 shaokunlun   (21183 bytes , 246reads )
华润(集团)有限公司_百度百科 shaokunlun   (10038 bytes , 231reads )
苏旭明_百度百科 shaokunlun   (4385 bytes , 269reads )
古井集团董事长王效金违纪被查 股权将卖泰首富苏旭明(Z) shaokunlun   (8463 bytes , 623reads )
苏旭明 shaokunlun   (49 bytes , 986reads )
泰国酿酒增购星狮股权 增至29%近全面收购关键水平(z) shaokunlun   (2750 bytes , 248reads )
股东支持售股前提问 没了亚太酿酒 星狮展望如何? shaokunlun   (3218 bytes , 276reads )
收购价增至每股53元 星狮董事会接受喜力最终献议(z) shaokunlun   (3021 bytes , 216reads )
分析师评泰富商竞购亚太酿酒: 四两拨千斤 进退满盘赢 shaokunlun   (3464 bytes , 274reads )
为什么急着嫁“女儿”? shaokunlun   (5282 bytes , 481reads )
星狮收购案 好戏在后头 shaokunlun   (5452 bytes , 611reads )
51亿元收购亚太酿酒厂股权 喜力献议 获星狮接受(zaobao) shaokunlun   (2112 bytes , 239reads )
这事肯定没完 - 犀牛,大象,麒麟 争 老虎? shaokunlun   (83 bytes , 216reads )
果然没完,好戏还在后头-Kindest Place出价每股55元竞购亚太酿酒厂股权 shaokunlun   (866 bytes , 237reads )
失去‘虎儿’后 星狮恐难逃被瓜分 shaokunlun   (5960 bytes , 273reads )
F&N APB停牌了!竞购亚太酿酒厂战情加剧 星狮集团要求喜力提高收购价 shaokunlun   (2079 bytes , 342reads )
泰国酿酒获准 可先买下22%星狮股权(zaobao) shaokunlun   (2308 bytes , 278reads )
F&N的股东使出 拖 字诀 shaokunlun   (639 bytes , 287reads )
这样泰国啤酒就分剩下她的房地产业务了 shaokunlun   (512 bytes , 232reads )
日本麒麟对她的软饮料和牛奶业务感兴趣 shaokunlun   (2162 bytes , 278reads )
F&N拆分总值达S$10/share shaokunlun   (1143 bytes , 280reads )
喜力:对亚太酿酒志在必得 shaokunlun   (3526 bytes , 268reads )
喜力总裁说话真逗 shaokunlun   (105 bytes , 303reads )
喜力总裁说话真逗 shaokunlun   (105 bytes , 222reads )